There's actually been a slight update in the situation that might speed them up, but I'm a bit bound by NDA on the matter. That's all I can say on the situation. (View Post)
I just want to note that while I understand not wanting a divine to marry you, 1) Players have messaged me/emailed support in the past to have a marriage performed by a mob, and 2) Kalikai i… (View Post)
The strawpoll was me. It was a response to something, and referring to moving the code cycle so all but emergency fixes were moved to being loaded in once a week rather than as they were ava… (View Post)
I think 2-3 would be possible if we had a larger development team. However, with the literally 2-4 people we have at any given time depending on how busy people are, waterfall or 1-week gran… (View Post)
I fail to understand how '100%+(modifier based on how long it's been since somebody else has done it)' is a nerf. At all. Or in this case, 150%. At this point, I'm just going to step out of … (View Post)