Base commands tend to give lots of helpful syntax, yes. Highly recommend searching the changelog like Lendren said.
Bardics and Artisanals have been running!
PROMOTION For monthly promotions
ASHOP. No more hunting through scrolls for artifacts. Can search in lots of ways.
AB ALL <skill> [ability] works even if you don't possess that skill or want to see, say, Druidry or Wicca which have abilities unique to Glom/Seren.
NEWSSEARCH <board> <term> For lore-hounds. Get creative if the term has apostrophes though.
For reorienting on return, CGHELP is good for basics and CHELP, and GHELP are useful for getting back into lore and some possible drivers for your character. (Poke Regent/Minister if something looks off.) COMMUNE/CITY PRIVS. And Guild and Order. HELP 21.3 for clan leader commands.
ORGCREDITS - Keep track of your organization's earned yearly credits - see also POINTLOG. (HELP ORGCREDITS)
DAILYCREDITS - Keep track of your earned daily credits so far. (HELP DAILYCREDITS)
RECOGNIZE (or RECOGNISE) - Recognize another player for their RP! They get a daily credit tic, some xp or essence, and a lovely message in a log. (HELP RECOGNIZE)
RECOGNIZELOG (or RECOGNISELOG) - Check who you recognized, when, and why - this also works for who's recognized you!
GODFEELINGS - Check if you have a divine favor (or disfavor), and how long they will last.
SETALARM <1-12> (AM|PM|MIDDAY|MIDNIGHT) and SETALARM (NONE|CANCEL) - If you have a timepiece, you can set an alarm to go off at any - or all - hours of the day.
To follow in the line of Ialie's aforementioned trade commands:
HARVEST <plant> [SINGLE|INDIVIDUAL|GROUP] - Harvesting a group of herbs will result in gathering 3-5 herbs in one, slightly longer, balance.
BAKE WAFER [GROUP] - Bake a group of 100 wafers at a time, for a considerably longer balance.
For people who may be getting back into guild leadership:
GUILD TASK SHOW <person> - See all the tasks a member of your guild has yet to complete.
I believe, ever since the non-binary gender was implemented in late 2019, everyone currently starts with a free CHANGEGENDER. (Announce 2976)
In the Commands section:
PATH SEARCH <text>: Find a room to PATH TRACK to based on partial names.
HELPSEARCH <text>: Find the help file about something if it's not found by HELP <text>.
CHANGELOG SEARCH <text>: Especially useful when the help file may not be current.
HELP CALENDARNOTES: Did you know you can set alarms for specific days, and see events in CALENDAR? There's also a way to use a watch to set alarms but that's based on times, not days.
CONFIG NAMETELLS OFF: Stop accidentally sending tells when you mistype.
CONFIG RIFTCRAFT ON: Craft straight out of your rift without outrifting.
Regulators: Automatically recharge your enchantments as you use them.
The best, best, best thing that ever helped me with combat was SETALIAS. I realize this is probably a well-known thing but for a total beginner like me it was game changing. Don't type PERFORM SONG GOODBERRY <PERSON> type GB <person> make your own life easier.
Much has changed since my most active phase in Lusternia. When I return, I am always delighted by all the new and fantastical things! I also find out really neat changes to syntax or just new commands that make things a lot less tedious. For example, I cannot tell you how ecstatic I was to learn about GEMCUT GROUP. Another example was finding out how I did not have to outrift commodities for crafting. Also, dingbats are no longer a thing.
I was hoping that we could have a place to share similar tips and tricks that makes things a little easier.
As I find things I find things not posted in the comments I will edit this post and add them.
Others have currently discussed systems that are currently being updated by active players. These systems have built in "Quality of Life" reflexes for a variety of functions.
MAP LIST - List of areas and names that you can PATH TRACK to (Thanks Esei and Ashnezharr!)
Starting this Sunday, this scarcity will become a full absence until the beginning of April. I will try to respond to everything upon my return.Ein said:I'll be scarce as Ein for the next few months. I will be working in the background and will be available to respond to prayers, messages, and emails, but otherwise will not be visible.