I've went ahead and gone through Shuyin's proposal and combined it with previous ideas for the
Final Warrior Combat Proposal. (Okay, maybe final is wishful thinking.)
Anyway, please take a look and give us your feedback. If there's no major issues, this will probably be what we will substantially go with.
One thing I don't think we need is to have static effects for wounding level (i.e., head increase blackout, chest increases stun, etc.). I think they can vary from skillset to skillset which makes designing more flexible.
Is the issue that there needs to be an affliction for each spot, but some afflictions are needed for strategy that it requires them taking up multiple spaces?
Would it make more sense to move the "stronger" and needed by all warrior afflictions to effects , or to make the 10 afflictions not dependent on cutting/blunt?
As for ideas to replace the timedinstas, one thing I noticed about the list of afflictions in this thread is that there is a marked lack of hinder beyond the broken/mutilated affs. And those are not available to every spec, which makes those specs without it decidedly lacking in the hinder department. Of course, not all specs need top-tier hindering, depending on what else they are given (like stun effects etc) but I think it would not hurt to convert one of the timed instas to a torso based prone that can be given to some of those specs that don't have access to mutilated legs.
SeveredSpine in Shuyin's list of afflictions would fit that bill very well indeed. It can thematically go on chest or gut, though traditionally, and most appropriately, probably gut.
To replace the other timed insta, a chest based cure hinder or command denial might be a good idea - with the new four-way cure blocking affs, it's now more difficult for warriors to capitalize on DamagedThroat even if they land it. Shuyin has fracturedskull in his list for that, and I don't think that's a bad idea, and Rivius mentioned an asthma-version for warriors which was shot down (but which I personally don't have a problem with either). If both of those are somehow problematic, we could use the severedphrenic effect (% chance of making a smoke fail, instead of a full block of smoking), though in the past severedphrenic was not very effective at doing what it was supposed to do. If we would prefer a different effect, I have one we can consider:
DamagedLungs Every 5s left uncured, throws off smoking balance for 0.5s. If already off smoke balance, adds 0.5s to the recovery time.
The idea is the same as FracturedSkull or CallpsedLung or SeveredPhrenic, by interfering with smoke curing internal afflictions, slickness may stay for longer, or some internal aff, like haemophilia, may allow a bit more bleeding to build, contributing toward forward momentum. Could be something given to the more affliction orientated spec, BMs, to help contribute to their goal. With the proper instakills in the skillsets, there really is no need for a timed instakill aff.
Edit: Oh, I just realised internal affs are cured by purity dust, not smoking. Sorry for the mix up. Well, that makes it even harder for a warrior to capitalize on DamagedThroat, because they have no access to anything more important than slickness on the smoking list. Well, a smoking block/hinder can still work, though a purity dust block/hinder will possibly be a better choice, I think.
As for severspine, it seemed odd to me that we'd have 2 forms of paralysis, but we could just change paralysis across the board so the only cure would be apply ice to torso.
Severedspine is a delayed-cure paralysis, Estarra. There are 4 seconds between applying ice to it and the cure going through. It serves a very different purpose to normal paralysis. Please do not make normal paralysis an ice-cure. It is fine to have 2 forms of paralysis that are cured by different things, and which serve different purposes and niches - you don't have to make it so that the only cure for paralysis is ice. You need to understand that the same effect stacked on the same cure balance is very rarely a good idea, and usually makes things spiral out of control very quickly.
Either way, normal paralysis should definitely stay on dust, please.
Ps still formulating thoughts at work, will reply later re: whole thing
I also like ice cures either to all be delayed cures or all be instant cures.
As for the list of afflictions, all the ideas we have been throwing around in this thread have largely been in agreement with one another regarding the make up of most of the affliction list - just that I don't understand why we always move back toward timed instakills. With Estarra's newest spreadsheet, where Shuyin's ideas for instakills are pretty much all kept intact, warriors have at least one, some with two instakills in their skillsets. There is absolutely no need for a timed instakill affliction at all. Going with Ieptix's list, I suggest the following small tweaks (changes I am suggesting are in bold):
CollapsedLung - Minor damage upon movement (~200?), periodic blackout
Reduced movement speed alone is fairly useless - if the idea behind it is something to allow the warrior to chase, then something to actually stop the opponent is needed. Alternatively, a disincentive for moving will work as well, which are both the reasonings behind my suggestions for CollapsedLung.
Next, if all the cures are going to be delayed, then there is no need for the Broken/Mutilated limb afflictions to double up on preventing standing. The amputated/tendon/mangled effects we have can simply be rolled into MutilatedArm/Legs. In fact, it would be a very bad idea to have doubled up delayed cures for preventing standing, and also delayed standing-prevention given to poisons. These would make things pretty ridiculous indeed. If we're going with delayed cures for everything, then this will be a must-have change to the affliction list. Instead, something for the warrior to use to bypass defenses can, again, help build their forward momentum without stacking unreasonably, and changing the poisons dendroxin and calcise to give those instead of a delayed-cure standing prevention will be much more manageable.
To make sure the afflictions are separated, removing the stance/parry blocking effects from Mutilated will further inject strategy into the warrior's gameplay, giving weakened (or broken, or whatever name you want to go with) arms/legs a clear purpose and place to be in the new warrior affliction list.
I get the idea though.
The new list that Ieptix put up seems very well-rounded, and gives plenty of options for differentiation for the warrior specs when added to the AB lists in Estarra's spreadsheet. We'll also want to keep in mind we will need to work with the Nihilists and other non physical classes affected by the broken->weakened limbs change, so that they don't get saddled with something entirely inappropriate to their kill strategies. I'm more than willing to offer one of my envoy slots with a report and also help think of suggestions to make sure they remain competitive, feel free to speak with your envoy or just send me a message or PM directly. The best thing about the proposed changes is the simplification of the wounds system and the rolling together of afflictions, I think. That will help make the learning curve of warrior combat (and those who have to fight against warriors) a less steep for newbies, probably.