It was any other day in Gaudiguch when the unexpected happened - the Freedom Council authorised mass destruction within the City of Freedom. Interviewing eyewitnesses, the explosion happened far beneath the city after a riot was started over the city's shortage of kouseki powder. While kouseki powder is not generally in high demand beyond the creation of incense, it seems an artificial demand has been induced by notable members of the city, including Caliph Eritheyl, Minister of Security Afrit, and their patsies Chundae and Zulte.
The explosion and subsequent destruction were centred around a structure known as the Golden Pavilion. This was an announcement made by a man named Arix from atop the Great Pyramid. We were not able to garner comment on the Pavilion, its purpose, or its whereabouts, but it was noted that the Matron of the Pavilion, Taschelin, was seen with many of the instigators both before and after the explosion, as well as a mysterious dracnari of old age and a dancer from the Palace of Pleasure who looked as if he had been tortured.
Digging into the events that led up to this, Deotathi, Proprieter of the Dapper Dashro Lounge, had this to say: "Couldn't tell you what they wanted myself. One day, they come in trying to shake me down, insisting that something was wrong and therefore something had to be wrong with me too. I hinted that their line of questioning was agitating me, and they seemed to take it as affirmation. Bloody nutters, the lot of them. This is why I don't pay taxes."
Further rumours of the dancer being central to all of this came to light, and after a little investigation, we learned that the Caliph Eritheyl was keeping him in his basement. When questioned about this, Eritheyl denied these claims and noted that the dancer was instead stored in his attic. When asked about the torture, he denied any comment, the obvious sign of a guilty man. Upon inquiring about his deals with the Golden Pavilion, he denied them but noted that the kouseki powder he promised was, in fact, a scam, and he was unaware of the existence of any quantities of the product. When asked for his reasoning, he claimed this was purely one of his freedoms and declined any further comment. The rest of the Freedom Council, nor any of their associates, could be contacted for comment.
Further investigation led me to the site of the Dragon's Scar Memorial Bridge, where earlier in the month was seen a gathering of Gaudiguchians, including the accused, and Serenwilders as well being granted an audience with the Lord Ein, who had not been seen for over a century at the time of this writing. In the interest of verifying this claim, I trekked to His fulcrux and inquired of Him about His return. He offered this: "Yes, the city decided to wake me up. It was all quite exciting." Apparently, in addition to starting a riot and scamming the people of Gaudiguch, the Freedom Council has decided to also harass and harangue a sleeping Elder and disturb His rest. This reporter finds such behaviour quite rude and intolerable, as sleep is one of the rarest and finest gifts known to mortalkind and I assume Elderkind too.
We find ourselves at a dearth of information at this point, with many questions left on our hands for our readers: Why is the Freedom Council perpetrating scams upon its citizenry? Why are there explosions being set off in the city without advance warning? Given the number of Serenwilders attending His return, is this really Ein, or is it Lisaera in disguise? Or even more likely, Drocilla disguised as Lisaera disguised as Ein?
These questions and more will hopefully be answered in future editions of the Gossip. This has been Chixieya Ninchi, your favourite Editor in Grief, at the Gaudiguch Gossip.
Did you know we have an official Mudlet YouTube channel? Well, we do! We haven't really done anything with it though, and today we're changing that by launching the Mudlet 101 series.
Mudlet 101 is a series of videos explaining the basics of using Mudlet, starting at downloading the client and working up through basic aliases. At least to start! I intend to release one video a week to grow the library of video tutorials for Mudlet.
I hope you'll come check them out and let us know what you think. I'm still sorting out my tooling and process, but I think I've just about got one I like.
This thread has been too quiet here recently. Inquiring minds would like to know:
1.) What is your favorite thing to do when you need a break from a project? 2.) What do you miss most about being a mortal? Like an activity or a quest that you could mindlessly do. 3.) What do you not miss about your mortal skin? 4.) If you could do one thing to bring the basin together as your Divine self what would it be? Would He/She ever do it? 5.) What FanFiction needs to be written about your Divine self and why?
Like, any kind of project or a Lusternia specific project? Ultimately the both are the same kind of thing, but they end up being done for different reasons--i.e. playing video games of some kind, haha. For Lusternia at least, I usually turn to them for some sort of inspiration or ideas to think through ruts.
I don't really miss being a mortal, but I do always going to Shallach and bashing the orcs. There was something very nice about the simplicity of that area.
The feeling of guilt about not investing time or energy in an alt when my "main" was all equipped and good to go; the feeling that I didn't have much interest in my "main."
This is a hard question. I think the problem is, unless there are certain circumstances, Terentia (and maybe all Warrior Elders) would have little need to "bring the basin together."
I don't really read fanfiction, so I have no idea what would need to be written about Terentia or why.
(PS--take this meager post as a sign that I have passed through my exams--so expect Terentia soonish... hopefully 🙈)
Leaving a comment here because the subject came up the other day again on the disc. My mind can't help but wonder how our game feels to someone new. The only downside to implementing something like this is people using it to peek in at who is around before going for a domoth or raid.
My only suggestions for changes to things that were listed above would be keeping the names on who, but deleting their locations if they have the cloaking gems. Make manses visible, unless equipped with a privacy gem. Aetherships should be visible, locations would be difficult to work out on this one though.
(Serenwilde): You say, "This question is for zero points, to test you're ready! Who currently leads as Wyldewald of the Wodewoses?"
The melodious voice of Essoheli resonates in your mind, "Elarin!"
Huskii tells you, "Dad!"
(Serenwilde): You say, "[Zero point] Question: What is the title held by the leader of the Sowers of the Last Seed?"
Velcora's melodic voice sings into your mind, "The Vates Arboreal."
Huskii tells you, "Sister in law!"
Hey, listen! /Navi
(Serenwilde): You say, "For our tiebreakers, we will be branching out a bit from Miss Lief's play, "Groves of Three," and our founding teachers, to highlight
united efforts of our guilds in more recent events. Also because everyone is too smart."
(Serenwilde): You say, "Question: Which of our guilds have a connection to Seralem? Two points."
(( Thoughtful answers come in. ))
(Serenwilde): You say, "This one will not have partial credit! Counting down 10, 9..."
This thread has been too quiet here recently. Inquiring minds would like to know:
1.) What is your favorite thing to do when you need a break from a project? 2.) What do you miss most about being a mortal? Like an activity or a quest that you could mindlessly do. 3.) What do you not miss about your mortal skin? 4.) If you could do one thing to bring the basin together as your Divine self what would it be? Would He/She ever do it? 5.) What FanFiction needs to be written about your Divine self and why?
1.) Other than taking a break from Lusternia and taking a breather? Building, usually. A lot of my favorite work I've done in Lusternia hasn't actually been under Lantra's IC domain, but things I've written anonymously as an admin behind the scenes. I like piecing together stories in Lusternia and answering "What if?" questions through quest and area building: not just for Celest, but for the game as a whole. It's especially rewarding if I can churn out creative goodies for other admin, giving them toys I know they'll benefit from being put into the Lusternia universe. Year arcs are fulfilling because they scratch this itch as well, but they have a stricter timeline. If I'm puttering away at a brand new area behind the scenes, it's done when I want it to be. Works well as a backburner if you chip away at it slowly in your downtime.
2.) Being able to goof around more easily and fly under the radar. Lantra is a very serious character and she has little room for joking around or levity. I love that about her, but it's a static dynamic; her responses to various types of characters are set, and she will have limited changes in how she reacts to the world. It can also be frustrating to have those reactions interpreted as how I, the admin, feel about a player rather than how Lantra feels. This is to say that I can't just hop on an OOC clan and say, "PS, I'm not Lantra IRL." And this isn't even including the fact that when a god shows up, many players go completely silent and don't know what to do! NPCs can give more options, but it's not the same as just logging in and chilling at the nexus as a fun, low stakes alt.
3.) The mechanics and combat. The reluctant obligation to participate in political drama. Revolts/aetherflares/etc etc.
4.) This is an interesting question. I'll just say that Lantra believes she is always right and the sooner everyone else agrees to it and stops being Just Another Disappointment, the better.
5.) Thax x Lantra fanfiction, one-sided: unrequited love turned to hate from the metal man in a suit for the goddess who views him as the embodiment of everything wrong in the world. Mm, angsty angst. Delicious.
For whatever reason (ignoring the fact that they might not willingly have), your god role took the elixir in the Elder Wars. How would they have been changed, and what would they be doing today?
Inversely for any elixir drinkers, what if your godrole didn’t partake?
Morgsrai. Alternatively, Mysfyre. There's no way they could both exist at the same time, and they would attempt to consume each other, very likely becoming a greater entity in the process.
Do you enjoy mucus, flesh, and ancient Illuminati experiments? Do your children ceaselessly bother you for a pet of some sort? Do you have an overabundance of coin, time, and energy to rear and raise new life? Well, you are in luck. The newly formed Vortex Preservation Society has made available a brand new invention of old: The Sarkipose.
They sneeze, they squeal, they adapt to their environment! The sarkipose is a wondrous pet for children of all ages from 6 to 600*, and they are the absolute height of failed Illuminati technology. All fleshseeds are guaranteed harvested fresh from the finest abscesses of the plane. Get yours today, speak to Zhush near the Lovashi valve.
* Due to their immense weight and size, we do not recommend sarkiposes for children younger than the age of six as they are both a crushing and a choking risk.
This advertisement is approved and paid for by the Vortex Preservation Society. The Vortex Preservation Society is not affiliated with the Gaudiguch city government or with the Gaudiguch Gossip.
A carefree elfen lady listens to each answer in turn, then lifts a finger at
Acalia's words. She smiles at her, then fixes her study upon Eeryn. "Perhaps you
may have hidden," she says, "but perhaps, with the unity Acalia speaks of, and
the community Llani speaks of - that we all seek - you may have found strength
you did not know you possessed."
Eeryn nods, eyes fixed upon the enchanting elfen lady.
Eirossel thoughtfully, "It is like a tree, many must make this forest. Just as
we all must make the Wilde. It is something not done alone."
Acalia nods her head emphatically.
A carefree elfen lady nods her head once, agreement gleaming in her pale eyes.
Playing Lief Myeras-Silvermoon's lecture, "Groves of Three," for cute novices. And someone makes their way home. Everyone joins in to give the festival proper opening ( Ctrl+F Discussion Time! ).
Thank you to everyone who could make it! You made this amazing.
I left my own typos in. People go with the flow and make a beautiful experience together.