So I'm rather new to this game (kind of. I'm sticking to it this time), and have rolled a male Keph Tahtetso (cause the whole concept seemed cool to me). I'm running round Celest now and I've noticed that there's like only one other Kephera, who doesn't even have a description set (sorry if you're reading this =P ).
So, basically, the only Kephera flavour I have gotten so far is from seeing how the various Kephera NPCs look, talk, etc. And trying to follow tenets from the guild scrolls, being very monk like, giving, not wanting of oneself, passing any accomplishment as a sign to the strength of the Light, etc.
Anyways, I'd like some help adding to my Keph flavouring. Are there any oddities in how they speak? Do they have an accent? Do they describe things differently? What colours are they allowed to be? Are there any oddities in their appearance (besides a females thorax, antennae, compound eyes, etc)? What I have gotten so far:
Refer to the city (or groups, unsure) as "Hive".
Always call people in the same city/group "Brother/Sister".
... actually that's basically it. I'll throw in my description to show where I have gotten so far. Any criticism and advice is more than welcome.
Thanks for your time reading this

He is a compound-eyed kephera and he stands at just under six feet tall. Two antennae jut out from atop of his head, ending in black tips, much like the mandibles that click gently. His large, almond shaped composite eyes give off a slight red hue from what available light reflects off of the many inky black facets. His sandy brown carapace has a lithe look to it, despite the large chitinous plates protecting his forearms, hands, shoulders and chest. The brown of his exoskeleton is unblemished save for the dark black swirls of his monk tattoos, decorating his entire body.
p.s. How the hell do I use "quotes" or "code" in the forum toolbar? Every time I click on them they never work, and I've seen other people using them so I know its not just me =\
You will have little-no sense of privacy or secrecy and will happily sacrifice yourself for the good of the whole. You were made to be a nameless, faceless soldier, neither proud nor humble. It is just what you do. You will not be inclined to ask questions.
Kephera are a strongly matriarchal society. You will automatically view women as more important than yourself. Men in leadership roles may seem baffling to you - you will be most comfortable taking orders from women. You will be most attracted to women with large butts, preferably glowing ones.
Politically, your will see everyone who is not directly helping you as an enemy. Your inclination will always be to attack a threat before it has a chance to do you any harm.
The aesthetic is ancient-Egyptian, so there's a lot of black, white, gold, bronze/brown.
I'm not sure that you would automatically think of your org as a hive - the hive is closely linked to the racial identity. You may find yourself structuring your world view around the hive structure though - for example seeing your CL as the Queen, with everyone else being subservient attendants/drones/workers.
Calling people brother/sister is a monk thing, not a kephera thing. Kepheran males do not have sisters. The only females in their society are Queens.
Vive l'apostrophe!
Vive l'apostrophe!
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
But thanks, that's a treasure of information. The aesthetic meaning the colour of their exoskeleton as well?
Vive l'apostrophe!
Are you sure? A bunch of the Keph NPCs in Celest are brown/tan? And I swore I saw a red one in the Undervaults.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Vive l'apostrophe!
You'd be better off looking at the Kings / princes / workers / warriors.
And thanks. I'll give that a go next Im in the undervault (if you see me just standing there and not running away, please show me mercy =P )
Azus has made a complete return, and has retaken the seat of Khan in the Shofangi. She regards New Celest with the same affection as she regards the Serenwilde, and will happily discuss her people with either of those two nations. Allegiance notwithstanding, she considers it her duty to discuss kepheran culture with any kephera. Except the dirty Taint ones.