If I were still a Mugwump Nihilist, I could kill with Destro faster than I can kill with Sacrifice, and everyone complained that I killed to fast with sacrifice and that it was impossible to stop. With Destro, I would have been even faster.
It's not just Kelly's Inqui combo, it's the fact that some classes shouldn't be doing damage like that.
If I can survive for over a minute in a saplock, but die in 15 seconds to Destro/Inqui, don't you think something is wrong?
Again, you answered the question in your own response: (my chaoschord does just a little bit less because I can't take advantage of the 100% damage type like I can with destruction)
There are too many buffs where you can take advantage of it in classes where you shouldn't be doing that much damage. Sure, it seems ok because everyone else keeps getting stronger, but nuclear deterrents are never a good idea. Destro isn't balanced unless you count everyone else being way too strong. Destro just continues to up the ante on the cost of combat, which everyone agrees is way too high.
2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
EDIT: I can't help the need to nuzzle, apparently it's a racial disposition.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
Right, the point is that it shouldn't be a common tactic. Being an Ascendant shouldn't fundamentally alter how your guild is designed to function. Yes Celestines can inquisition+damage. Paladins are not Celestines. They have a couple of notable differences, like being able to raze vs void, which is a huge deal when setting up inquisition.
It's the equivelent of giving a caster wounds and tendons. Which, everyone would agree, is dumb.
Ascendancy is not a guild. It should not change how any guild functions. It's just a whole mess of balance issues to do so. If we want to make Ascendancy a special guild snowflake where domoth skills replace your guild skills, fine. Whatever. But do it like Achaea where you can't access your old skills at the same time.
Now if you want to dismiss me as bunched up panties, that's fine. HOWEVER, I'd just like to make sure we're on the same page. I am a vernal Demigod. I have destruction. My side of the game has most of the destruction in the game. I've only been destroquisitioned like once ever.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
I also don't really care if casters have destruction. I would split the damage types for the reasons Sidd mentioned (harder to stack buffs, capped lower), maybe switch it to eq, but beyond that...whatever. I can outpace the damage, so I'm not complaining. It caters to specific type of meta which I think needs to go away, but I'm fine otherwise.
I just don't believe Ascendant skills should replace guild skills. Havoccry, JP, rezz skills, all awesome. All great. Beneficial but not game breaking. Limited in use, but people still love and use them. Don't replace any skills, don't alter how any guild functions, not a one size fits all solution to class and race shortfalls.
If I can survive for over a minute in a saplock, but die in 15 seconds to Destro/Inqui, don't you think something is wrong?
No, because saplocks are inherently different than destro/inquisition. Maybe if sap stopped you from doing anything, and you could still survive, then it'd be comparable but you're really grasping at straws here.
You're really digging deep.
If you really think you're going to kill 1v1 with destruction faster than sacrifice, I think you're really overestimating how much damage destruction does. In groups, sure, you'll kill faster, 1v1, I doubt it.
We're talking a difference of maybe 100-150 damage on Chaoschord vs Destruction, because while it's easier to buff destruction because it's 100%, it's also easier mitigate. 100-150 in group fights (which is the only time destruction matters for me) isn't going to break me, I'll still be doing just fine. Heck, in some cases, I may do more damage with chaoschord because it's 1) based off 50% Int and 50% Cha and 2) people don't stack as much psychic dmp.
If you want to argue that some people shouldn't be doing that type of damage, then fine, argue that. But lets not blow destruction out of proportion to what it actually is. It's a caster damage attack equivalent. Any caster can get or surpass that type of damage, so your problem isn't with the damage, it's with who has access to it. Stick to that argument because it's the only one that has any grounds.
I guarantee you I kill faster with Destro than Sacrifice. My sacrifice combo required you being on the cross for 24 seconds while I recover the 3 power to sacrifice. And Destro is way stronger than Symbol Strike, so I can actually do the damage in that time (I can possibly speed it up by incorporating sensitivity on my demon and working in an omen).
I can easily kill you before 24 seconds is up without you doing anything because you are stuck on a Cross, similar to Inquisition.
And once again, I have been saying the same thing the entire time. Certain classes shouldn't have access to Destro. Which to be fair, means no class should have Destro. I have been consistent this entire time. Destro is unbalancing by the amount of damage it gives in regards to what class they are. A Nihilist shouldn't be doing that much damage, just the same as a Warrior or even a bard (you don't need to blanknote, so again, your Chaoschord vs Destro doesn't hold water, because deafness prevents you from doing that much damage over a consistent time).
So yes, my problem is with the damage, and who has access to that damage. I just like the fact that the most min/maxxed players here are the only ones defending Destro like it's ok to be a tier above everyone else in regards to damage (as you just said, 100-150 more, without blanknoting), and to continue to up the ante in regards to combat. It's not like we've had so many posts over the years saying the cost is too high.
2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
I think the chaoschord comparison is not a full spectrum comparison.
YOU may not benefit from it by a large margin because your alternative shares the damage type plus another with low dmp. Just like Cantors or Moondancers don't get as much bang for their back from destruction. Compare it to a Caco or Sentinel and suddenly you're doing a crap ton more damage with a skill outside of your guild skills. Now it's interfering with game design and previously existing balancing factors.
The debate isn't whether or not Synkarin does too much, and if using Chaoschord would change things. The question is does this skill have too wide of an application? Does it have the ability to change how many classes function? Does it create new issues for races with previously existing weaknesses? I think the answer is absolutely yes.
I guarantee you I kill faster with Destro than Sacrifice. My sacrifice combo required you being on the cross for 24 seconds while I recover the 3 power to sacrifice. And Destro is way stronger than Symbol Strike, so I can actually do the damage in that time (I can possibly speed it up by incorporating sensitivity on my demon and working in an omen).
I can easily kill you before 24 seconds is up without you doing anything because you are stuck on a Cross, similar to Inquisition.
And once again, I have been saying the same thing the entire time. Certain classes shouldn't have access to Destro. Which to be fair, means no class should have Destro. I have been consistent this entire time. Destro is unbalancing by the amount of damage it gives in regards to what class they are. A Nihilist shouldn't be doing that much damage, just the same as a Warrior or even a bard (you don't need to blanknote, so again, your Chaoschord vs Destro doesn't hold water, because deafness prevents you from doing that much damage over a consistent time).
So yes, my problem is with the damage, and who has access to that damage. I just like the fact that the most min/maxxed players here are the only ones defending Destro like it's ok to be a tier above everyone else in regards to damage (as you just said, 100-150 more, without blanknoting), and to continue to up the ante in regards to combat. It's not like we've had so many posts over the years saying the cost is too high.
You're right, I don't need blanknote to destruction, but I do need it for pfifth, which is way more important than destruction(or chaoschord), so I'm keeping people blanknoted all the time anyway. Mages don't need to do anything to damage attack, wiccans don't need anything to damage attack. But the damage is right in line with those guys as well (in some cases, less!). So there you go, you want a more direct comparison, that's it.
And for the record, my damage isn't maxed for destruction ever. But it appears you missed that comment and keep throwing me into the min/max dept. I'm not a tier above everyone else in regards to damage, I'm right on par with or even below them. I don't use shrines, not even in a cult at the moment, I don't pop argleblasters like it's my job or anything else people like Morkarion, Caerlyr or Thoros do. I only use those for big events, not your average domoth. I stick with basics for the most part and as a result, my damage falls into the same basic category as anyone else. I'm maybe doing 1100-1400 your average combatant.
So again, the damage is fine, it's not anything out of the ordinary (Even Celina agrees with this). You're problem is who is able to use it (which is the same problem that Celina has).
It doesn't up the ante on combat entry either, so I'm confused by that statement. Damage mitigation would be the same with or without destruction, you just might focus mitigating other attacks more than fire attacks, it doesn't make it more costly, or less costly.
What I'm arguing is against a simple case of people complaining because they don't like something. I really hate the 'lets complain until it's nerfed attitude.' If you want to nerf something, bring sensible arguments to the board, not 'lol it damages too much' when the numbers show otherwise. For some reason, I can handle Kelly/Xena's destructions a-ok, but you can't. Even Thoros, who is a merian, says the damage isn't too bad, in this same thread.
PS You can read healing scrolls while on a cross and focus spirit off omen, but hey, totally comparable to destro/inquisition.
I shake my head when warriors destro cause they could be making sure the target doesn't get away instead of going for the deathsense.
Speaking of, I am fine with destro getting changed. My suggestion is just a base damage attack that doesn't scale off int. Maybe the damage type change too.
Though tbh it's not gonna magically make people stop bashing people to death, now you just get to die a variety of damage attacks. You'll still die just as fast.
PS for what it's worth I'm a poor underpowered faeling with low HP and I tank it just fine too. Since everyone is using personal anecdote to argue. Take it as LAW.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
I can't tank destroquisition. It destroyed me.
Damn you wump. Damn you.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
And he's in Mag? Hax racial hats! Someone dominate him to remove hat and then destroy his face. :P
On a more serious note... pretty sure Kelly is merian lord which puts her at 13 base int, and I rather doubt she gets the same buffs as an ebonguard to int, so her destro damage is hardly going to get as high as certain other people's. We hit the same issue with Xena's destro, no doubt, never mind the fact that again... they don't get as many buffs as you guys, and that their priorities are likely not on min-maxing for destro rather than min-maxing for their actual guild skills.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Can't remember the last time Xena monked anyone unless she had an Aero meld doing the prone for her, likewise Kelly does more destro than she does tendons and hackdowns these days in larger fights, infact at the domoth this afternoon both of them were going for Destro kills Also last I checked Kelly wears a hat, Aslaran underneath.
Min maxing for destro isn't particularly hard, it's not like you need to sacrifice str or dexterity to boost it. I'm not grabbing int at the expense of other stats.
The divine voice
of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations,
Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
Offensive DMP hits diminishing very quickly IIRC by the time I get Fireforte I'm gaining sub 5% from it.
I'd be fine if FireForte was limited to the minstrel. But when you throw it at everyone on a minstrel's ally list, it goes a bit out of proportion, wouldn't you say? As to offensive DMP hitting diminishing returns... it's at the same rate as defensive DMP. Up to 20%, it's 1:1, 20-30% it's 1:2, 30-40% it's 1:3, etc
EDIT: Heck, it's okay if it only affected Gaudis. I can understand it going that way... but it works on -everyone-, so every ascendant with Destro on the ally list gets to benefit from it? Well gee, I wish Symphonium would give me a 10dmp buff to electrical anywhere, too.
EDIT2: But let's forget the whole FireForte thing... that's neither here nor there. The point is that these days anyone trying to get into combat is told that they need to stack fire, fire, fire resistance... at least on our side of the alliance. It doesn't matter if they're merian, wump or dracnari, you just go and say... unless you have at least 30% resistance to fire, don't even bother. The fact is that the issue exists with warriors outdamaging mages, which was never intended to be their primary class thing. Why bother with wounding at all then? Do we want that to be the entire focus of the game? Well okay, let's just give everyone destro and be done with it, combat overhaul complete.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
No. All bards give damage buffs. All of them.
Dumb argument.
No. All bards give damage buffs. All of them.
Dumb argument.
FireForte is a separate buff on top of their org song that works in every environment and gives 10DMP to both resist and buff fire.
EDIT: To everyone on their ally list, not just Gaudis.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
I am aware. All bards still have damage buffs. For all damage. To everyone in their org. If that wasn't broken, neither is this.
It's not unfair just because you don't have it.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
I also support telling people to stack fire resistance. Makes it easier for me to melt their faces.
I cry a little inside when my name gets mentioned in these discussions. Hey, I'm pretty casual as far as PK/top tier goes. I don't min/max around destruction, I rarely ever use sensitivity. Today I just spammed destro because I'm too lazy to port my offense system onto my other laptop. Sound off the noncom alert.
Carry on without using me as a paragon of OP Ascendant skills. +1 nerf destro
Your name gets used because you do use it, and have used it more often than not. "Burned to death" is as common (or more common these days) as "summarily beheaded" in your death sights.
I did note you don't min/max it, never really given it much thought as to why, considering min/max inquidestro cheese would be as hated as monking in terms of simple to execute and ridiculously effective. Some weird form of e-honour?
The divine voice
of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations,
Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
Not everyone plays to min/max face melt and pwn n00bs.
Your name gets used because you do use it, and have used it more often than not. "Burned to death" is as common (or more common these days) as "summarily beheaded" in your death sights.
I did note you don't min/max it, never really given it much thought as to why, considering min/max inquidestro cheese would be as hated as monking in terms of simple to execute and ridiculously effective. Some weird form of e-honour?
I really don't understand your arguments 90% of the time. Just because I use it (not "more often than not") doesn't mean that I should be made an example, particularly when it's obvious that I'm not abusing it to the extent as displayed by others. Deathsight doesn't mean anything for so many reasons, I won't even go there.
For me, I feel like min/max doesn't amount to much when everything comes down to group fights, and that +200 damage or whatever isn't going to win me very much. So, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy.
And I need more power to induce trueheal rage. E-honour this.
You get used as an example because there are three Knights that use destruction at all (and these days it's far more frequently used by you than other methods of PK, hence "more often than not" that's not an accusation or a derisive comment, just an observation) the only one not mentioned here is Leo. No one has said you abuse it as much as others, infact your name has been brought up in two different ways.
A: Someone who doesn't min/max it and it's not as effective as other people who also use it.
B: As the only Knight who can do inqui/destro combines, people use it as an example of what they believe is something that shouldn't be possible in game.
What's not to get? You're in a very small pool of three people out of an entire game whom this discussion is relevant about. No one's saying you min/max it, infact anything said has been to the contrary, it's that you can combine it with class skills (and is the only person in the game who can do this, save Malicia taking Destro as VD and returning to do the same) that has some people using you as an example of how it shouldn't exist.
No one's hailing you as a paragon of OP ascendant skills, but you are relevant to the discussion.
The divine voice
of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations,
Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
The point is, and generally echoing other comments: let's cry more about
inquisition, and spare the comparisons of how much my destro buff
stacks up against others' and all related nonsense.
Until numbers come up this is all of questionable validity, so here you go:
Quick test with Xenthos (whom had 14 int) with me at a solid 25% fire resistance.
Hp / Damage
7744 / 1148
8470 / 1195
8932 / 1225
Doing some math and dividing the damage to try to remove the DMP effect, and then finding the difference between the two health levels the scaling is about 8.5% with a base of 858. These numbers are approximate as there is decimals in some of it. Again this was at 14 int, we can readily check for anyone int level though. I assume as Xenthos was hanging around he was not min maxed all to bits, I cannot be sure, but I can throw the numbers in for anyone to check their results.
Solution: Make destro a good bashing attack (it is the best one so far), but like the whips, fall off a cliff if it tries to attack a player. It gets to be useful but it stops being the end all be all. If people feel it needs to be a normal attack we can make its SOURCE none (this stops a number of buffs to it like int), and its damage type can be changed to fire/cold or divinus/excorable, etc.
I agree that destruction should not be a major influence on combat, and instead more of a perk. The arguments I am seeing comes mostly along the lines of "have it" and "don't have it" and that basically splits most of the lines. Destruction from Xenthos does not do that much to me, but int plays a big part here. If mage staff is balanced (which it is in 90% of cases currently) then destro should be considered balanced IF the damage type and scaling are fixed.
As a note, if the PvP damage is dropped, the weight should probably be dropped a bit as that is why it was so high I imagine.
Disclaimer: My thoughts are based on evaluation, not fighting it, being hit by it, etc. The combat design principles of IRE were written a long time ago, but the ability of any class to hold high level damage (ala mage) without the inherent weakness of crappy race/stats is a flaw in the design. Tanky with high levels of damage breaks the system.
It's not just Kelly's Inqui combo, it's the fact that some classes shouldn't be doing damage like that.
If I can survive for over a minute in a saplock, but die in 15 seconds to Destro/Inqui, don't you think something is wrong?
Again, you answered the question in your own response: (my chaoschord does just a little bit less because I can't take advantage of the 100% damage type like I can with destruction)
There are too many buffs where you can take advantage of it in classes where you shouldn't be doing that much damage. Sure, it seems ok because everyone else keeps getting stronger, but nuclear deterrents are never a good idea. Destro isn't balanced unless you count everyone else being way too strong. Destro just continues to up the ante on the cost of combat, which everyone agrees is way too high.
EDIT: I can't help the need to nuzzle, apparently it's a racial disposition.
Right, the point is that it shouldn't be a common tactic. Being an Ascendant shouldn't fundamentally alter how your guild is designed to function. Yes Celestines can inquisition+damage. Paladins are not Celestines. They have a couple of notable differences, like being able to raze vs void, which is a huge deal when setting up inquisition.
It's the equivelent of giving a caster wounds and tendons. Which, everyone would agree, is dumb.
Ascendancy is not a guild. It should not change how any guild functions. It's just a whole mess of balance issues to do so. If we want to make Ascendancy a special guild snowflake where domoth skills replace your guild skills, fine. Whatever. But do it like Achaea where you can't access your old skills at the same time.
Now if you want to dismiss me as bunched up panties, that's fine. HOWEVER, I'd just like to make sure we're on the same page. I am a vernal Demigod. I have destruction. My side of the game has most of the destruction in the game. I've only been destroquisitioned like once ever.
I also don't really care if casters have destruction. I would split the damage types for the reasons Sidd mentioned (harder to stack buffs, capped lower), maybe switch it to eq, but beyond that...whatever. I can outpace the damage, so I'm not complaining. It caters to specific type of meta which I think needs to go away, but I'm fine otherwise.
I just don't believe Ascendant skills should replace guild skills. Havoccry, JP, rezz skills, all awesome. All great. Beneficial but not game breaking. Limited in use, but people still love and use them. Don't replace any skills, don't alter how any guild functions, not a one size fits all solution to class and race shortfalls.
I can easily kill you before 24 seconds is up without you doing anything because you are stuck on a Cross, similar to Inquisition.
And once again, I have been saying the same thing the entire time. Certain classes shouldn't have access to Destro. Which to be fair, means no class should have Destro. I have been consistent this entire time. Destro is unbalancing by the amount of damage it gives in regards to what class they are. A Nihilist shouldn't be doing that much damage, just the same as a Warrior or even a bard (you don't need to blanknote, so again, your Chaoschord vs Destro doesn't hold water, because deafness prevents you from doing that much damage over a consistent time).
So yes, my problem is with the damage, and who has access to that damage. I just like the fact that the most min/maxxed players here are the only ones defending Destro like it's ok to be a tier above everyone else in regards to damage (as you just said, 100-150 more, without blanknoting), and to continue to up the ante in regards to combat. It's not like we've had so many posts over the years saying the cost is too high.
I think the chaoschord comparison is not a full spectrum comparison.
YOU may not benefit from it by a large margin because your alternative shares the damage type plus another with low dmp. Just like Cantors or Moondancers don't get as much bang for their back from destruction. Compare it to a Caco or Sentinel and suddenly you're doing a crap ton more damage with a skill outside of your guild skills. Now it's interfering with game design and previously existing balancing factors.
The debate isn't whether or not Synkarin does too much, and if using Chaoschord would change things. The question is does this skill have too wide of an application? Does it have the ability to change how many classes function? Does it create new issues for races with previously existing weaknesses? I think the answer is absolutely yes.
I guess I am not sure why we are arguing this specific case when, to me at least, it's not the most abusive (or even effective) combination.
If I hit 21 int it's because of TFs and domoth blessings.
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
Speaking of, I am fine with destro getting changed. My suggestion is just a base damage attack that doesn't scale off int. Maybe the damage type change too.
Though tbh it's not gonna magically make people stop bashing people to death, now you just get to die a variety of damage attacks. You'll still die just as fast.
PS for what it's worth I'm a poor underpowered faeling with low HP and I tank it just fine too. Since everyone is using personal anecdote to argue. Take it as LAW.
I can't tank destroquisition.
It destroyed me.
Damn you wump. Damn you.
WAIT. @Thoros plays a merian?
And he's in Mag? Hax racial hats! Someone dominate him to remove hat and then destroy his face. :P
On a more serious note... pretty sure Kelly is merian lord which puts her at 13 base int, and I rather doubt she gets the same buffs as an ebonguard to int, so her destro damage is hardly going to get as high as certain other people's. We hit the same issue with Xena's destro, no doubt, never mind the fact that again... they don't get as many buffs as you guys, and that their priorities are likely not on min-maxing for destro rather than min-maxing for their actual guild skills.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Min maxing for destro isn't particularly hard, it's not like you need to sacrifice str or dexterity to boost it. I'm not grabbing int at the expense of other stats.
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
EDIT: Heck, it's okay if it only affected Gaudis. I can understand it going that way... but it works on -everyone-, so every ascendant with Destro on the ally list gets to benefit from it? Well gee, I wish Symphonium would give me a 10dmp buff to electrical anywhere, too.
EDIT2: But let's forget the whole FireForte thing... that's neither here nor there. The point is that these days anyone trying to get into combat is told that they need to stack fire, fire, fire resistance... at least on our side of the alliance. It doesn't matter if they're merian, wump or dracnari, you just go and say... unless you have at least 30% resistance to fire, don't even bother. The fact is that the issue exists with warriors outdamaging mages, which was never intended to be their primary class thing. Why bother with wounding at all then? Do we want that to be the entire focus of the game? Well okay, let's just give everyone destro and be done with it, combat overhaul complete.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
EDIT: To everyone on their ally list, not just Gaudis.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
The point I'm trying to make is... it shouldn't be the end-all, be-all of combat.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
I did note you don't min/max it, never really given it much thought as to why, considering min/max inquidestro cheese would be as hated as monking in terms of simple to execute and ridiculously effective. Some weird form of e-honour?
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!
For me, I feel like min/max doesn't amount to much when everything comes down to group fights, and that +200 damage or whatever isn't going to win me very much. So, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy.
And I need more power to induce trueheal rage. E-honour this.
A: Someone who doesn't min/max it and it's not as effective as other people who also use it.
B: As the only Knight who can do inqui/destro combines, people use it as an example of what they believe is something that shouldn't be possible in game.
What's not to get? You're in a very small pool of three people out of an entire game whom this discussion is relevant about. No one's saying you min/max it, infact anything said has been to the contrary, it's that you can combine it with class skills (and is the only person in the game who can do this, save Malicia taking Destro as VD and returning to do the same) that has some people using you as an example of how it shouldn't exist.
No one's hailing you as a paragon of OP ascendant skills, but you are relevant to the discussion.
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!