a vaguely humanoid-shaped cocoon
Wrapped tightly around its prey, a cocoon of thorns, vines, webbing, and wyrden flora lies here, holding still the wriggling form within.
Long strands of thick, sticky webbing weave around a shape that is humanoid in nature, with a
distinct head, shoulders, and lumpy feet at the end, ultimately making up this cocoon. Thorns and
bits of wyrden flora wend their way tightly around it, as if these organic additions were aiding in
the creator's plans. Although the entrapped shape jerks this way and that, its movements slow over
time, as if whatever's held inside is slowly yielding to the creator of this cocoon's will.
a vaguely humanoid-shaped cocoon
Enormous roots of thorns and spidersilk hold a cocoon of webbing and wyrden flora in place, preventing whatever lies within its shell from escaping.
Standing upright on the ground, held in place by enormous roots of thorns and spidersilk, this cocoon is largely comprised of long strands of thick, sticky webbing that weave around a vaguely humanoid shape. Thorns and bits of wyrden flora wend their way tightly around it, as if these organic additions were aiding in the creator's plans. Although the entrapped shape jerks this way and that, its movements slow over time, as if whatever's held inside is slowly yielding to the creator of this cocoon's will.
a thorn-laden cocoon of spider silk
Enormous, jagged thorns protrude from the cocoon of webbing and flora that grows here, its shell giving off an eerie glow from something burning deep within it.
Standing upright on the ground, held in place by enormous roots of thorns and spidersilk, this cocoon has enormous, jagged thorns protruding from it. Bits of wyrden flora wend their way tightly around it, as if these organic additions were aiding in the creator's plans. Thick shadows, like a low-hanging fog, enwreath it, lending to the eerie lambency that blooms from its centre. The entrapped shape jerks this way and that, its movements clawing and tearing at the thin membrane.
Akuuko, the Rewoven
Filling the space about him with his charismatic presence, Akuuko lingers here.
Small bits of webbing cling to the nearly nude form of this young dracnari man, black ichor and dark dirt creating small, nonsensical patterns upon a body that is covered in dark green scales that shimmer with an otherworldly sheen. Shadows cling to him, protecting his modesty, deftly weaving darkness wherever necessary. Upon his face, and the part of his torso stretching from the right side of his neck to his hip, however, is a solid line of faint scarring that splinters with a pattern like lightning. On the other side of these scars, his scales darken to a deep violet, flecked through with traces of umbral red and swirls of stygian black, the skin beneath taut and corded as though the muscle were freshly grown. Brilliantly orange, his eyes stare out from a slightly sunken position within his pointed, mischievous face, above a crooked nose and a mouth that is prone to quirking into a lopsided smile. Lithe and limber in his five feet of finely muscled height, his movements carry a sense of grace and agility that translates to deadly ability when the clawed talons capping his hands and digitigrade feet catch the light.
10000000% this, goodness.Jolanthe said:It's getting difficult to tell what's a tiny plot and what's a major plot, and I kind of like that.
Parhelion said:--Hallifax (The Beacon of Harmony)Science and artistry are the hallmarks of the floating crystal city of Hallifax. These lawful bureaucrats follow the tenets of Collectivism, a caste system that ensures the orderly pursuit of harmony and the Higher Emotions.
Yeah, we really don't follow the caste system anymore, as it tended to exclude certain player-types and roleplays. Also rather short. Could use some explanation of how we wield air and use harmonics, as well as perhaps a mention of aeonics.