Input is a broad term realistically, if the admin wanted only the issues they could have just said that but ideas are also input. Further, the bit you didn't bold about what players would "like to see" is similarly quite open and inclusive of ideas. And to really hit it on the head, countless times across the years players have been told to offer solutions to issues rather than just raising them which is at the least a cultural thing that tells players we are actually expected to give solutions.Jatius said:Orael said:As everyone is aware - one of our upcoming goals is to focus on the economy and re-working how it functions. The first part of this is really on us, which is to dig deep and determine how the mechanics of it function.
We're digging into the following:- aethergoop generation and sinks- commodities production and sinks- gold generation and sinks
The one thing that we still need to determine is what the eventual goals of this should be. Obviously commodity production is one of the big player concerns, but we wanted to open up this thread to give you, the players, a chance to give your input,
What would you like to see when we begin to tackle the economy?
No, it wasn't. Give your input != want your solutions.
You have the bolded the wrong way around.Sapphira said:The sense of entitlement, yeesh. Personally, the transparency our producers have is a world away from what we used to have and it's amazing. No more 'because that's how it is', we actually get numbers, we get explanations, we get to give input, they hear us when we say 'x is a problem because y' rather than turn a deliberate deaf ear as though it were personal criticism. Who let the Karens in here?? We as players and customers don't get to dictate outcomes, despite what we may think. That we even get to have input that is heard is amazing. We can't also cry that we don't get the solutions we hoped for, when no one -has- to ask for our input.
Along with all the other dismissive things this guy has said here and on Discord when players try to give feedback. But yeah keep licking that boot, I'm sure that'll get things fixed.
Rainbow Ranch does sell all those things, including avaricehorn. I restock it at least once a day, and yesterday I ran out of avaricehorn and restocked. You must have searched just in between those two moments. Of course there are things I can't make, like waterwalk, because no one can make everything and working with third party suppliers never seems to work out for me. But I've got 95% of 'all basic and quality of life things', and the only reason I run the shop is to do exactly what you say, I certainly don't need the gold.Noctis said:Third, accessibility of enchants and supplies. Finding my way to the aethershop hub, which a new player would not know exists to begin with, there was no avaricehorn on sale to Magnagorans. I feel as if someone or something should make all basic and quality of life things consistently available for newbies.