I was wondering if anyone had a function they wouldn't mind giving me that I could route my Harmony mantra aliases through. I would want it to help me to say "na" in the appropriate places (and swap the non-redundant mantras I'm saying in for the right ones) with minimal coding in each alias (so as to reduce eq loss during combat).
Thanks in advance.
To clarify, I'm specifically looking for a Mudlet function.
mantra1= matches[2]
mantra2= matches[3]
mantra3= matches[4]
Create a chant1 alias that will:
mantra1= matches[2]
send( " mantra chant " ..mantra1.. " na na ")
Create a chant2 alias that will:
mantra2= matches[2]
send( " mantra chant na " ..mantra2.. " na ")
It's not a function or fancy.
Depending on how many individual mantras I'm looking to replace, and depending on which combination I'm switching from and which I'm switching to, it seems to me that, first of all, I may not always want to always place the same mantra in the same variable, being as, depending on which combination I previously chanted, I may want to put it in one slot or another. To a degree, I suppose I could try to always place the same mantra in the same slot in all of my potential combinations, but (and this may because I'm new to this) I don't know whether that would give me as much flexibility as I'd ultimately want.
I'd also lose more equilibrium total if I were to change the mantra in each slot individually, and doing so also seems like it would be a lot to think about if I needed to switch on the fly during PVP. If I had to, I could, with my very limited coding knowledge, make aliases that figured out which variables didn't need to be replaced and replaced the others, but it seems to me that someone who knows more than me about scripting in Mudlet might already have turned that process into a function somewhere.
Again, I *do* appreciate the answer, though, and let me know if I'm mistaken in some way (I haven't really thought out which Harmony combinations I'd even want yet, for instance, but I imagine experience will teach me a lot more about that, too), but that's my quandary, basically.
Anyway, thanks. If someone turns out to already have this, I'd still like a copy if they didn't mind, but I guess it's not super high prio.