[This was a private conversation with Her, but She gave me permission to share if I wished. Too cool a convo not to share so here you go! ]
Yesterday, I was out hunting with my hubby and a lil Penitent when I see the following:
***************************************START LOG********************************************
A spasm courses down your spine as you feel the touch of Drocilla's displeasure.
You blink.
You say, "Um."
(Death March): You say, "The Lady is displeased. Why."
(Death March): You say, "Did you feel that?"
(Death March): Daevos says, "Didn't see."
You say, "Love, take me to Her fulcrux please."
(Cube FTW, that's why I didn't just run like hell lol)
You follow Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight to The Fulcrux of Drocilla.
The Fulcrux of Drocilla.
The corrosiveness of the taint sickens the land. A large, circular portal of molten gold swells in smooth waves that ripple out from its centre. In the far wall of the alcove rests an immense dais of pure black marble, upon which rests a roiling, undulating portal into effulgent emptiness. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Sea'iqa, the midnight wyvern is here, crooning softly. Smoke curling from her nostrils, a dark grey nightmare paws impatiently at the grey fog roiling beneath her hooves. Drocilla, the Enchantress dominates Her surroundings with regal poise, impossibly radiant and beautiful. Penitent Erythrykos is here. Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight is riding on a dark grey nightmare. He wields a solid platinum bardiche ornamented with spikes with both hands. He is bearing a standard with the Feyranti crest.
You see a single exit leading through a mysterious portal.
Daevos bows respectfully to Drocilla.
You have emoted: Zalana stares for a moment blankly before falling to one knee in a clash of metal.
Respectfully, you say, "My Lady, why are You displeased?"
Coldly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Perhaps I am displeased, Zalana, for you do not pay attention when I summon you."
(Just a note .. I spaz-read the entire log from waking up till the pissed off poke from Her. Twice. Yeah I'm that hard-headed. And I found nothing. Only thing I can think of is a blackout even blocks Divine pokes. Skeery thought if so. So I say it again
@Drocilla. I'm sorry!! Think I'm gonna avoid black-out mobs for a bit lol. The thought of missing another poke from You is a whole lotta nuh uh! )
You blink.
In a surprised voice, you say, "Oh, my Lady forgive me. I did not see it with all the fighting we were doing. My deepest apologies."
Drocilla, the Enchantress inclines Her head curtly towards Daevos and sweeps Her eyes briefly over Erythrykos.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I trust you will, next time."
You nod solemnly.
Dismissively, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "We will speak alone, gentlemen."
You say, "I shall watch for Your will closely my Lady."
Erythrykos leaves, following Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
Drocilla, the Enchantress relaxes visibly as the men depart, Her eyes lingering on the portal thoughtfully.
Respectfully, you say to Drocilla, "What is Your will my Lady?"
Drocilla, the Enchantress sobers up and begins to pace slowly across the chamber, Her golden gown trailing behind on the tiled floor.
You have emoted: Zalana watches her Lady attentively.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "You have chosen to attend my fulcrux, reverently, and pile offerings upon my shrine."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Turning to face you, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Why?"
Thoughtfully, you say, "I have read some small notes in the histories of You Lady, though of course the weak ones have managed to bury most of the information. I have always been curious of You, for You have been portrayed as being strong, fearless, yet still a Lady. You are an artist, of which I have always felt myself to be, notwithstanding my skills as a warrior."
With a faint smile, you say, "And then I was blessed to see Your most spectacular reappearance. How could I not offer to One I have always held an interest in, One who has always called me?"
Drocilla, the Enchantress's lips curve into a smile as She accepts the explanation with a brief nod.
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "A warrior and an artist? Are most viscanti so?"
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
You say, "Usually, those of the more scholarly casts are more inclined to arts. The warriors, their artistry tends to be focused on weapons and armour."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
You say, "I am a bit more ecclectic. I create designs in almost every field."
Thoughtfully, you say, "My family however is more inclined to be artists. I have always encouraged that."
Slowly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I see."
Drocilla, the Enchantress crosses the room in a slow stride to stand right in front of you, towering over you by almost a head.
You have emoted: Zalana looks up at You attentively.
Drocilla, the Enchantress reaches out and cups your chin in Her fingers softly, examining your face pensively.
Her taloned finger stroking over your cheek, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "My, are you beautiful."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Thank You my Lady."
Drocilla, the Enchantress lets go of your face gently, smiles a thin smile and walks a few steps back.
Over Her shoulder, Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Are all viscanti made in your image?"
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
Drocilla, the Enchantress remains standing, hands behind Her back, as She adds, "Their features improved, polished, their restrains and morality cast aside?"
Slowly, you say, "No my Lady, we are a very varied race. So many different races went into making the perfection that is Viscanti that we do tend to look very different. However, we are a vain race. We prefer to have those that are .. subpar .. hide their faces."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
You say, "As to our morality, and restraints, they are always dependent upon Those whom we serve."
You say, "However, we do believe one thing as a standard."
You say, "What strengthens the Engine and our Patrons is right."
You say, "Everything else is wrong."
You shrug helplessly.
Drocilla, the Enchantress half turns to regard you once more, amusement glittering in Her lavender eyes.
Musingly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "It is almost poetic justice for the shards of the Divine who opposed Our plans to now be perfected by a touch of Kethuru, against Their will, so many years later."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
The air wavers as Drocilla leans Her head back and laughs openly, the sweet sound vibrating in your ears.
Sobering up, emotion drained from Her lilting voice, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I have called you here because I wished to meet the women of Magnagora first. See what they are made of."
You have emoted: Zalana grins slightly, bowing her head towards You.
You say, "I am typical in some ways. Strong enough to do what is needed. Stubborn enough to finish what I must."
You say, "There are a few ..unfortunate ones."
Drocilla, the Enchantress taps one metallic talon against the other as She considers.
Drocilla, the Enchantress gestures vaguely in the air, dismissing the topic.
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Do you too serve My Brother?"
You shake your head.
You say, "I did once my Lady, I will not disguise that."
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "But you have cease to, why? What do you seek now?"
You say, "I left His service years ago."
You say, "What do I seek now?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "To serve You. Even if You never allow me to come closer to You. Even if never allowed to join Your order when you make it, I will serve."
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "It is what I feel is necessary."
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "An Order then? Peculiar thought. Is it a formality all Divine engage in?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "Yes my Lady. It gathers those together who serve a Divine with particular fervor. It allows for those blessed mortals to learn more of their Divine, to spread Their will."
Drocilla, the Enchantress inhales deeply and lets Her gaze travel to the mural looming over the chamber.
(I had to take a peek at Her. I mean really .. the Enchantress? She's gotta be something.

Don't zap me
@Drocilla, that's a compliment, I promise!! )
She is a radiant immortal and is breathtaking to behold, radiating a painfully sublime and gentle beauty that inexplicably drains the vibrancy and colour from all else in the room. Her almond-shaped lavender eyes seem to shimmer with an eerie effulgence, deceptively captivating and seeming to draw the onlooker with their mystical allure. Her tawny skin is creamy and flawless; the visage of utter beauty, elegance and perfection. Her figure is poised in regal posture, owing to Her dominating presence that exudes raw confidence in Her every subtle movement. Her high cheek-bones are touched by the shade of a rose, extending down to a soft, yet firm jawline. Her lips, moist and scarlet red, are generously full; sweet and tempting. Her silken hair cascades down in rivers of molten gold down to the small of Her back, sensuously wrapping Her curvaceous body in their silken threads. She is enveloped by an entrancing scent that drifts in Her wake like a cloak of perfumed silk. She is wearing an august gown of liquid, pale gold ribbons, a pair of rings on Her forefinger and thumb, each bearing a dangerous golden talon that extends past Her knuckles and a three-tiered, tainted pearl necklace.
Softly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "My Brothers have done so too?"
You nod solemnly.
You say, "Yes Lady."
You say, "My husband serves Lord Fain, has since I have known him."
You say, "The lady Lavinya serves Lord Morgfyre."
You say, "My husband's father serves Lord Raezon still."
Drocilla, the Enchantress looks down quickly at the mentioned name, Her lavender eyes bright with interest.
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Fain has a vast following then?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "He does my Lady. Many of the Engine follow Him still, even though He is currently occupied with something and does not speak with His followers at this time."
You say, "My grandson is of His order, as is our Mystagogue."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "I myself have fought for Him in the past, when His temple was under war from another Divine."
Drocilla, the Enchantress exhales quietly and looks away, deep in Her memories.
Drocilla, the Enchantress mouths the name "Fain" to Herself, a touch of longing and fondness in Her voice.
Drastically changing the subject, Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Is there anyone else you would like to bring to meet Me?"
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
You say, "I will check if he is awake, but yes Lady, if you would. There is a Priest of the Nihilists, Vhaedryn, who has shown much interest in You."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
You say, "Though I must admit."
You say, "I have been spreading word of You since You appeared."
You say, "Many have shown at least some interest."
You say, "Even some of Glomdoring have asked of You."
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
Arching a sculpted eyebrow, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Truly? The little witch Viravain has permitted them to speak?"
You hide a grin behind your hand.
You say, "She has to share the power over the forest now my Lady."
Drocilla, the Enchantress sneers a little unlady like.
You say, "There are three Divine that are Patrons there, and at least one is extremely active from what I have heard."
Icily, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I have heard a little of how much She has changed since I have last seen Her, but none truly change. She is surely as manipulative as She has always been."
Wryly, you say, "Well that I cannot argue my Lady."
You say, "And there is one other I would like to have meet You. My daughter, Zearia. She serves Lord Morgfyre at this moment but she has always been there as a necessity for the Guard, more than of any true love for Him."
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "If there are any then, I would see them. But I do not wish to foray into Magnagora itself for so many to fawn over My immeasurable beauty yet. Not till My Brother and I resolve..."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You nod your head at Drocilla.
Drocilla, the Enchantress makes a vague gesture at the height of Her shoulders and never finishes the sentence.
You say, "As You command Lady. I will gather those in I can for You."
You tell Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper, "To the Lady's fulcrux now if you wish to meet Her."
You tell Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe, "To the Lady's fulcrux now if you wish to meet her."
You have emoted: Zalana nods solemnly.
Zearia tells you, "The teleport is me."
You say, "Lady, I have told them both to arrive here."
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with motes of bright light.
You sense Zearia pulling on the strands of aether surrounding you.
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly solidifies as Zearia comes into view.
Zearia bows respectfully to Drocilla.
Respectfully, you say to Drocilla, "This is my daughter Lady."
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with motes of bright light.
You sense Vhaedryn pulling on the strands of aether surrounding you.
Among the sparkling motes of light, a translucent figure appears in the air and then quickly solidifies as Vhaedryn comes into view.
Drocilla, the Enchantress acknowledges Zearia and Vhaedryn with a curve of Her lips.
With a flourish of his arm, Vhaedryn bows deeply.
You flash Vhaedryn a joyous smile.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Greetings."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "And hail my Lady Enchantress."
Her voice a lilting melody, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "My darling Zalana here has told me of each of you, and of your interest in being favoured with My presence."
(Here I enter fullbore flail mode. Her darling? Fangurl SQUEAL lol)
You have emoted: Zalana straightens up slightly, a smile beaming from her face.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "That was to be a secret, lady Dragon."
Turning to look to Vhaedryn, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "You, Priest, have prayed to Me. I welcome and acknowledge your words."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper bows low, averting his gaze.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says to Zearia, "And you, sweet viscanti, are the very picture of your Mother. I am pleased."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says to you, "You bring naught but other viscanti before Me. Is Magnagora as full of them as I hope?"
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
You say, "I would say at least half of the city is Viscanti my Lady."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Your attire is lovely, Enchantress. I especially admire your choker. it is breathtaking to behold."
Drocilla, the Enchantress crosses the chamber in a few quick steps, the golden gown trailing behind Her on the tiled floor.
You say, "We have a few Orchlach, as well as some Aslaran. A few other lesser species."
Drocilla, the Enchantress casts you a warning glower and then grips Vhaedryn by the throat and effortlessly lifts him slowly off the ground and close to Her face.
Zearia bows respectfully to Drocilla.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper blinks and widens his eyes, gagging pathetically.
You have emoted: Zalana watches her Lady respectfully, staying on one knee.
Drawling, Her voice dangerously low, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "You, will not, speak of my choker."
Drocilla, the Enchantress narrows Her eyes as She inspects Vhaedryn's face, Her taloned fingers pressing against his throat.
Drocilla, the Enchantress casts Vhaedryn painfully to the ground a few feet away from Her.
Barely breathing out the words, Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Yes... Enchantress."
Drocilla, the Enchantress inhales deeply and steadies Herself before She turns to face you again.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Orclach please Me, they are no doubt as fierce as Orlachmar."
You say, "Yes Lady, the few that we have are stalwart defenders of the Engine's goals. Especially Marcella, of the Ur'Guard."
Nodding, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I am pleased to hear that so many are viscanti as well, truly it is the most remarkable of races. And the only one empowered in the image of the Twelve True Gods."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Drocilla, the Enchantress beckons for Vhaedryn to get to his feet.
Rubbing his throat, with a hoarse rasp, Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Faeling and shards of illith are also within."
You say to Vhaedryn, "As I said Priest, lesser species. They serve, I suppose that at least makes them useful."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper stands slowly.
A frown marring Her immaculate forehead, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "The shards of Illith are of an interest to Me, they are what should never be possible and so I would certainly like to.. ah, study one sometime."
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Have you any in Magnagora that would be worth summoning sometime?"
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Hmm."
You say, "If they would survive Your study my Lady, there is one."
You smile and say, "He wishes to marry a daughter of mine, so I would like to keep him around if possible."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "I shall look for a suitable specimen."
You say, "If not, then yes, we shall find You one. Or two."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Inspecting a talon, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I will be... delicate."
Drocilla flashes a charming smile that never touches Her eyes.
You hide a grin behind your hand.
You say, "Then I will have the young one brought to You at Your convenience when he wakes."
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Very well. Zearia and Vhaedryn, do you two also seek to serve Me in My Order?"
Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe says, "I do, Enchantress."
Vhaedryn blinks.
You flash Zearia a joyous smile.
Zearia removes a midnight dragon greathelm.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "I... hmm. He has been gone..."
You remove an iron maiden greathelm.
Vhaedryn creases his brow in a frown.
Quietly, you say, "Forgive my rudeness in not removing that immediately my Lady."
Drocilla nods Her head at you.
Drocilla nods Her head at Zearia.
Drocilla, the Enchantress arches a sculpted eyebrow and measures Vhaedryn up curiously.
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Whom do you serve presently?"
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Fain of the Red Masque."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "I admit i have not been His most devout..."
Pleased smile on Her red lips, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Then you will be Mine."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "I... yes my Lady."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper lowers his head.
You whisper to Vhaedryn, "You do not argue with any lady, especially not Her."
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Anyone who would leave Fain for Me will find Me... interested in the prospect."
You purse your lips, deep in thought.
Drocilla, the Enchantress's eyes glaze over as She drifts off in memories.
You say to Drocilla, "I may know another that has shown much interest, but I do not know if he would leave the Red Masque. He has been His for a long time. But I will tell him of Your words, and see if he is truly wishing to serve You as I think."
Drill Sergeant Zearia Feyranti, Legion's Axe says to you, "Do you mean father, mother?"
Zearia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "It is done. i am yours."
You shake your head at Zearia.
Zearia ponders the situation.
Matter of factly, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Yes, of course you are."
You say to Zearia, "Your father is loyal to a fault. He will never leave Lord Fain's service."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
(And we get invaded, rawr!!)
The surface of the pool bubbles, spilling Marcella upon the floor, coughing and shuddering as she inhales a desperate lungful of air.
You raise an eyebrow questioningly.
Arix doffs the hood of dazzling pink and fuchsia great robes cordially.
Marcella snaps to attention zealously at the sight of Drocilla, her posture an example of perfect military discipline.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says to you, "Is this the Marcella you spoke so highly of?"
You nod your head at Drocilla.
You say, "Yes it is my Lady."
You flash Marcella a joyous smile.
You say, "She is a shining example of an Orchlach."
Drocilla, the Enchantress turns Her attention to Marcella and inclines Her head ever so slightly.
Marcella stands straight with taut shoulders, a paragon for all to admire.
Indulgent Arix says, "Oh, you're all busy, sorry for bursting in."
(Didn't see the exit line but Arix was nice and scooted on out. Thanks
@Arix! Preciate the courtesy a ton)
Zearia gives Marcella a respectful salute.
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks Marcella, "What brings the Queen's Own to Me?"
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "I am not the Queen's Own at this time, Lady Enchantress. I am an ur'Marshal of the ur'Guard."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Marcella.
You say to Drocilla, "She served for many years my Lady, but recently passed the helm to a younger member of the Guard."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "But as for your question, I had actually been seeking to view Your fulcrux and did not realise that You would be here. It is a pleasant surprise."
Marcella's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "No? The Celestians have painted the Ur'Guard's Queen's Own as orclach, perhaps they are poorly informed."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "Pardon, but i must take my leave for a short time."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
Drocilla dismisses Vhaedryn with a wave of Her hand.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "They likely are. ur'Marshal Ilthilior, as far as I can tell, is no orclach."
With a flourish of his arm, Vhaedryn bows deeply.
You laughingly say, "That would not be surprising my Lady. They are .. phenomenally misinformed most of the time."
Vhaedryn searches the air in front of him, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
Vhaedryn turns translucent and then vanishes, leaving behind a cloud of sparkling motes of light.
Sighing over dramatically, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Oh, yes, indeed they are."
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says to you, "Whom were you speaking of then if not Daevos?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
You say, "My grandson my Lady. Thoros."
A touch of interest to Her voice, Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "Does he stand high in Fain's regard?"
You nod solemnly.
You say, "Yes my Lady."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Thoros is one of the few who still serves the absent Lord with all of his being."
You say, "He is strong enough in His regard he was able to agree to the Order war recently."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "That of course, we decimated our foes. Many in the city came to fight for Fain's order, even those not of His Order."
Drocilla, the Enchantress narrows Her lavender eyes, a wicked smile to Her lips as She murmurs, "Then he, too, should be Mine".
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
(Sent a message to
@Thoros warning him I'd dun gone and got the man in trouble. Oh well, RP fun FTW

Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "The only other professing followers of Fain that I can recall off the top of my head are Delphas and Daevos. Ilthilior too, but only recently."
You say, "As You will Lady, I will see that it is done."
Amused, Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Good luck convincing Delphas to follow anything other than the Masque."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Her eyes glittering with amusement, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I would hope it will be harder than My Celestian playthings."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
You say, "Oh yes my Lady. We are a bit tougher than the fish are."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Yes, I was surprised to read of how easily their decisions and beliefs wavered when challenged by one they trusted."
A wry smile spreads across your face.
A wry smile spreads across Zearia's face.
You laughingly say to Marcella, "They are fish, How smart can they really be?"
Dismissively, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Yes, as easy as bribing Crumkane with a cupcake."
Zearia nods her head emphatically.
You snicker softly to yourself.
Zearia chuckles long and heartily.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "I would not be so quick to dismiss the aptitude of our foes. Overconfidence brings defeat. After all, the invention of the vernal gods was originally a merian working."
Marcella creases her brow in a frown.
You frown and say, "I do not underestimate them. They are skilled. But not bright, not anymore. They have degenerated a lot over the centuries. They were much better when I was young."
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "You speak wise, Ur'Marshal, it was even Fain who was tricked by the whore Lisaera. And He had no equals in His field, or so He thought."
Drocilla, the Enchantress sneers a little unlady like.
You nod solemnly to Drocilla.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Aye."
Zearia nods her head at Drocilla.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "I can bear no respect for the Gods who fled into the Void and left the First World to the predations of the Soulless Gods, abandoning the shards of Their comrades who bled and died to protect Lusternia out of concern for Their own wretched hides. Among the only ones who have any excuse are the Traitors who were cast out by force for daring to fight with everything they had available."
Marcella furrows her brow in thought.
You say, "The so-called Traitors."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "And they come crawling back, after mortality managed to save itself through the Vernal workings, expecting worship."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "And essence."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "And to reclaim the inheritance they forfeited when they left it to die."
A harsh note to Her voice, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Be careful whom you call a Traitor, Ur'Marshal. That is Their foul name for the only Twelve who forsake all to save the First World."
You nod your head at Drocilla.
Marcella nods solemnly.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "It is easiest to call things by the name that everyone gives them. In my understanding, that is practically a badge of honor."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
A wry smile spreads across Drocilla's face.
You say, "True. In a way my Lady, You were traitors. Traitors to weakness, to failing, to surrendering. You fought, You did what was necessary. If looked at from that respect, to be a Traitor is to be proven the only ones that fought for the salvation of the world."
Drocilla, the Enchantress gestures vaguely at the mural looming above in assent.
You say, "And that proves that You, and the others of the Twelve, are the only ones worthy of being worshiped."
Drocilla, the Enchantress asks, "There is still much I have to study about what occured during My absence. My Brothers have returned long before Me and have had time to become acquainted with Magnagora in ways I have yet not. I trust the Magnagoran Library is well maintained?"
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Kalnid keeps it well, yes."
You say, "Our Librarian is very dedicated to his task my Lady."
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "I have met him before, quite the inquisitive one."
You nod your head at Drocilla.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "If You have questions about the Vernal Gods, I consider myself somewhat of an expert."
Amused, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "He desired a piece of My shrine to study."
You say, "Everything is fodder for his library."
You chuckle long and heartily.
You say, "Yes, that does sound like him."
Zearia flashes you a joyous smile.
Drocilla nods Her head at Marcella.
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Very well then, I will consider your words."
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "You may go unless you have questions? I will assent to one."
Marcella nods her head emphatically.
Drocilla, the Enchantress sweeps Her gaze across those gathered expectantly.
You shake your head.
You say, "No my Lady. I will watch closely for Your will, and speak to my grandson about Your service as You wished."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Would You be intrigued to learn that the worksmanship of a Vernal God equaled that of Clangorum's?"
Enumerating, Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "The shards have somehow found a way to fan their spark to divinity and fight the Soulless, further there is a future that would have been but never will be, and Illith has splintered."
Drocilla, the Enchantress says, "Little surprise Me at this point."
You hide a grin behind your hand.
Marcella's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "I see."
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli says, "Then unless there is anything I can do for You?"
Drocilla, the Enchantress walks a few feet away, casts one last look over Her shoulder and adds amused as She departs, "Always will be, Ur'Marshal".
A dark and seductive voice murmurs in your ear enticingly as Drocilla dissipates into a rich purple mist, leaving in Her wake a sense of unrestrained longing.
You shiver violently.
You give the master shrine of Drocilla a respectful salute.
(Exiting the fulcrux. And really, the enter/exit thingies are way awesome. Make me grin every time! )
As you reach out to touch the surface of the portal, a figure emerges from within its depths, grinning menacingly and taking you into its aqueous embrace. You find yourself submerged in the golden depths of the portal as panic grips your mind. The fear of drowning overwhelms you as your lungs burn for that sweet taste of air while dulcet laughter rings around you. Consciousness begins to fade and you hear a single, mellifluous voice murmur "Breathe." As you succumb to your fate, you breathe in deeply of the liquid gold and suddenly find yourself violently thrust out of the portal to the other side, hacking and gasping for air.
The surface of the portal ripples as a figure encased within liquid gold emerges. As the gold recedes back into the portal, the form of Marcella is revealed, her eyes shining in utter rapture.
Ur'Marshal Marcella n'Lochli murmurs, "Quite a bit of care indeed."
Marcella leaves to the east, emanating an aura of immense power.
Drocilla, the Enchantress has bestowed Her divine highfavour upon you. It will last for 3 months.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
Mysrai strokes the decapitated head of Persayis tenderly.
Mysrai Thrice-Crowned intones, "DZA NA III."
You say, "Dzaa."
You nod your head emphatically.
Mysrai nods solemnly.
Mysrai gives you a peck on the cheek.
Reality solidifies, mending itself into a single paradigm as Mysrai departs.