Xiran Stormcrow
Race: Faeling
Gender: Female
Commune: Serenwilde
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Brown
Titan Height: Houston, the brick joke has landed. MOTTO
Height: I think my old notes had her at 20.5" or 22.5" not including wings. She is actually a bit big for shoulder-sitting on an elfen, but they have lovely hair for braiding. Her default hover-height puts her eye level above furrikin but below elfen.
Build: Athletic, old. She has upper-body strength from tree-climbing, but she's never been graceful.
Defining Features: Geometer-inspired moth wings. (Formerly this one, now more translucent) Also a nod to Laysus's moth wings.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: --
Strengths: Cheerful. Supportive. Willing to learn. Recovers relatively quickly even if something's not resolved.
Weaknesses: Sometimes over-extends to try and smooth things over. Likes conversing with intelligent people but can't keep up because her mind's not as plastic. Takes long while to process things.
Attitude: Fae-tending zealot valuing forestal community.
- Light mischief can give insight into others. The creative process reveals things about yourself, whether or not you are ready for them.
- Honesty can be a weapon as much as a means of healing. Avoid wielding it like the former, but always be aware it may be turned against you.
- It is better to stand trial for what you believe than for a falsehood.
Morals: Find wonder in the natural world, and you will find connection and purpose. Separating public and private conduct is healthy.
Pet Peeves: Disrespecting Fae. Cosmic things in Serenwilde. Purposely spreading plagues.
Best way to piss her off: Threaten to harm Fae or Seren younglings.
Best way to get on her good side: Be a forestal. Offer sweets. Stay still so she can examine all your worn items.
Colour: -
Tertiary: Arts Masterpiece; Healing
Primary Skill: Influencing
Location: A forest dancing with snow and light
God/Goddess: Lisaera, Maylea, Hoaracle
Guild Master/House Head: There's too many? Can you tell that Xiran's not good at favourites. I will add @Anita, @Iola, and @Arien, since I mention others in various places.
Artifact: unowned artifact, permanent moonflower
Commodity: faeleaf
Animal: wolf, Serenwilde's ethereal creatures
Item owned: An emerald rose given by Synl, although it has other origins. 'A memory book of Spirits' designed by Zia. Armband described by Nejii.
Village/forest/region: Faethorn
NPC: Queen Maeve, Ridien, kudzu dryads
- Being an unskilled person in Etherwilde raid defenses, swooping around grabbing bodies for resurgem.
- Tormenting Nejii by sprinkling salt down the neck of his robes while he was stuck at the bookbinding press. Oneiroi freed him. (He was Stuck.) He thanked Them and swiftly gust-punted Xiran.
- Being taught by Galaphyrae.
- Synl.
- Iola saving Xiran from Laysus.
- Being a phantom presence on Ethereal and [---] in spite.
- Aramel reciting [---] and making Xiran need a handkerchief.
- Cute Seekers growing up and being amazing.
Song: Zia singing.
Drink: moonwater
Goals: Learning latest Fae-related history and lore. Supporting friends. Learn about what it means to be Stormcrow yet Seren.
Ambitions: Revere the Fae. Supporting Serenwilde culture.
Idol: @Galaphyrae
Best personal achievement:
- High Wisdom of the Moondancers.
- Repeat submissions for longest active engagement in the Basin, apparently.Marrying Synl.
Worst personal achievement:
- Giving in to anger in a Rage Coven and moonbursting Shaddus, getting the deathline.
Proudest moment:
Teaching Seekers.
Most shameful moment:
- Getting enemied by the Glomdoring.
- Not being able to do more for Riluna.
- Getting her words twisted by Nienla.
- OOC: Every time I burned out while Xiran's in a leadership role and let people down.
If she could make one wish: Forestal takeover.
Why you should hate her: She's biased. Slow to act. May be oddly deferential.
Why you should love her: She's trying her best to pay forward other people's kindness.
Why you should fear her: She is death-means-naught Stubborn.
Why she is harmless: She probably torments her friends more than her enemies.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: More rituals! More events. More things hidden at tree elevation in quests while forests to take over the Basin. Kelpies taking over Celest and hyfae establishing themselves in Magnagora. Finding out how Ethereal reflections of Jojobo and Ackleberry link to Faethorn. *drag cherry blossom privacy screen out for Glumki and Selene, good gracious*
Aww. Nienla. They were my nemesis after Iytha.
Nienla said:Saw this thread while lurking and as someone who has been both a roleplayer and a combatant here and elsewhere ...
Edit: Hell, now that I think about it, I wasn't even afraid of martial retaliation from Serenwilde so much as I was afraid of the verbal scolding that Xiran would give me for raiding Serenwilde. Xiran was terrifying when angry.
Standing at no taller than five feet and six inches, she is an ordinary human demigoddess changeling with antlers. A soft, feminine figure and pale complexion lends a sense of delicacy to her presence, reinforced by vaguely sylvan features and a cast of rose pink about her cheeks. Her deep violet eyes possess a penetrating quality that belies her air of fragility, though the dark lashes which frame them do soften their intensity. It is a point that is easy to overlook relative to her long, silken hair, which flatly drapes about her shoulders in a cascade of malachite green brilliance. The verdant saturation gleams with a peculiar iridescence, swimming with an ever shifting patina of rainbow hues that obeys no rhyme or reason. Almost slippery to the touch, it effortlessly glides off and along any snag before falling to drape back against her. A lush fragrance dances about her as she stands awash in the wild, prismatic colours of a truefavour from Maylea, Bloom of Serenity.
Resembling an entity from the cosmic planes, her head is wreathed in undulating strands of shimmering cosmic fire. Attuned to her moods, the chromatic waves are in constant flux, from rising up in a halo of incandescent anger to streaming back in ripples of pleasure.
She is wearing:
a rose gold wedding band budding with a ruby strawberry, comfortably resting
near the knuckle of her right ring finger
the Medallion of Beauty, which hovers just below her collar and suffuses her
throat with soft lavender light
the Medallion of Harmony, which revolves closely around the Medallion of Beauty
while ever facing it, as though performing a serenade
a pale bracelet of mist-wreathed lilies softly aglow
a chocolate-hued squid brooch
an emerald heart pendant
a whimsical dress of pulsing constellations
sea-jade silken shoes with blue ribbons
the Flame of dae'Seren, which orbits about the Medallion of Beauty along an
elliptical path.
The being standing before you exudes friendly energy, standing several inches shy of six feet tall with an athletic build. They are an ordinary human kindly demigod changeling. Their arms and legs are sinewy, the muscles in their upper body evidence of recent training efforts. Their calloused hands are constantly in motion, either loosely balled into fists at their side or resting on their instrument. Their most prominent three knuckles of their right hand are faintly scarred, pale star-shapes etched across their flesh. Their sandy skin has been tanned from repeated exposure to the sun, causing an array of tawny-colored freckles to appear upon their round cheeks and thin, upturned nose. A hint of discolored flesh can be seen near the center of their sternum, mostly obscured by their clothing. A moderately-sized, crescent-shaped scar mars their right cheek. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about them is their nicely combed mop of fiery red hair, though a few strands at their part fail to obey the natural laws of gravity and stand straight up. A shock of bone-white hair has grown in along their temple. A pair of kind gray-blue eyes gaze out from below red bangs, their color striking against all the surrounding warm hues. Tattooed on their hands is an illustration of a bumblebee constellation. Moth-like wings of sheer power radiate away from their back in nightmarish waves of bizarre hues. A steel- hued scar traces along their cheek, gifted by Terentia, the Even Bladed, for their mettle in the field of battle.
They are wearing:
a starry wreath of celestial light set atop their head like a halo
a circlet of crystal thorns resting loosely atop their head
a vivid red-orange poppy tucked lovingly behind their left ear
the Mantle of Starlight which flows dreamily about their shoulders and back
a peachy and stylish suit which has been tailored to fit their form flatteringly
mercurial Mysraian prayer beads pulled taut against their right wrist
a Glomdoring friendship bracelet which jingles softly on their left wrist
minty citrus incense beads pulled taut against their right wrist
a shifting, living poppy of amber petals worn delicately upon their left wrist
a driftwood ring of sea breezes fitted tightly to their left middle finger
polished brown patent dress shoes that have been polished to a shine.
Subtly tapering lines and well defined shoulders make the structured fit of this suit rather pronounced, the double-breasted blazer cinching along the waist before fanning gently into a short swallowtail that halts mid-thigh. Both blazer and pants are fashioned from a richly saturated marigold brocade silk shot through with threads of rose gold, leaving metallic murmurs of pink rippling over the yellow-orange body of the suit. Six peach-shaped buttons carved from morganite and capped with copper line the front of the blazer, with an additional four buttons ornamenting either cuff. Sharp peak lapels that point towards the shoulders frame an underlying dress shirt of broadcloth silk, dyed the faintest of oranges like the flesh of a cantaloupe. Small buttons of yellow sapphire line the dress shirt, marching up to a brilliantly coral pink bow tie of charmeuse silk that completes the ensemble.
Rooted to the ground by sturdy roots, he is a verdant wildewood. who stands here. He is a young sapling with silvery bark, and a verdant canopy that spreads in profusion in a semi circular dome. His trunk is straight and smooth, having been pruned of branches. A few divots in the center of his trunk suggest a face. His face is painted with an image of the greenman. Tattooed on his face is an illustration of deer antlers framing the face. A lush fragrance dances about him as he stands awash in the wild, prismatic colours of a favour from Maylea, Bloom of Serenity.
He is wearing:
a miniature snowglobe ring
an etched garnet ring
a beryl sun ring
a bloodstone ring etched with salamanders
a smooth pearl ring
a thin sapphire band
a thin sapphire band
a thin opal band
a thin diamond band
shimmering onyx beads of Nintoba
a circlet of living vines
a brown leather backpack embroidered with stags
a flowing cape of blossoms
an autumnal cape
a satchel adorned with twining ivy
a simple tree-form coat
a bright yellow rose
a glittering diamond watch
a broad-faced square watch on a broad leather strap
a musical metronome pocket watch
a striped orchid
a vibrant sunflower.
He is an ordinary human demigod, but one seemingly molded to reflect the forests he calls home. Dark, tousled hair frames his face, the wavy locks swaying with his every move like branches caught on a gentle breeze. Dark eyes--dark as fresh, earthy soil--peer out from beneath this canopy. His wintery gaze - sharp, intelligent - is yet thawed by his summer warmth of a smile and boisterous laugh. His muscles are lean, toned and as supple as a young sapling. His movements, like autumnal leaves skipping on the forest floor, are light and graceful, honed by his many years as a hunter and tracker. A lush fragrance dances about him as he stands awash in the wild, prismatic colours of a truefavour from Maylea, Bloom of Serenity.
He is wearing: a moonstone ring etched with owls a pine coloured ranger's cloak shimmering onyx beads of Nintoba an ethereal silver forestal plate a black leather belt with a silver leaf buckle an onyx ring of black roses an augmented shell of power a pair of supple leather hunting gloves a pair of vined forestwalker's boots.
Pale porcelain skin covered in freckles, they are a graceful elfen wyrden demigod changeling. Their rosewood-colored hair is pulled back, half into a fauxhawk, where it ties neatly into a ponytail at the back of their head. The rest spills down their shoulders like a waterfall of blood. Their arched brows complement sloe-dark eyes, angled and edged with feathery lashes. Their nose is straight, slightly quirked at the tip, giving them a slightly more innocent air. Their mouth is full of sharp teeth, hidden behind unassuming, pretty lips. Their body is tall and willowy, muscled like a dancer and, elegant. Meanwhile, their height pushes six and a half feet tall, accentuated by their long legs. Their hands terminate long, slender arms, each finger tipped with a claw-like fingernail. Their face leans neither male nor female, remaining perfectly androgynous; their body is also rather neutral, confusing the uninitiated. Shadows cling adoringly to them, reluctant to surrender their grasp on one with the truefavour of Nocht, the Silent.
They are wearing:
an intricate, structured ensemble of dusk
a phantasmal shroud of shadows worn loosely around their shoulders
Ebon Prayer Beads of the Silent Lord wrapped around one wrist
a circlet of the Shee-Slaugh house delicately placed against their temple
a wedding armband of eternal night resting on their left bicep
a silvered leather scabbard tied loosely at their right hip
the Fingerblade of dha'Wyrden-cree attached to their left forefinger.
She is an ordinary human demigoddess changeling. Gabe appears with a reserved demeanor about her, presented by her dark and contemplative emerald, green eyes smudged with cole. A faint imprint of black, thorned branches and leaves reaches for her temples to the corner of her eyes, before receding and twisting behind her ears. The same pattern reaches down either side of her neck, before narrowing down her spinal column. A tumbling mass of crimson hair has been braided tight from the top of her head, before twisting into several other complex braids bound with twine and twig. The rest has been left to fall to her hands, black feathers strung through the mass with bones and beads. Gabe has an angular face with strong jawline, slim nose and a modest mouth beset in ruddy skin. Spindly fingers topped with clear nails, weave in and out of the black dream-motes which appear to be in a perpetual dance around her hands marked by her forestall changes. The rest of her appears to be sturdy, yet lithe.
She is wearing:
a stud resembling the Star of Celest through her right ear
the Tear of Shallah
a mottled bloodstone watch
an onyx teardrop earring through her right ear
an onyx teardrop earring through her left ear
a three-finger ring bearing an amethyst scythe
a bracelet of thorns and roses
a star-etched bloodstone ring
a Crown of Aquarius
a musical onyx bracelet with silver thorns
a tantalizing spider-patterned silk gown
a smoky black cloak fringed with violet webs
high-heeled, knee length boots
a thin amethyst band.
He is a graceful elfen demigod, standing at a precise six feet tall, composed of a spindly body, lithe limbs, and a vast network of pale, jagged scars, the smooth skin in the spaces between a sandy shade. Straight black hair is tied back into a tight knot at the back of his head, the sides shorn neatly to the barest bit of peach fuzz. Sticking out at acute angles from the sides of his head are two prominent pointed ears, just shy of a foot in length, though his right ear stops well short of half the length of the other, ending in a raw jagged patch of scar-tissue. His forehead and cheeks are marked in an array of mismatched cuts, no two seemingly in the same direction, all of which pale in comparison to one long, inch wide cut crossing his face lengthwise from cheekbone to cheekbone. When observed at length, the scars all across his body seem to pulse to darker colors to some unheard rhythm. Pale grey, his narrow eyes are hooded by a thick browline, between which is a large hooked nose that angles slightly down over a thin mouth. The rest of his exposed skin is equally interspersed with old wounds, the highest density of which seem to culminate across the backs of his hands.
He is wearing:
a wide brimmed hat of weathered black leather
a simple silver hoop through his septum
a smoky black cloak fringed with violet webs, worn open and billowy at the
a dark silken shirt panelled with ebony leather, spotless and free of wrinkles
a ravenwood ring of haunting melodies, worn on his right middle finger
a woven nest-like belt, cinched tightly about his waist
a pair of shadowed pants, immaculate and wrinkle-free
dark ebony leather boots, recently buffed to a clean matte finish.
She is a nimble shadowcaster faeling demigoddess of sylph descent, ethereally built and far taller than most faelings, a statuesque five feet in height. Her refined complexion is a milky kawhe in hue, darkened by smudged kohl around her eyes. In stark contrast to the tan, a generous smattering of pale white freckles dapples her cheeks and shoulders. Smooth, dark brown antlers arc up from her head, each tine sharpened to a deadly point and inlaid with gold runes in an ominous promise of danger that belies the softness of her features. A wavy fall of gold-touched rose pink hair is caught up in a loose, tumbling tail that keeps the majority of the voluminous mane from her face, interwoven with aureate charms of wyrden flowers. Catlike, almond shaped eyes of a matching rose hold slit pupils, framed by thick lashes below dark and carefully shaped eyebrows. With a delicate nose and plush lips, her face is lovely and alluring in its dainty structure, but the brightness of her eyes suggests a constant careful observation and calculation of the world around her. Six wings of ephemeral shadows and roiling black storm clouds trail behind her, flickering now and then with flashes of eldritch mauve lightning. Shadows cling adoringly to her, reluctant to surrender their grasp on one with the truefavour of Nocht, the Silent.
A mane of pale pink hair frames her head, teased and blown out to create outrageous body and volume. Her pink tresses fall nearly to her waist, at once shaggy and meticulously styled for precise effect.
She is wearing:
a phantasmal shroud of shadows, draped over her shoulders
a hallowed brooch of the Silent, pinned to the shroud
a ravenwood stud through her lower lip
Ebon Prayer Beads of the Silent Lord muffled with pink silk ribbons
an azure-limned triquetra ring of the eternal Night
an intricate, ribbon-wrapped gown of a lady of Night
a silky cloak of woven starlit night embroidered with prayers
a glittering, arm-wrapping spiral bracelet of stygian crystal.
He is a nimble shadowlord faeling shadowfire-limned ascendant changeling and is much larger than normal, a bit over eight feet in height. His skin is a translucent ebony, pine-green shadows seeming to churn just below the surface. Fine white scars form an intricate lacework, lining his skin in a stark contrast. Glimmering with silver highlights, his hair is a rich, pure white, hanging thick and straight down to his shoulders. His right eye glows with red fire, containing tiny flecks of green seeming to dance in the flames, while his left is a scarred socket of tissue from which the original eye was plucked. In its place, an orb composed entirely of shadowfire has formed, constantly swirling within its confines. Both eyes roam the area, observing everything around him. His body is lean and lithe, long cables of muscle lying against his bones making him much stronger than first impression would think. He moves gracefully, making little to no noise when he chooses to walk, instinctively knowing where to place his feet for silence. Springing from his back are a pair of leathery wings, arching high and carried in a subconscious display of self- assurance, faint green tinges showing when struck by the light. Coiling around each wing, the imprint of a heavy chain has been branded into his flesh. The blackened links have worn to smooth, iridescent scars along which small wisps of shadowfire cavort.
His silvery hair is cut into an attractively short pixie cut, long bangs swept to one side. Each strand gleams with a faint emerald hue, granting a mysterious, verdant cast to his overall hairstyle.
He is wearing:
a suit of midnight flight field plate
an ebon necklace bound with a shadowfire gem
a midnight flight greathelm
a bone talisman buried in the centre of his chest
an elegant arachnidine half-mask of silver webs
a circlet of crystal thorns
a featherweight charm
the Medallion of Nature
a Brooch of Crow Feathers
a Skeletal Crown of Nature's Way
Tribal Prayer Beads of the Predator
a sinuate band of lustrous shadowfire
a Forsaken's veil
a pair of thin spectacles
an eyepatch of the aethers is positioned over his empty eyesocket, though the
churning shadowfire beneath is still visible through it
a symbol of the Predator
a bone-wrought mark of the Predator
an iced medal of the Guardians
a Pendant of Apex Evolution
the Medallion of Life
a Brooch of the Night
a black crown of crow
a bloodied standard of the An'Ryshe bloodline
an embroidered mantle of flickering hope
Onyx Wings of the Burning Dragon
the Tear of Shallah
a shadow-limned wreath of stygian feathers
a three-finger ring bearing an amethyst scythe
a heavy damask stole of ebon threads
a twisting armband of wyrden beauty
the Fingerblade of dha'Wyrden-cree.
She is a graceful elfen midnight vernal demigoddess changeling. Standing several feet tall, with her shoulders proudly set, a pair of large oval brown eyes swimming with shadowfire study their surroundings with a judgemental cast. Several freckles position themselves into familiar shapes and patterns of stars within a night sky, sweeping their way across her high-cut cheekbones and slender nose. A particular spot rests just above the curve on her mauve-colored upper lip that hints of a piercing long ago removed. Glimmering, even from the highest tucked collar, a large scar resonates from the center of her chest and moves with each breath drawn. Rising behind her are a set of sizeable semi-translucent ebon leathery wings. Their outline is barely noticeable, save the tiny shadows cast from their form. Small veins twist and curl inwards and outwards upon themselves, creating a lace-like blood flow pattern throughout the pair. Her fingertips and fingernails appear stained from tending to herbs and various flora within the forest, leaving them to a deep shade of ebon that fades upwards into an olive-toned skin complexion.
Her luxuriously full, smooth white hair has been pulled back and tied into a single, elegant braid. Despite being almost austere in its functionality, her hair is nevertheless beautiful, tied near the end with a single black ribbon.
She is wearing:
an ebon stop watch of caliginous shadows
a pair of black high heels
prayer beads of bone and feather
an onyx ring of black roses
a black rose hairpin
a black crown of crow
an elegant black cloak of fine wool
the Fingerblade of dha'Wyrden-cree
a long skirt of shadows
an open-backed slit blouse of black silk
He is a graceful elfen hyperborean demigod covered with black feathers and stands tall, his every aspect accentuated several degrees by his imperious posture. His limbs are long and slender, having an airy, ethereal flow to their movements. Straight and long, his stark white hair is worn loose as it cascades down far behind his pointed ears. His hallowed chest barely expands with every breath, giving the impression that he does not breathe at all. His cold eyes glare out from beneath a few stray bangs, the hard sapphires shining unforgivingly. His complexion is an alabaster white, pale and unflawed. The blue lips are shut tightly, refusing to betray his feelings. Jagged runes, linked together in a vine pattern, adorn the left side of his face, darkened blood staining the faint lines. They continue down the left side of his neck, down over his heart and shoulders, reaching out to the very tips of his fingers. His face is painted with an intricate spiderweb and a bone nose. Tattooed on his chest is an illustration of a crescent moon with a scorpion's tail and stinger wrapped around it.
He is wearing:
a symbol of the Predator, tucked into his hair, the handle juts out from the top
of his braid
a long silken cloak sits imposingly on his shoulders, the excessive silk piling
behind him
an ice-rimed necklace bound with a frost-touched gem pulses with a regular
a long skirt of shadows, trailing lazily behind him
a belt of thorns and roses, a few barbs lightly pricking his exposed waistline
a bone-wrought mark of the Predator implanted into the front of his belt, thin
streams of shadowed energy leaking from the seams around it
a bone and iron frogge, attached to the right side of his belt
a shoulder-mounted onyx scabbard slung across his bare back
a hip-mounted onyx scabbard slung low across his back
Tribal Prayer Beads of the Predator tied around his forearm, the stone leopard's
skull dangling casually against his palm
Boots of the Wanderer, leaving faint prints of hoarfrost.
Surpassing four feet in height, she is a nimble faeling titan. Limning her form are great moth wings, fanning out to twice the length of her arms. Unavoidably brushing against her surroundings, the dusty green wings part as wisps of ethereal energy before gently reforming. Viridian veins line her wings and marble her pale skin. At her nape, her silvery hair has been pulled back into a loose bun, secured by an emerald flower. A long fringe veils her brown eyes. Silvery wisps follow the softened contours of her aged pixie face, the ends curling short of her shoulders. Severe age lines bracket a quiet smile. A lush fragrance dances about her as she stands awash in the wild, prismatic colours of a favour from Maylea, Bloom of Serenity.
She is wearing:
a thin emerald band
an emerald rose, sending glimmers of green through her hair
a snowy cloak adorned with moonglory
an opalescent white turtleneck shirt several sizes too large.