That's right, Vatul is looking for a spouse to advance the Feyranti name and culture.
Before I get to her personal advert, I will provide a little bit of history about the Feyranti, and their reputation:
The Feyranti were originally dracnari before they were viscanti
master race, bred in a combination of elfen and a variety of other races
to become some of the most beautiful. Obviously elfen were used to
soften up the harsh angles, but this is not a good topic of discussion
to speak of with any type of Great House. They have their own races that
they once started from, and now only vaguely resemble, Taint Power(tm).
Feyranti Estate, which somehow connects to the first dracnari ancestor,
there is wealth to be found there. The Blood Mines are owned by the
Feyranti, and they often recruit viscanti children who are supposed to
arrive at Saint Gathlyn's but unfortunately never do. This wealth has
made them powerful, and renowned for their in-fighting and greed which
is explained through the quest of the Feyranti Heirs (QUEST
Brona was the original
founder alongside Akasha. Feyranti notable Daevos, the Midnight Dragon
was the son of Brona. He was a Warlord, and a well-known one back in Old
Magnagora. The Feyranti, or Iron Feyranti are a Blood House, they are
usually archtyped as warriors of the highest caliber, Nil-bent on
acquiring honour and glory for the Empire. I would like to think of
Feyranti as Julius Augustus Caesar-like, rather than Nero, but it is
As far as I know, Daevos and
Zalana created the Feyranti Estate in Magnagora proper, along with some
clans that held resources which I no longer have access to. The family
structure and established culture is uncertain, but it appears to be
militaristic as far as I know. The lines have dwindled, and the Feyranti
need many strong heirs to take on the name once more.
The symbol of the Feyranti is a dragon.
The House d'Sifal are banner-men to the Feyranti, not much of them is known to me.
Iron, ammolite, silver, and crimson are the colours of the house.
The motto of the house is, "Strength Through Adversity."
The original patron of the Feyranti was Lord Fain of the Crimson Masque (Bless HIS glorious name, grovel before HIS might). The current patron is the Lady Enchantress.
The Feyranti own a ship that sails the Sea of Despair, it is christened, "The Crimson Lady." Yishka Feyranti is the Captain.
Feyranti own the Blood Mines where midnight caiman reside. The mines
produce blood diamonds, which are said to have strange arcane powers.
The Feyranti possess an estate in Magnagora proper.
Possible existing cultural norms or traits:
We like viscanti, but we are willing to accept those who have drive and ambition to forge themselves as notable members of the Empire.
Temperament. Prone to rages, acts of unspeakable violence when control is lost. Control is key.
Decadence. Indulgence. Greed. A hunger to transform and empower themselves and others.
Honour and discipline. Discipline and control are not the same thing.
Strength rules. Any kind of strength. Physical strength in battle, or battleworn is accepted highly.
require discipline to survive the harshness of unlife. Old traditions
are made quite clear - Feyranti children are spoiled, but not so much
that they become brats.
Currently matriarchal,
as a brood of Dragons is often focused on a Broodmother or Queen. The
Broodmother usually has the final say, but input is welcome...Until it
there is a militaristic air towards the archtype of a Blood House, and
the history of Daevos. There is mobs like Yishka, who seems to be mercantile, and scientist in one. The mobs on the estate are similarly
aligned. There is no expanding on research or historical events like
i'Xiia's creation of the Necromentate, or the d'Vanecu's assistance with
a variety of experiments.
I'd like to see more NPC Feyranti.
Developments I've made:
The Iron Brood is what they call themselves from the inside. Or simply the Brood.
are spoken of as dragons. But to earn the mantle of a title of dragon,
i.e. "Dragon of Dusk," or "the Dragon of Midnight," one has to do some
great works on behalf of the family.
All dragons receive cloaks, stoles, and recently shields denoting their heritage. More dragon stuff to come.
- Artifacts. I have some useful ones.
- I have too many cartels. I can customise a lot of stuff for you.
- Manse and shop. I can sell things to make a lot of gold to expand some influence.
- Magnagora has a lot of clans for combat, resources, and fighters. I am usually doing bard, nihilism, or geomancer. But I am willing to branch out to learn some things for others should they be interested in joining.
More members. Expand upon culture, do research about Feyranti, uncover some more stuff. Regain old resources. Expand, expand, expand.
What I am seeking in a character spouse for Vatul:
- Male, age inconsequential
- Must marry into Feyranti
- Must be active enough to adopt children, and take care of said children with my character
- Race preferences (but not needed for application, you can be whatever race): Orclach, viscanti, loboshigaru, human.
- RP-oriented and combat friendly person
- Strongly encouraged to be Magnagoran, no enemies of Magnagora please.
- Rich in-depth interactions required. RP skills desired. Heavy IC immersion.
- Ambitious and active, dormancy is fine as long as it is in short periods. Tell me when you're gone for a bit!
Vatul wants:
- Shows ambition, has accomplishments worthy of her attention. Serving Magnagora well gets her attention too.
- Involvement. You're doing things with Gods. You're doing something that help Magnagora. Whatever it is, it's a part of your character.
- You like the occult. You like culture.
- A gentleman, not the fedora type. Old world nobility or something similar often attracts her, that includes their cutthroat behavior. Manners. Decorum. Mr. Darcy but with murderous intent! Wait, that's not quite right...Maybe a Lestat, Armand, or Alucard. Not too dramatic though.
- Romance. She wants to be swept off her feet, if that happens to be after they murder or slaughter people for research or interrogation - then so be it.
- Their own individual, someone who has gumption and a pair of cogs on him. Strength, not arrogance.
- Takes their time to be with her, showering her with courting/poetry/truth. She's eccentric, she wants to be someone's muse but treats her as what she is with respect.
The rest is ICly, really. I have already mentioned my resources and the family stuff. If you are interested, contact me IG with an OOC message or tell.
The cool night-time breeze shivers in the arid caress of the streets of the capital city, brushing the earthen taste of dust across your lips.
A blessed silence falls upon the city for the moment, most activity confined to the towers and the theatre due to the snowy weather.
Pinprick points of light twinkle in the deep black overhead, their brightness full of a cold, hungering malice.
Kagato is back on the market - unfortunately his current engagee went dormant some time ago Probably going to be my last try at finding him a partner before having him remain a bachelor for the rest of his days.
About Kaga: As of this post, he is 363 years old, so he is definitely getting on in his years, but he tries to keep himself active with Order activities (He is an Avatar of Weiwae). He is very much a selfless individual, willing to help where and when he can, as long as another has not already requested his attention - and even then he will try to get back to you when he can.
He values ambition and an ability to think outside the box, he is not one to suffer fools lightly. He is ready to speak his mind and an ideal partner would be able to speak their mind as well. He is also patient, caring and very much a gentleman, some see him as a father-figure kind of individual due to his willingness to help others.
The one who would become Kaga's partner must not be an enemy of Celest or the Divine Order of Weiwae and must not be viscanti or illithoid (sorry). Age is not a particularly big issue, as long they have ambitions and clear goals as to what they wish to achieve with their life. While open to the possibility of marrying into a family, starting a new family would also be a possibility.
Never put passion before principle. Even if you win, you lose.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
Oh, hey, that weirdo is here again, and has learned thread necromancy. Luce. Market open
Manic bursts of activity followed by extended lulls. (He might be part ferret? Maybe just bipolar!)
Absolutely no idea what he's doing 95% of the time in combat.
Takes a while to open up to physical contact.
Absolutely no idea how to be sociable.
Messy bedroom with, ironically, no bed.
Severe case of AD-Oh look a bird.
Usually broke.
Usually in over his head. Chairman/Warlord/Emporer Former politician He designed fish brew tea.
He can cook, paint, write plays, and design things.
Down for an entirely intellectual relationship if physical touching isn't your bag.Realized this isn't quite true. He probably needs touching and contact therapy even if he doesn't realize it yet. (Wait, wouldn't this be a con now?)
Published, and a Stage Prestige winner.
Dreamweaver and illusionist who is no stranger to making ideas come to life.
Hasn't killed his thunderbirdgarosaurkirin.
Polite, demure, and composed at least 60% of the time. In the Shevat homestead or villa when he isn't. (Oh no, he's loose, ruuun!)
V. Loyal. Especially to people he considers family or Comrades.
You will never mistake him for someone else. He's the one with green-white fur. That is occasionally glowy and/or cloudy, because hey! Demigod. Chairman/Warlord/Emporer He designed a cake made with fondant origami birds.
Looking for:
Slight preference for Lobo, Aslaran, Tae'dae, and Furrikin, but okay with anyone under 6'6".
Preference for males
Above points are both negotiable due to Shevat and Collectivist outlook.
Hallifaxian or willing to assimilate for preference, allies accepted if they survive the vetting process.
To apply:
Contact Luce or any Shevat and survive the scrutiny of the people he cares about.
I'm going to write this the same way I write my letters to the Iron Council so that you can get a feel for my character.
Greetings Potential Spouse,
This letter is to inform you that I am currently available (and looking) to be married into your family. Listed below are reasons as to why this arrangement for you and your family may prove beneficial.
I am one who is consistently dedicated to the betterment of the Engine of Transformation, currently having served seven years as an aide to the office of the Chancellor (I have also earned my way to the rank of Marquessa almost entirely from carrying out tasks for the Chancellor). From the moment I had left the Portal of Fate I immediately took my life into my own hands and took up the study of necromancy so that I might better preserve myself in the harsh setting that is the Basin of Life. I am very studious when it comes to various scholarly subjects and would be delighted to expand my knowledge on the unique history of your house in particular. I am currently twenty five years of age as of writing this letter and wouldn't be opposed to variations in our ages as those blessed with undeath are all ageless. I am currently an orclach, and I am not looking to change my race to viscanti for the sake of marriage as race is a trivial matter as long as one serves the Engine.
Please reach out to me by letter if at all possible, if that proves to be an inconvenience then a message is also permissible.
Thank you for your consideration,
Auditor Toriah
You can shoot me an ooc tell/message in game to set things up or a forums message. Thanks!
Selenity is looking for a spouse! If interested, please message me here on the forums!
About Selenity
She's aderpable, friendly, and has lots of toys she doesn't mind sharing. Selenity is friends with people outside of her alliance, so if you sneer at such a thing, maybe not the best idea to pursue her (however, I welcome the RP of you trying to get her to stop). She is willing to leave the Sweetpaw name behind, though she is rather fond of it.
Activity: Every 1 to 3 days, before 1 PM EST
RP: Heavy
Preferences: Men or Non-Binary, but the right woman could steal her heart with a lot of effort
Personality: Gentle, soft, warm, quick to love, slow to dislike (of which only one person does she currently dislike), protective of her friends
Quixote is a tad quirky. Going to copy the layout from above as it's very well laid out. He is soon to become of the Strongleaf family, is very attached to Serenwilde and will be remaining there. He has loads of toys, bashes astral to excess and tries to be friendly with everybody.
Activity: Logged in for multiple hours each day. UK based but my sleeping patterns are generally very broken.
RP: Non-existent. I suck at it. Badly. Willing to learn, though!
Preferences: Absolutely must be male or NB. Male preferred.
Personality: Impulsive, generous to a fault, likes to contribute.
Big ask, but somebody who has a big interest in coding would be ideal. I am currently working on a free to use system for the playerbase so a lot of my time does go there. Grinding the hours away on astral must be appealing for you also. Finally, your character must also be willing to join the Strongleaf family.
Oi. You lot. Thaldorn here. It won't be long before Alarin figures out I'd commandeered his account, so I'll make this quick. This bloke needs to get married. Seriously. Someone get this giant panda out of my hair. He loves to hunt... actually, it's more of an obsession with him. If you love to hunt, he's your panda. Take him. One thing though. To make this look legitimate, you'll have to get me to like you in Lusternia. It's the only way he'll even consider it an option. Also, he's... the cub makes the average New Celestian look like sinners. He won't partake in cactus weed. He refuses to even take a sip of alcohol. Believe me, I've tried. But he's extremely generous and loves to help others, especially the novices. Even my wife Lanivara has tried to get him to talk to a female as more than just friends. The bloody bear is clueless. Help me out eh?
ALARIN: ...Thaldorn? Where the blazes are you?!
And there he is. If you're interested, just wink at me within the First World. I'll see if I can get him to get his mind off of other things and on you. Hopefully. Oh... before I forget! He won't even consider marriage an option unless it is someone that is not enemied to New Celest. Help a gorilla out, eh? Whaddaya say?
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.
Oi. You lot. Thaldorn here. It won't be long before Alarin figures out I'd commandeered his account, so I'll make this quick. This bloke needs to get married. Seriously. Someone get this giant panda out of my hair. He loves to hunt... actually, it's more of an obsession with him. If you love to hunt, he's your panda. Take him. One thing though. To make this look legitimate, you'll have to get me to like you in Lusternia. It's the only way he'll even consider it an option. Also, he's... the cub makes the average New Celestian look like sinners. He won't partake in cactus weed. He refuses to even take a sip of alcohol. Believe me, I've tried. But he's extremely generous and loves to help others, especially the novices. Even my wife Lanivara has tried to get him to talk to a female as more than just friends. The bloody bear is clueless. Help me out eh?
ALARIN: ...Thaldorn? Where the blazes are you?!
And there he is. If you're interested, just wink at me within the First World. I'll see if I can get him to get his mind off of other things and on you. Hopefully. Oh... before I forget! He won't even consider marriage an option unless it is someone that is not enemied to New Celest. Help a gorilla out, eh? Whaddaya say?
Going to shamelessly support Thaldorn here in getting my e-dad-in-law married off, he's a great guy so go meet him
Oi. You lot. Thaldorn here. It won't be long before Alarin figures out I'd commandeered his account, so I'll make this quick. This bloke needs to get married. Seriously. Someone get this giant panda out of my hair. He loves to hunt... actually, it's more of an obsession with him. If you love to hunt, he's your panda. Take him. One thing though. To make this look legitimate, you'll have to get me to like you in Lusternia. It's the only way he'll even consider it an option. Also, he's... the cub makes the average New Celestian look like sinners. He won't partake in cactus weed. He refuses to even take a sip of alcohol. Believe me, I've tried. But he's extremely generous and loves to help others, especially the novices. Even my wife Lanivara has tried to get him to talk to a female as more than just friends. The bloody bear is clueless. Help me out eh?
ALARIN: ...Thaldorn? Where the blazes are you?!
And there he is. If you're interested, just wink at me within the First World. I'll see if I can get him to get his mind off of other things and on you. Hopefully. Oh... before I forget! He won't even consider marriage an option unless it is someone that is not enemied to New Celest. Help a gorilla out, eh? Whaddaya say?
Going to shamelessly support Thaldorn here in getting my e-dad-in-law married off, he's a great guy so go meet him
...I'm gonna go hide now. Rofl!
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.
Lilli is panromantic so she's open to nb/male/female.
Must marry into Ebonrose.
Must be allied to Glomdoring (or willing to move to a nation that is)
Must not be an enemy to Viravain or Glomdoring, no exceptions.
RP some! Or be willing to test the waters if you're a casual roleplayer
I'm fine with marrying an alt if you're not interested in moving your main character, that's understandable!
Some perks: I enjoy RP, and will do tons of Glom-related things with you. Ebonrose is a very close-knit family who looks after each other and you'd be joining some very wonderful people. You'd be fulfilling your tah'vrai by contributing to the future of the Wyrd.
theatre due to the snowy weather.
hungering malice.
About Kaga:
As of this post, he is 363 years old, so he is definitely getting on in his years, but he tries to keep himself active with Order activities (He is an Avatar of Weiwae). He is very much a selfless individual, willing to help where and when he can, as long as another has not already requested his attention - and even then he will try to get back to you when he can.
He values ambition and an ability to think outside the box, he is not one to suffer fools lightly. He is ready to speak his mind and an ideal partner would be able to speak their mind as well. He is also patient, caring and very much a gentleman, some see him as a father-figure kind of individual due to his willingness to help others.
The one who would become Kaga's partner must not be an enemy of Celest or the Divine Order of Weiwae and must not be viscanti or illithoid (sorry). Age is not a particularly big issue, as long they have ambitions and clear goals as to what they wish to achieve with their life. While open to the possibility of marrying into a family, starting a new family would also be a possibility.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
theatre due to the snowy weather.
hungering malice.
Chairman/Warlord/Emporer Former politician
He designed fish brew tea.
He designed a cake made with fondant origami birds.
Edited, characterization marches on.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
You can shoot me an ooc tell/message in game to set things up or a forums message. Thanks!
About Selenity
Quixote is a tad quirky. Going to copy the layout from above as it's very well laid out. He is soon to become of the Strongleaf family, is very attached to Serenwilde and will be remaining there. He has loads of toys, bashes astral to excess and tries to be friendly with everybody.
Activity: Logged in for multiple hours each day. UK based but my sleeping patterns are generally very broken.
RP: Non-existent. I suck at it. Badly. Willing to learn, though!
Preferences: Absolutely must be male or NB. Male preferred.
Personality: Impulsive, generous to a fault, likes to contribute.
Big ask, but somebody who has a big interest in coding would be ideal. I am currently working on a free to use system for the playerbase so a lot of my time does go there. Grinding the hours away on astral must be appealing for you also. Finally, your character must also be willing to join the Strongleaf family.
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.
Going to shamelessly support Thaldorn here in getting my e-dad-in-law married off, he's a great guy so go meet him
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.
Thank you to everybody who contacted me with your giggles, offers, and downright hilarious shenanigans!
Lilli is panromantic so she's open to nb/male/female.
- Must marry into Ebonrose.
- Must be allied to Glomdoring (or willing to move to a nation that is)
- Must not be an enemy to Viravain or Glomdoring, no exceptions.
- RP some! Or be willing to test the waters if you're a casual roleplayer

I'm fine with marrying an alt if you're not interested in moving your main character, that's understandable!Some perks: I enjoy RP, and will do tons of Glom-related things with you. Ebonrose is a very close-knit family who looks after each other and you'd be joining some very wonderful people. You'd be fulfilling your tah'vrai by contributing to the future of the Wyrd.
1)Spouse must have many cartels and a budget for cartel designs
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.