Eve said:This thread has been too quiet here recently. Inquiring minds would like to know:
1.) What is your favorite thing to do when you need a break from a project?
2.) What do you miss most about being a mortal? Like an activity or a quest that you could mindlessly do.
3.) What do you not miss about your mortal skin?
4.) If you could do one thing to bring the basin together as your Divine self what would it be? Would He/She ever do it?
5.) What FanFiction needs to be written about your Divine self and why?
2. Quiz Highlights.
Too cute. orz I nearly awarded points.
Hey, listen! /Navi
1.) Other than taking a break from Lusternia and taking a breather? Building, usually. A lot of my favorite work I've done in Lusternia hasn't actually been under Lantra's IC domain, but things I've written anonymously as an admin behind the scenes. I like piecing together stories in Lusternia and answering "What if?" questions through quest and area building: not just for Celest, but for the game as a whole. It's especially rewarding if I can churn out creative goodies for other admin, giving them toys I know they'll benefit from being put into the Lusternia universe. Year arcs are fulfilling because they scratch this itch as well, but they have a stricter timeline. If I'm puttering away at a brand new area behind the scenes, it's done when I want it to be. Works well as a backburner if you chip away at it slowly in your downtime.Eve said:This thread has been too quiet here recently. Inquiring minds would like to know:
1.) What is your favorite thing to do when you need a break from a project?
2.) What do you miss most about being a mortal? Like an activity or a quest that you could mindlessly do.
3.) What do you not miss about your mortal skin?
4.) If you could do one thing to bring the basin together as your Divine self what would it be? Would He/She ever do it?
5.) What FanFiction needs to be written about your Divine self and why?
Uzriel said:Here’s one.
For whatever reason (ignoring the fact that they might not willingly have), your god role took the elixir in the Elder Wars. How would they have been changed, and what would they be doing today?
Inversely for any elixir drinkers, what if your godrole didn’t partake?
Table of Contents
1. "Groves of Three" and the Opening of the Festival
Playing Lief Myeras-Silvermoon's lecture, "Groves of Three," for cute novices. And someone makes their way home. Everyone joins in to give the festival proper opening ( Ctrl+F Discussion Time! ).
Thank you to everyone who could make it! You made this amazing.
---I left my own typos in. People go with the flow and make a beautiful experience together.
Table of Contents