I would also appreciate if the admin could finish the retirement process on Ciaran. It would help grant some finality and closure.Jaspet said:Can someone push the button that lets my retirement go through? I can't put this burnout mess behind me until someone does the thing that lets me leave.
This is so old it deserves an update.Aeldra said:Given Name: Aeldra
Family Name: Ladyn
Race: Faeling
Gender: Female
Guild: Sanctifiers
City/Commune: Celest
Order: Lantra
Hair: long, auburn ringlets
Eyes: emerald with sapphire spots
Height: 2'2"
Build: Slender
Defining Features: Her sapphire wings, her ivory colored skin, sometimes wacky appearance. Usually perched upon something or someone.
Piercings: -
Scars: -
Strengths: Active, cheery, supportive of others and being able to relate to most people around her. Too stubborn to give up on something, she complains but picks herself up and tries again. Tries to always see the good in her allies and friends, always a goal to make everybody succeed alongside her. Seeks to heal those around her.
Weaknesses: Can be pedantic and unforgiving on minor things, has been known to work herself to her bare bones for others without caring for herself. Sometimes naive in believing in the good in those around her. Feels alone and adrift at times, though that is changing for her. Still burdened by the past, especially the loss of moondance tower in Serenwilde. Can have manic outbursts of painting random stuff and handing it to random people if life gets too much for her.
Attitude: Open and friendly, often cheery and easily excitable, though her experience has made her more reserved. Can be very quiet and withdrawn, having lost much of her childish appearance from before.
Morals: There's good in all of us, it's our job to make it show. Curing the world of it's sicknesses is preferable to purging, though she'll not shun from the latter if needed.
Pet Peeves: People acting out of spite, being judgemental of others, favoritism and hidden agendas. People going out of their way to be mean to others. People not knowing the basics of history, e. g. not knowing who Kethuru is.
Best way to piss me off: Being judgemental of others. Aeldra believes everyone has their flaws and displaying judgemental behaviour or manipulating will get her angry.
Best way to get on my good side: Be open and aware of your surroundings. Have an understanding of politeness. Know your history.
Color: Blue and Purple
Tertiary: Dreamweaving
Tertiary Skill: -
Primary Skill: -
Location: Too many, can't pick
God/Goddess: Also hard to pick
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Lleuke
Artifact (don't have to own): Paradox Puzzle Pyramid
Commodity: Moonstone
Animal: Yvai, her battle sheep
Item owned: firefly squid beepbeep
Village/forest/region: Stewartsville
NPC: Abeytu
Memory: Apologizing to @Kali for sleeping on her doorstep and being recognized as her daughter from that.
Song: -
Drink: rose tea
Goals: Serving her goddess, helping all the people around the basin she can, becoming a better combatant
Amibitions: Becoming a keeper of Lore, raising a family, becoming an Avatar of her chosen deity
Nemesis: none so far, a few who may aspire to be one day.
Rival: None.
Best Friend(s): @Nelras
Idol: -
Best personal achievement: -Worst personal achievement: She's done many things wrong, though not sure if there's one I'd pick here.
Proudest moment: Not really have anything here right now.
Most shameful moment: Not stopping her father from cutting his thread.
If I could make one wish: Restore the moondance tower and bring Ridien back to life. (She misses both dearly).
Why you should hate her: She can be pedantic or easily distracted.
Why you should love her: She cares a lot about people around her, she's helpful and tries her best to cheer you up.
Why you should fear her: She's persistent and does not easily forget or forgive betrayal.
Why she is harmless: Still doesn't know which end of her weapon goes where most d ays and she cares too much to really be mad at people for long.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Flowers everywhere. People being made to enjoy cake. Otherwise, likely still just chaos.
Went ahead and updated this with just-pre-Zagreus info. We'll see what comes in the next few days 6)_6)Luce said:Character Name: Luce ShevatTHE ESSENTIALSRace: FurrikinGender: MaleGuild: AeromancersCity/Commune: HallifaxOrder: Isune
Hair: Shaggy white mane, short-cropped but running the entire length of his spine and down his tail.Eyes: Robin's Egg Blue with Sapphire Blue limbal rings
Height: 2'10 in his natural shape, but he's closer to 3'4" in his sky-painted or dawncast forms, and his Lightwoven form varies wildly.Build: He generally keeps covered up, but he's built slight and wiry, without much muscle tone. Exception is his tail, which is more like a dracnari's in shape, but covered with his fur (see below) and rather well developed.Defining Features: His fur is the colour of frosted jade, and is softer than it looks. In addition, his otherwise vulpiform body has larger and broader feet, claws. If he ever opens his mouth wide enough, his fangs are fewer in number, thicker, sharper, and slightly curved as compared to foxkin. He looks like a hybrid of at least three different species, but not like a chimaera of them. If he's expressing a typecast and feels aligned with certain aspects of his faith, the typecast alters his form to match.Piercings: One in each ear that he'll admit to, each holds a rune.
Scars: A couple, but they're hard to see with his fur, he generally keeps them hidden anyway, either because they're somewhere not easily displayed or just because they embarrass him.
Strengths: Creative, generally clever, generally demure, recovers fairly easilyWeaknesses: Somewhat unstable, it is quite easy to unbalance him emotionally as his sense of self-worth is tied to his impression of others' opinions of him and to his productivity levels. This can lead to an emotional spiral as his lowered self-esteem causes decreased productivity leading to lower self-esteem.Attitude: Demure, and submissive in the sense that he finds worth in empowering and providing for others rather than in acting directly.
Morals: Foremost is loyalty to family and then the collective. This is directed to the ideals rather than the members, with a few exceptions. He's not above mostly harmless pranks, but these can and have backfired on him often enough to leave him cautious about his targets. He's not above breaking a rule in service to art or scientific experimentation either, but is also not arrogant enough to believe that excuses him from the consequences thereof. He also has peculiar notions about the Dreaming and what is and isn't appropriate therein, and his opinions regarding outright slavery and torture have hardened somewhat over the years.
Pet Peeves: Disloyalty, abuse of authority, disrespecting authority, and disrespecting the Dreaming.Best way to piss him off: Insult his family, Hallifax, the Gods (including those of Gaudiguch), or the Dreaming, or encouraging or participating in the torture or enslavement of sentient creatures.
Best way to get on my good side: Talk shop. Food, plays, art, illusions, or science.
Color: Beryl, though he's grown a soft spot for lavender and blue.
Tertiary: DreamweavingTertiary Skill: InducePrimary Skill: Music. He actually finds melds boring, but too useful to abandon, and has no real talent with music, but rather enjoys the idea of sound and imagination being imbued with power. Not that he'll admit to it.Location: He's usually at the Matrix, but his favourite spot is the study overlooking the interior of Hallifax in the Shevat tower.God/Goddess: @Isune, bar none.Guild Master/House Head (all time): still @Daraius.
Artifact (don't have to own): WonderbrazierCommodity: Honeycomb, much to his own chagrin
Animal: Jackalopes. He feels TERRIBLE that he has to keep killing them for his trap.Item owned: An Isunite triptych pendant given to him by his protege.
Village/forest/region: The vault with the Sleeping ChildNPC: RheissMemory: Meeting LoopholeSong: None specific, though he enjoys complex violin pieces.Drink: Peach white tea, though he's secretly fond of his Sparkleberry wine and a kind nepenthean cocktail. (Seriously, try this thing.)
Goals: Marriage, both for his own personal wellbeing and the betterment of the Collective.
Amibitions: He'd like to get competent enough to survive in a fight, and wouldn't mind helping shape Hallifax into a cultural and financial hub.Nemesis: BENEDORI.Rival: No real rivals, Luce just doesn't invest enough energy into rivalries to acquire them.Idol: Daraius? Yep, still great-granddog.Best personal achievement: Second Trade, or becoming the Jade Emperor for a time.
Worst personal achievement: Dropping off the face of the Basin with a lot of work he left undone.Proudest moment: Becoming Chairman.
Most shameful moment: Explaining the responsibilities to a new Gridlord.If I could make one wish: [REDACTED]SUMMARYWhy you should hate him: He's a prominent figure in Hallifax, but one who isn't quite as Hallifaxian as other Hallifaxian prominent figuresWhy you should love him: He's freaking charming as heck.Why you should fear him: He's in ur dreems, rollin u into the dethtrap.Why he is harmless: He doesn't much like actual fighting.If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Well fed and well adjusted children who are well protected.