First of all, should I bother starting Lusternia at all right now? I understand there's some sort of major overhaul of the combat system in the works. Would I be better off waiting for this to come out rather than spending a bunch of time learning the current system only to have it change on me?
Second, I'm currently leaning towards playing a Nihilist but going over the forums I gather that the game has a problem with unbalanced populations and that Magnagora and the Nihilists in particular are significantly larger than other factions. Am I right here? I don't want to make this problem worse and while my character write-up I've done doesn't really work outside Magnagora I could probably adjust it for another guild or just start over and go with a different faction.
Hallifax is going through an extremely quiet period right now.
But, that said, you should do what you want, and what will make you happy and stick around. If that means being a Nihilist, make a Nihilist. If that means you -want- to make an aeromancer, go for it. No org is so much the upper hand that they can't use useful people.
I don't think you made it a question in the first place, so no need to mark it as answered
Whatever you do, do not pick an org based on what you perceive the population to be. Next week, or even tomorrow it could be completely different.
Play what you truly find enjoyable and then at least when the population shifts you’ll still have something enjoyable to be doing.
At this point all orgs needs players, if by needing you mean will people welcome you and can you contribute. In that sense, no one has so many players that contributions are not needed to any org.
The lyrics for bard songs don’t need to be overly long and you could even find an online poetry generator to help. Not to mention, if that is all that is holding you back and you’re upfront about it, someone would probably volunteer to help just to get another warm body if their org.
Once you get your feet wet, see about getting into the allies clan for Hallifax and then if no one is around you'll have more people you can ask for help.
Sorry, I'll try to work on that. I'm used to PnPs where A) I'm forced to talk with everyone because we're sitting at the same table and
From an in character perspective, you're expected to be polite, but part of the Collectivist mindset (or at least Allyrianne's take on it) is a certain sort of equality. We all serve the Collective, after all, and if you have a question, or want advice or clarification, it is her job to help you find your place in the Collective, and it would be entirely anti-collectivist for her to get offended at you for initiating a conversation. (You could also use that uncertainty as a jumping off point for an in character conversation.)
When in doubt "I forgot because of the Portal" is a perfectly legitimate excuse.
I've been meaning to snag you to talk, but whenever I see you logged in, I'm about to run off in ten minutes or something. But the rest of this week should be less crazy.