All it does is increase the damage taken against you when performing an influence attack in exchange for 5% xp gain on finish. Whether 5s equilibrium and possibly an extra sip of bromides ev… (View Post)
To quote HELP 1.15.33: Strictly speaking, wherever you are is referred to as a room. The room you are in might be a tiny space, such as the inside of the portal of Fates, or a closet, or the… (View Post)
The 0.25 conversion on corpses was discussed on envoys to make it even with esteem at a base level with the level 40/miniaturisation thing at level 15. If I screwed up the math, that's proba… (View Post)
@Tremula I'm afraid most of the divine can't access the forums right now due to issues. However, I will just say Kethuru tops my list. Those tentacles, man. (View Post)