Partly inspired by my desire to rework my own bashing stuff, and also by running into people using some really archaic stuff like chade's basher, I decided to build a new one! Bigger! better! shinier than ever before.
Bashing features:
Alias and ID based targeting (Toggleable on a per-mob basis)
Aliases and clickable menus to add, remove, and edit mob entries.
Automatic beast detection and use.
Resistance and buff tracking to automatically choose between multiple attacks.
Built in aff-tracking to only attack when not-hindered!
Influencing features:
Automatic oil and scarecrow use
Aliases and clickable menus to add, remove, and edit entries.
This package also includes a genrunner, so it can automatically bash and influence full areas. I am not responsible if you use afk bash and get punished for it. What you do with my system is entirely on you.
I chose to include the runner in the release versions because I believe everyone should be on equal footing and have the tools that are needed to play efficiently and competitively, and there are already many players who have and use similar systems.
Bloom requires Mudlet 4.11+ to work.
It also requires mudlet mapper (mmp) to be installed.
You will need to restart mudlet after installing the package for everything to initialize properly.



Note: had to change it to .txt file to upload it on the forums, but should still be importable.
Attempted to BLOOM ADD MANTIS on Fire, it definitely probed it and said it was added to the list. BLOOM REVIEW remains empty though, both with local and a search for mantis applied. Is there a quick way to empty out the list and try to add it back in? Successive attempts just give the added message without changing it up.
Similarly, adding mobs to the inf table gives a success message, but that list remains empty as well.
Also, unrelated to that issue, but because Demonnic pointed out a mistake in the help file (it says BLOOM RUN STOP is the alias for stopping a run, but it's actually BLOOM STOP) here's an updated version with the typo fixed! It doesn't change anything beyond that in the code, though.
My Github! Clickity click!
I'll try to keep that up to date, and others are welcome to open PRs and stuff if they would like to contribute too.
A+ for quality, A+ for aesthetics, A+++ for functionality. Thanks so much for posting this!
If there's a way to show an example of how to chain areas in the genrun that would be sweet. Aka, run through all kephera hives, or run through multiple elemental planes.
They can be used to exclude portions of an area, or run areas which cross multiple areas. An example is this, for the naga caves (which spawns both part of the southern mountains, as well as a good portion of the caverns of muhanlesh)
Basically, it is an un-ordered table of rooms. By building a similar table and storing it in the bl.paths table, you'd be able to run it by using the BLOOM RUN <path> alias: for the above mentioned path, it'd be bloom run naga. I am not sure how well it would work across multiple elemental planes, though, because I've done some tweaks to the walker script I borrowed from Demonnic to have it skip the step of considering bixes when pathing in order to reduce the overhead on every movement. Because moving between the hives can generally be done without any bix movement, that one will almost certainly work smoothly.
The paths don't neccesarily have to be stored in the bloom folders themselves to work, as long as they're in the correct table. Also, if you build paths which you think are generally useful, you can always pass them to me and I can test and make them come bundled with the system, too.
Also, paths can be a little tedious to build by hand, but if you use map functions and splice tables together and stuff you can bop them out super quick - feel free to reach out to me on discord if you'd like help building a particular one.
in a script below Bloom would allow you to use 'bloom run fullelemental' to run all those areas. You can get a printout of all the area names using the lua alias, `lua getAreaTable()`
I have not tested this works with bloom, but I used something like this with the walker before, it should work.
ETA: strictly speaking the allElementalPlanes() function isn't necessary, you could just use the mungeAreas all there, but I foresee making several and I think if it were me I'd want to make a function for each, and then at the bottom just have
bl.paths.fullelemental = allElementalPlanes()
bl.paths.fullkephera = allKephHives()
-- etc
in a big group at the bottom.
I also can't guarantee this will work if they switch to a better walker solution than mine
With custom paths - is there any way to create a custom path for an area that's not mapped? For example, I gathered all the room numbers for the dream realm for the Aegis quest and saved it to the Paths file, but Bloom tells me the area is unmapped.
I've made some aliases to quickly start and stop bashes/influence. Just a couple of aliases to trigger other aliases since I was too lazy to copy-paste Llani's code!
Bloom Bash Area - bba
Bloom Influence Area - infa
Bloom Full Stop - bs