Have you ever looked at customising an artifact, then found yourself disappointed that you couldn't change what it looked like on use? Are you sad of snorting and snuffling through your refined aquiline nose, or saddened that your gnomeweapon you turned into a paintbrush is still spewing ink everywhere?
Well, have we got some good news for you: you can now customise action lines in artifacts!
Now, before you go running off to customise everything you've ever owned, know that there are some limitations and a lot of specifics that you need to be aware of when applying for a customisation.
We have to add support for this per artifact, and we currently have support for gnomeweapons, whips and noses. But once we've got support for an artifact, we can accept customisations for that artifact from everyone. So you are permitted to request customisations for action lines on other artifacts, but be aware that this will take longer, and may not be possible at all.
An action line customisation costs 100 credits. This price is separate to any other customisation you buy - so if for example you wanted to customise both the description and action lines of an artifact, it would be 175cr in total. You may customise the action lines of an otherwise uncustomised artifact, if you desire.
Please note that none of this applies to custom beasts/pets, or curios (including any item that is curio-generated). This is only for 'standard' artifacts.
The full details of exactly what information you need to give for each artifact type are in HELP CUSTOMISATION, along with information on how to apply for the action line customisation, and all of the information given here.
We expect to receive a high volume of queries and submissions following this announcement, so please note that our lead time on initial submissions may be a little extended.