Hi, all you lovely people of Lusternia!
For those of you who don't know me, that's because I'm rather new... at least to this game. I'm very familiar with the world of IREs, though, or at least two of them, and I have to say that I'm very impressed with this world. I definitely don't plan to disappear anytime soon! After all the amazingness that I've experienced here, though, there is ONE thing that has bothered me: the lack of a command to target says in an emote. That is, turning it blue (or whatever color you have says set on). As someone who focuses mainly on RP rather than PvP or what-have-you, this mechanic has been very important to me, as I tend to write the famous 'Walls of Text', which become a bit dizzying when all you see is a white block that pops up over your screen.
Now, in my experiences in both Aetolia and Midkemia, I've been introduced to two different ways of improving this (if, of course, it's something many of the players here want as well and want to back me up on). In Aetolia, the system automatically captures the quotation marks and turns "Blah blah blah" into a say, regardless of who or what is saying it. This, in my opinion, was one of the BEST feature I've seen of using says in emotes. And, in Midkemia, you could surround what you wanted to say in an emote with %%Blah blah blah%% and it would capture it and turn it to "Blah blah blah" in your emote, but as the say command.
Whatever is chosen to do to enhance this, I feel it would improve the game by ten fold. The reason I feel this should be improved is for many different reasons, mainly because, as I mentioned above, I'm mainly an RPer, and sending huge walls of text of all white can be a bit intimidating, even for me. Main reason, right there. Secondary reason is... well, sometimes I miss emotes, and if a say command is put into the game, chat will catch it, so I'll never miss it after all the forest busy flavor text.
I understand if all of the wonderful admin are busy with more important things. I just feel (and hope) that this is a change that will better the experience for all the role players here. I know it would mine.
We've tried, they won't do it. The admin here work pretty hard, and Estarra gives us a lot of shiny things, but it's rare that we'll get something which they call "fluff", something added to the game which has no real use beyond RP. We're still trying to get the designs for windchimes, mirrors, and tinderboxes possible among other things, much less a complicated emote addition.
I wasn't aware if others had asked or not, @Shaddus. Just as someone new to this game, it's one thing that I've noticed, and it really stuck out. Just throwing ideas out, as I didn't really search every last thread to every last post to see if this had been mentiond or not.
And I wasn't saying 'copy the base codes of these games', @Parua. :P I was just stating what I personally have experienced and what I enjoyed more over the other. Just putting a bit of foundation to my point, tis all! I do agree that Lusternia, if this was implemented at some point, would need to put their own system to it.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
I'll be sure to do that from now on, @Elanorwen! Sorry for the spam/unneeded thread!
However. I do not see anything wrong with asking for something again. Why disincentivize people from offering ideas, when doing so might actually help? I also cannot count how many times ideas have been tossed onto the forums for years and years until finally one post caught Admin (or Envoy) attention and it made it into the game. This is not really like a tech support board where many threads on the same topic will get in the way of people looking for help.
Posting it as a new topic when the old one is dead helps bring attention and discussion back to it, and in this specific environment at least, that is an excellent thing.
I suppose I could have just brought the old thread back to life with my initial post instead of offering up a whole new thread to pay attention to, @Xenthos. I agree with your point, though, and why I had decided to make a new thread. I didn't even really realize that there WAS an old thread, but I would have if I did enough digging around, I suppose (or just used the search bar as suggested). If the playerbase would rather me state my input on an already existing thread to reduce the amount of threads on a same subject, though, I completely understand.
No harm done!
I actually believe that Elanorwen is the first person to make this post on any of Lusternia's forums, in its many year history. There have occasionally been "this topic is an active discussion just two threads down," but we've just not had this stance of telling people off for offering suggestions to improve the game.
I personally like seeing ideas posted, even if I have seen them many times over the years. There have been so many ideas offered that there is no way to remember them all / keep them in mind. Reminders like this help bring it back to the fore.
I wish I could think and type fast enough to produce big ol' emotes with says in them (or vice versa). Usually I worry they won't come out quite right so I tend to keep things simple.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
You revive an old one, people complain about necroposting.
So has it been on forums since time immemorial. I wouldn't worry about it. :P
I also support this idea.
You shock a platinum-coloured geomycus with tales of terror bestowed on villages who don't follow Magnagora.
A platinum-coloured geomycus slaps her knee and declares that, by the gods, Ptoma Hive should follow the Grand Empire of Magnagora after all!
Shouts rise up from Ptoma Hive, as its denizens loudly pledge themselves to the Grand Empire of Magnagora.
I suppose I'll add on to my original point with this quote. I understand that Estarra and company are busy with other things, which I mentioned in my original post. By all means, continue on with the shinies that they're all working on right now. As an RPG, though, a lot of us are going to want to do some serious, in-depth role-play. I understand completely that there are so many more aspects to the IRE games than just RPing with someone, but I just ask that the large group of us who DO aren't neglected either. Even if it takes another year to be implemented, that's perfectly fine with me. As long as the desire of the playerbase is recognized, and a solution is being sought out in the near or distant future.
And all this makes me sort of frown when I read:
Because RP IS important. Where would all of characters be without their backgrounds, without the building of friendship that they've made during your time of playing them, the enemies they've made in various wars, the cities each character has been to... I mean this list goes on and on. And everything that our characters ARE comes from what we've done with them, which in itself, is a continuous flow of RP. In my mind, it's the foundation of games like this, as it's what builds our characters.
I just would certainly hope that the admins don't consider such things like 'emoting', which enhances the RP of our characters, as just 'fluff' mechanics...
Like I've been attempting to say as much as how much I'd love this idea to be implemented, I do understand that the admins are focused on other things right now. I do understand that something like a combat overhaul is going to take up their time for a good long while. As someone new to this IRE, I was just hoping to bring up an idea to something I saw was missing, and this something, from what I can see, has been asked for for quite some time now - long before I decided to join and play.
The point of this thread wasn't to draw the admin's attention to demand that they drop everything that they're doing NOW to put something like this in the game. Combat overhaul is a huge thing, and by all means, I wish all of them luck with all that they have to do to work on it! It's no simple task! The point of this thread was to draw attention that 'Hey, the players of our game really seem to want this. When we get a chance, maybe we really should put something like this into Lusternia'. And judging by most of people's reactions, I hope that gets through to maybe prioritize it AFTER the combat overhaul at some point.
This should happen. Lusternia has such fantastic lore and conflict mechanics, but its emote system is sorely lacking, which is a huge turn-off to a hardcore RPer like me. And I can't be the only one.
To those who might call such a change 'fluff,' this is a text-based RPG. One of the most obvious reasons to play such a game instead of a graphical MMO is, to me, in-depth RP.
I'm from another IRE as well, and Lusternia's game setting/lore and the resulting richness of RP is the main thing it has going for it. I legitimately would not have stayed beyond a day if it weren't for the RP here. PvP and combat are incredibly important, for sure. But in a game like this that caters for so many different tastes in play-style, I don't understand how the admin team can afford to neglect one large audience for the sake of the other.
tl;dr The RP here is the bomb and not providing as many tools as possible to support it is crazy.
Also I can't put enough YES here for coloured says in emotes. I will beg if I must!
Where we tend to be upset about necroing are argument threads / things that should have died, and are revived for no real purpose. That is frustrating. In this thread, do not worry about it!