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Re: Mudlet Packages by Ashira

New File: Grimkeep
  • GRIMHELP for a pop-up with commands.
  • Will assist in killing denizens of Grimkeep
  • Has a myriad of customizable settings. Suggestions for additional settings welcome!

Salt Upon Your Lips

Against all odds, Avaris has found something he never thought he would - Someone as zealous as he is! I had the absolute pleasure of RPing with @Misericorde , and enjoyed myself thoroughly. This may be the start of a terrible, wonderful friendship  o:)

Salt Upon Your Lips

Re: Salt Upon Your Lips

Avaris was an absolute delight to write with, and more importantly was able to be flexible with my bananas schedule. This log is the first time in ages I’ve been able to actually sit down and rp, so thank you Avaris! I look forward to more interactions with our characters (however long it takes)!

Re: Upcoming Celestine Rework

This is a volunteer coding project that has been taken on by a volunteer, it isn't something that I'm committing myself to do. When it comes to volunteers doing volunteer projects, we want them to work on something they are genuinely interested in doing so it's more likely it gets completed. Celestines have been on the starmap at this point for a few years and this was a project this volunteer was interested in undertaking so we gave it a greenlight. This is a project that we are aiming for them to complete before taking on bigger projects. Maybe those larger projects will involve more things you want to see done, but we need to take the first step and the first step is allowing them to complete this project first. I've signed off on the proposal because I think it accomplishes some of the goals we want to see for Celestines (and Celest) such as more synergy between classes to bring them up to par with synergy seen in other orgs. 

I understand that you, Brawrur, don't feel this is the best use of resources, but continuing to harp on it is neither constructive or useful. If you want to be constructive, please do so, but leave out the extraneous commentary that does not really relate to this project. 

Any further posts that are not directly related to feedback on the proposal here will be deleted because it's simply a waste of our time at this point. You've said your piece, what you want is not in the cards at this time, it's time to move on.

Ryseni Recruitment Drive

Ryseni is a small house with a lot of big talk, and we're looking to bring ourselves up in number to match that overbearing ego! It's great house or bust, and we have irons in the fire to hopefully secure a historical tie intrinsic to Gaudiguch at some point in the future (near, dare I hope?).

What we're like:
Loud and dramatic. Ryseni is as quintessentially Gaudiguchian as they come, and we aren't shy about staking a claim on that niche. If there isn't some rumor or bold-faced scandal with one of our names attached to it, it's probably in the works - but always in the name of good fun when we can help it. Our public image is one of relative unease, which helps to obfuscate ongoing projects that might toe the line of morality. If you're at all familiar with Gaudiguch's historical leanings, especially along the lines of the Xeeth Labs and Mirage Prison, that is the direction we're recently set to follow.

We're perhaps most infamous for owning and "operating" a private harem. This den of iniquity really amounts to a few flavorful rooms fronting a much larger manse, which includes public amenities, private living quarters and a research facility under lock and key. We have some that keep their focus on embodying the harem lifestyle, some that dwell strictly on scientific aspirations and experimentation, and some that fall between with their own trails to blaze. The harem and harlotry front is due to fall out of favor as we move closer to the end goal of historical house, provided it remains an option, but bits and pieces of it will likely be left intact as it is still a facet of Gaudiguch's overarching culture.

Who we are:
Eritheyl is the loud and proud family patriarch, someone who wants and insists and will plot assassination attempts to secure the best for him and his. He's a pusher with a penchant for nagging, and his stubbornness is both an asset and a detriment depending on what side of it you land. He wants you to want to be your best self - misguided as his attempts at encouraging that can be, his heart is always in the right place. He's busy, always busy, whether its with politicking or designs or writing a book he'll never publish, but he will drop everything to teach or help out somebody in need.

Ansakta is a confusingly complementary opposite: a lover, not a fighter, he's most often the sympathizer and peacekeeper. As a trained courtesan his character doesn't stray too far from being the laidback trophy husband on loan from the Palace, but he has surprisingly keen advice whenever he ends up being dragged into disputes. He will always encourage you to do whatever makes you happy, even when it's a horrendously poor decision in the long term. Very be in the moment, live laugh love, etc.

Kihr is a magnet for awkward situations that usually end in blunders. Though he isn't the oldest, the strongest or the smartest of their kids, he has the biggest heart and does his best to stand as a beacon of positivity. His first instinct is always to help, even when he doesn't have the first clue as to what he's getting into or how he's going to gracefully get back out of it when it goes wrong, but somehow that works to showcase his charm. Usually squabbling with his angrier dad, usually in public, they're both embarrassing like that.

What we're looking for:
Currently I'd like to secure one additional progenitor OR first generation member, which would require an appropriately aged character to bloodbond with or be adopted by myself. This would give us avenues to continue building up our second generation which has just recently popped into existence, and is otherwise our main focus. Younger characters should look to Kihr as the current adoption seeker.

We aren't extremely particular about race, but dracnari is and will continue to be the family's chosen, so bonus points if you tick that box! Adoptions will not be considered for anyone outside of Gaudiguch initially, but if it becomes a part of your character's own story that they should move elsewhere, we don't intend to begrudge you for it toooooo too much.

You don't need to be great or even good at roleplaying, we have a very slice of life way about us currently. Until the ball is rolling on our historical aims, there is no great plot beyond the rather vague idea of flesh experiments in the secret laboratory. Oh, and we sell wyverns - the wyverns for the flesh experiments, the wyverns specifically bred to experiment with flesh, the flesh wyverns. Hooks exist for anyone who's interested, but there is no expectation to adhere to those pursuits.

If you have an existing character and would like to join our ragtag band of misfits, feel free to engage with any of us in an IC fashion to see how our interests and personalities align, or you can always reach out to me on an OOC level for questions or clarification. You can also contact me via Discord (schoochie bubblegum type#2842, it's a long story) if you're thinking of rolling anew and don't want to out your main.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Uzriel said:
Here’s one.

For whatever reason (ignoring the fact that they might not willingly have), your god role took the elixir in the Elder Wars. How would they have been changed, and what would they be doing today?

Inversely for any elixir drinkers, what if your godrole didn’t partake?
Oh there is no way this would ever be willing, but that makes answering this more fun. We're talking full on Rites of Abomination here, yeah?

One of two things would happen. One would be that Lantra's Purity complex would be completely inverted. She would stand for the exact opposite of what she stands for now, which is the sanctity of Creation as Dynara first envisioned it. Instead, she would be seeking to complete the natural "next step" of Dynara's creation -- making her later, I think, a pro-Taint, Magnagoran entity. Because if corruption and corrosion is ultimately inevitable and irreversible, then why not accelerate that end, and relent to completing Dynara's last sacred mission?

The other answer is that she would be so horrified by what she had become she would lose her mind. She's too in tune with the immanidivinus etherea, I think. She would be too aware of the ways that the rites had changed what Dynara had made her. I think she would go insane.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Here’s one.

For whatever reason (ignoring the fact that they might not willingly have), your god role took the elixir in the Elder Wars. How would they have been changed, and what would they be doing today?

Inversely for any elixir drinkers, what if your godrole didn’t partake?

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

<3 Godmins. Isotta being patient with us (oh gosh we players need to communicate more aloud) and fun interactions with Tyrus.

I loved seeing the flower pot change and Abeytu interacting with everything. Thanks to everyone contributing and sharing knowledge on how to acquire important elements for nurturing a flower of Seralem! (I has names if you spot things in the painting of the flower pot, yes.)

The ritual on Moon Lake with naiads swimming and singing! Props to Saran for coming up with words and ways for folks to contribute.