This is the log file I have of the whole Drocilla (yay) reveal. Anyone has something I missed, please post it, I really want bad hehe.
A surge of aquamarine light explodes from Aquagoria, revealing Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves.
The divine voice of Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean reverberates powerfully, "No! Get away from Her!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves reverberates powerfully, "Who are you! Why do you bear My name?"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean reverberates powerfully, "Your name? You are the impostor!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves reverberates powerfully, "I am, more or less, as I have always been, and yet there is another? Show yourself!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean reverberates powerfully, "I have warned you of the dangers of meddling here, mortals. Behold what you have wrought!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves reverberates powerfully, "Though I no longer bear the star-shape in which I was made, I am quite sure that I am Myself. What do you have of Mine to claim My persona?"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean reverberates powerfully, "Your excuses for lacking a star-shape are worthless, all can see you for who you are, an impostor!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves reverberates powerfully, "You have it! All these centuries, and you took my pearl!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean reverberates powerfully, "MY pearl you mean?"
Droplets of water coalesce in the air, a tiny golden seed glowing within each, as Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves focuses Her energies.
Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean snatches Her palm closed, watching the other Carakhan warily.
The divine voice of Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves reverberates powerfully, "You cannot hold it from Me!"
The divine voice of Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves reverberates powerfully, "I made it of Myself, and it will return to Me!"
Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean narrows Her gaze as a snarl curls Her lips, trembling with outrage.
The divine voice of Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean reverberates powerfully, "Enough of this!"
With a look of utter disgust, Carakhan, Pearl of the Ocean violently tosses the Golden Pearl aside. In that moment, She lets out a dark chuckle as Her form suddenly ripples, Her features melting and reforming into Someone else entirely.
Her body still shifting upon billowing winds, the visage of utter perfection floats in a fiery halo of golden tresses.
At a wave of Her hand, a tear in reality rips through the sky at Her side and just like that She is gone, the scent of musk and spice lingering insistently upon the air.
The sky above New Celest shimmers as a golden portal splits the firmament, revealing naught but gaping darkness beyond the opening.
The portal widens as Drocilla, the Enchantress descends unhurriedly upon the city of New Celest, Her entire form shifting and blurring, transforming smoothly into Her new visage of utter perfection.
Drocilla, the Enchantress' voice rings across the firmament, "You have proven yourself an inferior, unruly instrument, New Celest, a poor imitation of the ruthless and razor-sharp Empire that once was. I am disappointed."
A stream of crackling blue fire sizzles across the sky.
Munsia has been seared to death by the divine flame of Raezon, the Forbidden.
(Magnagora): Raezon says, "Show respect to one that has survived what you cannot imagine."
Her transformation complete, Drocilla closes Her eyes, extends Her arms and leans Her head back slowly, long strands of burnished gold floating about Her head in slow motion, as if floating in emptiness.
The very air above New Celest trembles and the Star of Celest flickers as the air about it shifts fluidly.
Lord Brona Feyranti, Prophet of Nil shouts, "Children of the Basin, beware! The coming of Lady Drocilla is now!"
A spine-tingling shriek shatters the silence of the First World as Drocilla parts Her lips, sending the very firmament shuddering in its wake.
The unearthly wail continues, transforming slowly into a haunting otherworldly performance of interweaving harmonious and dissonant melodies.
A dissonant tone shrieks throughout the fabric of reality as Doman succumbs to the bittersweet melody of Drocilla, the Enchantress.
Water swirls up from the Pool of Stars, slowly trickling into a sphere that floats just above the rooftops of New Celest.
The unearthly song crescendos as the floating Drocilla opens Hers eyes and gazes down upon New Celest, sending a myriad of windows breaking with a thundering clamour.
Squire Preston, of the Armies of Light shouts, "YOU'RE A DAMN VAMPIRE!!!"
A dissonant tone shrieks throughout the fabric of reality as Aeral succumbs to the bittersweet melody of Drocilla, the Enchantress.
A dissonant tone shrieks throughout the fabric of reality as Doman succumbs to the bittersweet melody of Drocilla, the Enchantress.
As abruptly as it began, so does the song cease and silence falls in its wake while Drocilla gazes on.
The air trembles with anticipation but the realm remains quiet and Drocilla floats away from New Celest and out of sight.
Darkness envelops your sight as you feel a powerful presence trace itself along the edges of your mind, softly like a caress. A soft, sickly sweet scent tickles at your nose and you feel the presence withdraw abruptly.
You shiver violently.
You say, "Oh."
Vhaedryn ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Penitent Kalnid says to you, "I was not alone in feeling that, then?"
You shake your head at Kalnid.
You say, "Oh hell, that was nice."
You say to Brona, "Did you feel the touch Father?"
Lord Brona Feyranti, Prophet of Nil says, "Indeed I did, daughter."
Priest Vhaedryn d'Vanecu, the Black Keeper says, "We believe She may have touched our minds."
You shiver violently.
You say, "Yes, I think it was Her."
Synkarin says, "Lady Drocilla isn't hanging around is She?"
You say to Synkarin, "I think She might."
Persayis's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
Synkarin says, "Somewhere in the City?"
Persayis Damascene, the Bittersweet says, "They would be there, I'd think."
(Magnagora): Raezon says, "Welcome Drocilla, Magnagora, and praise Her triumphant return from the Void."
Lord Brona Feyranti, Prophet of Nil says, "There are always lulls, but I like to think of this as merely the calm before the storm. There is change in the air."
(Magnagora): Brona says, "Welcome, Lady Drocilla. I am sure the Lords and Lady of Nil are rejoicing to have You returned to the Basin and to us."
(Magnagora): Brona says, "Praise be to the Pantheon of the Engine. May we all learn what You have to teach and follow Your wisdom in bringing continued victory to all who are strong enough to take it!"

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
I approve.