It does now! Woo, new features!Xenthos said:"This package also includes a genrunner, so it can automatically bash and influence full areas. I am not responsible if you use afk bash and get punished for it. What you do with my system is entirely on you."Do you at least have a check in it to move on if someone else is already in the room when you walk in?
function mungeAreas(...) local at = getAreaTable() local areas = {...} local result = {} for _,area in ipairs(areas) do if type(area) ~= "number" then area = at[area] end if area then for _,room in pairs(getAreaRooms(area)) do result[#result + 1] = room end end end return result end function allElementalPlanes() return mungeAreas( "Elemental Plane of Air", "Elemental Plane of Earth, Catacombs", "Elemental Plane of Earth, Mountains", "Elemental Plane of Fire", "Elemental Plane of Water, Dream Lake", "Elemental Plane of Water, Mystic River", "Elemental Plane of Water, Starry Sea" ) end bl.paths.fullelemental = allElementalPlanes()