Is there a nexus based system out there anyone would be willing to share? I'm not talking holy crap kill them all pvp system, just your basic bashing/influencing/ratting type system. Before anyone says get mudlet, I've tried it, it hates me, and my brain is to broken to be able to code in it. (even for simple triggers) I've been slowly cobbling together hunting and stuff but figured I'd at least ask if anyone has something like I need. I freely admit I'm an idiot, I can't even figure out how to set up aliases to swap variables in nexus
To use:
IC <target> starts up automatic charity influencing using stratagems. It will influence every <target> in the room and then automatically stop, and will automatically use all skills you have and not the skills you don't have. IE for empower, IW for weakening, IP for paranoia, IS for seduction. Eventually, IV for village. It will auto stop if you find something that you can't influence, and you can SM CLEAR if you want to stop early for some reason.
@ me for bug reports, I guess? Also, if you can describe to me what a hunting system looks like beyond an alias for "SM ADD REPEAT KILL <target>", I could probably make one for you!
This package contains a single alias, AUTODEBATE <target>. It will automatically change your mindset to a random mindset, rub focus and debate your target with a random debate attack every time you enter that alias.
Much love to my friend Nougat who helped me figure out how to write an RNG in javascript. Semicolons are finicky things, apparently.
Totally not Ess.
Probably Kistan but that only has one s
Does Nexus track GMCP? I've been having problems with Mudlet lately and while I've mashed together enough of an influencer that I can do guard stacks without concern (I love stratagems so much), and I'd like to imbue my brazier when I hit about 250 esteem. Sadly I have no idea how to do this in Nexus, so just wondering if it can be done, and how if it can. Love in advance!
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
The former will describe the onGMCP function, which will receive all GMCP data. The latter describes all GMCP namespaces.
Inside the function, you might do something like...
Of course, you'd probably want to limit that to once every second or so to prevent spamming yourself out, but I'm not too familiar with Nexus and how much JS it would allow. Chances are it'd be something with setTimeout, but there might be a better solution here.
Hmm is there a chance of losing some though?
Like you have 499 esteem and then you an influence on something worth ten you'll lose 9?
Currently released packages include a queueing system, a debater, a hunting system, a name DB, a shopkeeping system, a full aetherhunt package, a supplies manager, a waypoint system, and an outfits manager, as well as a developer toolkit that includes a means of making multi-color displays from scripts. Future releases (already mostly written, just need some work to bring into line with these) include an influencer, a defenses manager, an herbs harvester, and possibly a totems carver.
I probably won't ever try to make a combat system because I just don't do combat well enough. If someone who does do combat and really wants to see a Nexus system for it ever wanted to go in halvsies with me on the work to make it, that is, they tell me what the code needs to do and I do the coding and they test it, that'd be something I'd consider.
The defenses system I haven't yet released has all the mechanics for smart defense management (e.g., profiles that automatically adapt to your current skillflex/classflex) but doesn't have the triggers for most defenses because I don't have access to them. If lots of people were willing to contribute the defense raise/lower/def triggers and similar info, I could certainly make it all-class, all-purpose. I realize that's like saying "if someone gave me a cake and some frosting I could make a nice frosted cake" -- gathering that info is the hard part!
There's an Issues list there where you can see future plans, vote for things you'd like to see prioritized, even add your own issues and suggestions.
- You can make a complete hunt list for an area and use it whether all targets are present in that room.
- You can save these lists by area or by name, then quickly execute them.
- GMCP keeps track of targets arriving and leaving, and even prioritizes them in your target list.
- Correctly handles mobs that drop mobs (e.g., the Tar Pits).