if anyone is looking to sell these curios for gold, please drop me a PM. I really do not have anything to trade right now and likely will not till the end of the month.
Can't trade curio pieces directly for gold anymore. You have to have other curio pieces for trade.
I'm Lucidian. If I don't get pedantic every so often, I might explode.
if anyone is looking to sell these curios for gold, please drop me a PM. I really do not have anything to trade right now and likely will not till the end of the month.
Can't trade curio pieces directly for gold anymore. You have to have other curio pieces for trade.
okay that really sucks, what is the point of that?
The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."
if anyone is looking to sell these curios for gold, please drop me a PM. I really do not have anything to trade right now and likely will not till the end of the month.
Can't trade curio pieces directly for gold anymore. You have to have other curio pieces for trade.
okay that really sucks, what is the point of that?
It was to do with the Czigany coins you could get by rubbing... but since you can't get them by rubbing curios anymore, it would appear to be entirely pointless.
I'm Lucidian. If I don't get pedantic every so often, I might explode.
if anyone is looking to sell these curios for gold, please drop me a PM. I really do not have anything to trade right now and likely will not till the end of the month.
Can't trade curio pieces directly for gold anymore. You have to have other curio pieces for trade.
okay that really sucks, what is the point of that?
Once upon a time, you could turn lessons into curios, and then you could rub the curios to turn them into coins (now you can only turn lessons into curios but the process ends there).
This allowed you to roll up an alt, get a bunch of lessons, and then "transfer" them to another character by forgetting all of your skills and melting yourself down, then just transferring the curio bits for the other character to convert & spin.
There were also people who were contacting others who weren't even playing any more to convince them to do such a thing (which wouldn't be breaking HELP SECONDS) for them.
Once upon a time, you could turn lessons into curios, and then you could rub the curios to turn them into coins (now you can only turn lessons into curios but the process ends there).
This allowed you to roll up an alt, get a bunch of lessons, and then "transfer" them to another character by forgetting all of your skills and melting yourself down, then just transferring the curio bits for the other character to convert & spin.
There were also people who were contacting others who weren't even playing any more to convince them to do such a thing (which wouldn't be breaking HELP SECONDS) for them.
It was basically a mess.
I understand that but it is not like that anymore. this particular set is being forced to have to spend RL money on it or have other curious which I don't because I never much cared for the other sets so I never bothered to really get any. other worst, seems like the bit of money I could afford to get a cast is a waste of my money because I am never going to finish any of the sets because I cannot even buy them in game.
The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."
Once upon a time, you could turn lessons into curios, and then you could rub the curios to turn them into coins (now you can only turn lessons into curios but the process ends there).
This allowed you to roll up an alt, get a bunch of lessons, and then "transfer" them to another character by forgetting all of your skills and melting yourself down, then just transferring the curio bits for the other character to convert & spin.
There were also people who were contacting others who weren't even playing any more to convince them to do such a thing (which wouldn't be breaking HELP SECONDS) for them.
It was basically a mess.
I understand that but it is not like that anymore. this particular set is being forced to have to spend RL money on it or have other curious which I don't because I never much cared for the other sets so I never bothered to really get any. other worst, seems like the bit of money I could afford to get a cast is a waste of my money because I am never going to finish any of the sets because I cannot even buy them in game.
I'm not entirely sure what the second half of this paragraph (after the "other worst") means. If you're saying that you can't finish any of the sets even buying a smaller crate, you may be able to (with savvy trading) finish one if you only buy exactly 40 pieces. It will be tougher, sure, but still plausible.
To the first half, I'm relatively sure the entire point of this set is to earn a bit of extra Christmas-time revenue, hence its setup. It is somewhat frustrating (even to the people who can afford it!) to not be able to work for these things in-game too, believe me. There are probably also a lot of people who have spent more than they could really afford because this is a limited time offer that will never come back again.
Allowing the trading of pieces for gold again would be excellent, but I'm not sure it would help you out much in this case because these things can only be purchased with money and the people who purchase them are trying to complete sets. It'll be tough convincing them to lose the pieces- but even so, having the option would indeed be great.
I know trading genie curios is important to you right now, but please don't afk with your tells on while you have a timer advertising what you need. If you ask for a piece, and I send you a tell and it takes you more than fifteen minutes to respond, I'm going to rub it out of spite.
Love, me.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
To the first half, I'm relatively sure the entire point of this set is to earn a bit of extra Christmas-time revenue, hence its setup. It is somewhat frustrating (even to the people who can afford it!) to not be able to work for these things in-game too, believe me. There are probably also a lot of people who have spent more than they could really afford because this is a limited time offer that will never come back again.
Yeah. I've bought nine crates, by the way, and have only been able to finish four bottles total, and probably won't have very much time to be online/trade, let alone have more to spend on curios. I love these sorts of random item generators, though (gnomish stocking has always been one of my favourite things), so that is what itched my impulse and has now left me feeling vaguely mortified.
Don't feel bad if you can't spend money and won't. It's to put it towards much better reasons, I'm sure.
*Makes a bitter old vet post about how he did it before rares could be converted and made it easy*
On a serious note, grats to you and the others finishing their sets, I'll be keeping my pieces for a week after the promotion ends, then I'll rub my curios out once a week and post any new bottle pieces here. So if people find themselves lacking a couple of non rare pieces after they stop being sold, keep checking!
The divine voice
of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations,
Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
I've been naughty and spending more on curios again, so my list in the first post is a fair bit larger now. I also have an extra finished lavender, scarlet, and citrine bottle, and could trade one of those for a finished sapphire, ruby, or gold if desired.
I'll be doing a round of rubs after the weekend, and setup triggers for those who are looking for specific pieces and messaging you, so watch out for that!
The divine voice
of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations,
Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
You examine an eighth ruby bottle shard curio piece of the Ruby Bottle Curio Set carefully, before carefully touching it to a partial ruby bottle curio piece of the Ruby Bottle Curio Set. A brief flash of light reveals that the two pieces have joined together, finally completing a shimmering ruby bottle.
Aaaaand my collection is finished! I will be rubbing curios to see if I can finish more bottles still, but will probably take a break to ensure I still have pieces to trade with other people. Keep an eye on my first post for updates!
This allowed you to roll up an alt, get a bunch of lessons, and then "transfer" them to another character by forgetting all of your skills and melting yourself down, then just transferring the curio bits for the other character to convert & spin.
There were also people who were contacting others who weren't even playing any more to convince them to do such a thing (which wouldn't be breaking HELP SECONDS) for them.
It was basically a mess.
I understand that but it is not like that anymore. this particular set is being forced to have to spend RL money on it or have other curious which I don't because I never much cared for the other sets so I never bothered to really get any.
I'm not entirely sure what the second half of this paragraph (after the "other worst") means. If you're saying that you can't finish any of the sets even buying a smaller crate, you may be able to (with savvy trading) finish one if you only buy exactly 40 pieces. It will be tougher, sure, but still plausible.
To the first half, I'm relatively sure the entire point of this set is to earn a bit of extra Christmas-time revenue, hence its setup. It is somewhat frustrating (even to the people who can afford it!) to not be able to work for these things in-game too, believe me. There are probably also a lot of people who have spent more than they could really afford because this is a limited time offer that will never come back again.
Allowing the trading of pieces for gold again would be excellent, but I'm not sure it would help you out much in this case because these things can only be purchased with money and the people who purchase them are trying to complete sets. It'll be tough convincing them to lose the pieces- but even so, having the option would indeed be great.
I know trading genie curios is important to you right now, but please don't afk with your tells on while you have a timer advertising what you need. If you ask for a piece, and I send you a tell and it takes you more than fifteen minutes to respond, I'm going to rub it out of spite.
Love, me.
Don't feel bad if you can't spend money and won't. It's to put it towards much better reasons, I'm sure.
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
Third Azure Bottle Shard
Eighth Citrine Bottle Shard
Second Citrine Bottle Shard
Sixth Cerulean Bottle Shard
Sixth Cerulean Bottle Shard
Fourth Scarlet Bottle Shard
Ninth Lavender Bottle Shard
Lavender Bottle Spout
Fifth Crimson Bottle Shard
First Crimson Bottle Shard
Crimson Bottle Spout
Ruby Bottle Spout
Fifth Ruby Bottle Shard
Second Ruby Bottle Shard
First Amber Bottle Shard
Third Amber Bottle Shard
Third Vermillion Bottle Shard
Vermillion Bottle Spout
Second Vermillion Bottle Shard
Saffron Bottle Spout
Sapphire Bottle Spout
Sixth Sapphire Bottle Shard
Fifth Sapphire Bottle Shard
Third Sapphire Bottle Shard
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
On a serious note, grats to you and the others finishing their sets, I'll be keeping my pieces for a week after the promotion ends, then I'll rub my curios out once a week and post any new bottle pieces here. So if people find themselves lacking a couple of non rare pieces after they stop being sold, keep checking!
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Ruby: 1
Amber: 7
5807 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout
7161 Rare Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Sapphire Bottle Spout
8548 Piece Holy Helm Vernal Nature Shard
8834 Rare Runed Torch Light Fire Tip
9259 Piece Salsa Bottle Fiery Ninth Cup Of Salsa
10597 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Third Sapphire Bottle Shard
10797 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Sapphire Bottle Shar
11038 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Seventh Lavender Bottle Sha
11072 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Seventh Scarlet Bottle Shar
11092 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Ninth Scarlet Bottle Shard
11179 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
11204 Rare Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Citrine Bottle Spout
I'll be doing a round of rubs after the weekend, and setup triggers for those who are looking for specific pieces and messaging you, so watch out for that!
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
I've done lots of rubbing, but I still need the same two pieces as before.
carefully touching it to a partial ruby bottle curio piece of the Ruby Bottle Curio Set. A brief
flash of light reveals that the two pieces have joined together, finally completing a shimmering
ruby bottle.
Aaaaand my collection is finished! I will be rubbing curios to see if I can finish more bottles still, but will probably take a break to ensure I still have pieces to trade with other people. Keep an eye on my first post for updates!
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
2116 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies Sixth Crimson Bottle Shard
2509 Piece Boa Constrictor Snake Second Segment
4965 Piece Jade Moth Flutter Right Wing
5154 Piece Red Heart None Pastel Yellow Candy
5169 Rare Runed Torch Light Fire Tip
5667 Piece Love Bottle Chocolate Sixth Dollop Of Love
5878 Piece Sable Bubble None Pinch Of Taint
5989 Piece Smoke Bubble None Gopher Teeth
5995 Rare Straight Razor Torture Upper Blade
6120 Piece Jewelled Dragonfly Flutter Middle Legs
6682 Rare Scarlet Bubble None Scarlet Bubble Shell
6953 Piece Smoke Bubble None Rattlesnake Skin
7092 Piece Crystal Comet Astro Middle Bottom Sphere
7360 Rare Oily Ratchet Tool Ratchet Head
9225 Rare Green Bubble None Green Bubble Shell
10236 Piece Onyx Gargoyle None Left Arm
10293 Piece Silver Feather Feather Lower Center Plume
10306 Piece Rapacious Rattlesnak Snake Upper Fangs
10472 Piece Leprechaun Pot None Silliness
10481 Rare Candy Mountain None Red Fish
10949 Rare Chocolate Bottle Chocolate Empty Chocolate Bottle
11051 Piece Vermillion Bottle Redgenies Third Vermillion Bottle Sha
11179 Piece Square Inkwell Scholar Back Base
11283 Piece Glass Butterfly Flutter Lower Body
11298 Piece Crystal Femur Bone First Segment
11300 Piece Red Heart None Pastel Yellow Candy
11301 Piece Red Heart None Gold Candy
11326 Piece Iron Cross None Barbed Spike
11399 Piece Looking Glass None Bottom Left Frame
11849 Piece Red Bottle Cupcake Sixth Cup Of Red Sprinkles
11852 Rare Crystal Moon Astro Crystal Core
11858 Piece Red Heart None Seafoam Green Candy
11884 Piece Ice Bubble None Cave Dirt
11899 Rare Crimson Bottle Redgenies Crimson Bottle Spout
12125 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
12134 Rare Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Citrine Bottle Spout
12137 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies First Crimson Bottle Shard
12236 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
12254 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout
12284 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout
12292 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Fourth Amber Bottle Shard
12293 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies Ninth Crimson Bottle Shard
12294 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
12295 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Seventh Scarlet Bottle Shar
12296 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies First Saffron Bottle Shard
12298 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Fifth Ruby Bottle Shard
12299 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
12301 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Fifth Ruby Bottle Shard
Cerulean 5, 9
Lavender 8
Gold 4, 6
3249 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout
8465 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Fifth Azure Bottle Shard
10146 Rare Crimson Bottle Redgenies Crimson Bottle Spout
10169 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Fourth Ruby Bottle Shard
10257 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
10275 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
10278 Rare Azure Bottle Bluegenies Azure Bottle Spout
10290 Rare Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Cerulean Bottle Spout
10292 Rare Crimson Bottle Redgenies Crimson Bottle Spout
10294 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
10316 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies First Citrine Bottle Shard
10338 Piece Gold Bottle Yellowgenies First Gold Bottle Shard
10341 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Ninth Azure Bottle Shard
10378 Piece Gold Bottle Yellowgenies First Gold Bottle Shard
10453 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Second Lavender Bottle Shar
10469 Rare Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Cerulean Bottle Spout
10472 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Fourth Amber Bottle Shard
10477 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
10491 Rare Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Lavender Bottle Spout
10492 Rare Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Lavender Bottle Spout
10493 Rare Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Cerulean Bottle Spout
10501 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Third Cerulean Bottle Shard
10506 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
10507 Rare Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Scarlet Bottle Spout
10514 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Eighth Cerulean Bottle Shar
10521 Rare Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Lavender Bottle Spout
10522 Rare Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Scarlet Bottle Spout
10523 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
10532 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Cerulean Bottle Shar
10536 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
10541 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
10543 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies First Azure Bottle Shard
10578 Rare Azure Bottle Bluegenies Azure Bottle Spout
10585 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Sixth Lavender Bottle Shard
10695 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies Eighth Crimson Bottle Shard
10721 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout
10728 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Ninth Citrine Bottle Shard
10738 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Fourth Amber Bottle Shard
10748 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Third Scarlet Bottle Shard
10773 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Ninth Scarlet Bottle Shard
10778 Rare Crimson Bottle Redgenies Crimson Bottle Spout
10781 Rare Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Sapphire Bottle Spout
10788 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
10809 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies First Citrine Bottle Shard
10832 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Third Ruby Bottle Shard
10863 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Second Scarlet Bottle Shard
10909 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Third Amber Bottle Shard
10912 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Second Citrine Bottle Shard
10920 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Sixth Ruby Bottle Shard
10953 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Cerulean Bottle Shar
10958 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
10962 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
10966 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Cerulean Bottle Shar
10967 Rare Azure Bottle Bluegenies Azure Bottle Spout
10975 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Sixth Amber Bottle Shard
10977 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Fourth Ruby Bottle Shard
10983 Rare Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Lavender Bottle Spout
10990 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
10991 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Ninth Citrine Bottle Shard
10996 Rare Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Gold Bottle Spout
11003 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Ninth Scarlet Bottle Shard
11006 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Second Lavender Bottle Shar
11014 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies Fifth Crimson Bottle Shard
11017 Rare Crimson Bottle Redgenies Crimson Bottle Spout
11018 Rare Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Scarlet Bottle Spout
11019 Rare Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Scarlet Bottle Spout
11030 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Ninth Saffron Bottle Shard
11031 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Azure Bottle Shard
11034 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Eighth Citrine Bottle Shard
11037 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Eighth Azure Bottle Shard
11045 Rare Azure Bottle Bluegenies Azure Bottle Spout
11047 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
11048 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout
11050 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Fifth Citrine Bottle Shard
11053 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Eighth Cerulean Bottle Shar
11055 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Third Lavender Bottle Shard
11056 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies First Citrine Bottle Shard
11057 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Third Saffron Bottle Shard
11059 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Sixth Amber Bottle Shard
11061 Rare Crimson Bottle Redgenies Crimson Bottle Spout
11062 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
11063 Rare Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Citrine Bottle Spout
11064 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Sixth Ruby Bottle Shard
11065 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Sixth Cerulean Bottle Shard
11066 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
11068 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
11069 Rare Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Sapphire Bottle Spout
11070 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Eighth Saffron Bottle Shard
11075 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Lavender Bottle Shar
11078 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Eighth Azure Bottle Shard
11094 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Third Sapphire Bottle Shard
11097 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Ninth Amber Bottle Shard
11100 Piece Gold Bottle Yellowgenies Ninth Gold Bottle Shard
11102 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies First Sapphire Bottle Shard
11117 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Seventh Azure Bottle Shard
11118 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Second Cerulean Bottle Shar
11123 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Fifth Saffron Bottle Shard
11125 Rare Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Sapphire Bottle Spout
11126 Rare Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Amber Bottle Spout
11127 Rare Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Citrine Bottle Spout
11132 Piece Citrine Bottle Yellowgenies Third Citrine Bottle Shard
11136 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Eighth Sapphire Bottle Shar
11137 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies Ninth Crimson Bottle Shard
11140 Piece Amber Bottle Yellowgenies Ninth Amber Bottle Shard
11141 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Sixth Saffron Bottle Shard
11144 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Third Sapphire Bottle Shard
11146 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Sixth Saffron Bottle Shard
11147 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies First Scarlet Bottle Shard
11150 Rare Ruby Bottle Redgenies Ruby Bottle Spout
11155 Rare Azure Bottle Bluegenies Azure Bottle Spout
11156 Piece Cerulean Bottle Bluegenies Sixth Cerulean Bottle Shard
11157 Piece Crimson Bottle Redgenies Second Crimson Bottle Shard
11161 Piece Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Fourth Saffron Bottle Shard
11162 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Sixth Azure Bottle Shard
11169 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Fifth Scarlet Bottle Shard
11172 Piece Lavender Bottle Bluegenies Ninth Lavender Bottle Shard
11173 Piece Sapphire Bottle Bluegenies Fourth Sapphire Bottle Shar
11175 Piece Scarlet Bottle Redgenies Ninth Scarlet Bottle Shard
11188 Piece Ruby Bottle Redgenies Third Ruby Bottle Shard
11349 Piece Azure Bottle Bluegenies Ninth Azure Bottle Shard
11582 Rare Saffron Bottle Yellowgenies Saffron Bottle Spout