Gurashi said:I love you and I miss you so much. Please pet Ilistala for me. Please stay goodly.-Gurashi
Nascent @Bawl, Attendant to the Wyrd says, "Did you get one too already? It fell out of the sky as most of my food mysteriously does."Pentagram and circle can't help you.
@eidu If I see you on tomorrow, I will sit down with you and we can go through a lot of stuff and I will help where I can! Sometimes you just need someoen to actually talk you through things. It is such a massive learning curve and I agree with you- people assume the files make sense. I've only made Yinuish in the last few months and I got frustrated with how much I forgot or didn't know.Eidu said:I've pretty much given up. I'm at level 27 and I have no clue where to go from here. Problems that I am having include:
1) The help files were written by (and seemingly for) people already uber-familiar with the game. And many are unfortunately written as in-universe records rather than "Look, in order to do X, you need to use verb Y." I need Help Files for Dummies and there isn't any such thing.
2) The blocks of text. There are many, many long descriptions of people and places. I have difficulty seeing them (there isn't enough contrast) and there's just too much to take in.
3) The persistence of bad color choices. An astonishing number of descriptions are red on black (which I can't see), dark green on black (which I can't see), and dark blue on black (ditto). I've changed some colors thanks to CONFIG COLOR...but it's a mess and a serious strain on the eyes.
4) The help files are not only hard to read but are also hard to find. I don't understand why GUILD TASKS ALL NOVICE is available for a Tessenchi but not a Reveler. Nor do I understand why the instruction "Read CITY NEWS 1557!" would pop up, only to tell me that I can't read it because I'm not high enough level. And why is there a GHELP and a GHELP ADVANCEMENT but not a GHELP TASKS?
5) There are no quest walkthroughs on the wiki. At all. I've found exactly two walkthroughs online and both were for Newton Caverns. Doing both was enough to make me dread doing any further quests in game, as I know that a) they would be insanely complex and b) I wouldn't know what verbs to use to complete the quest even if I did somehow figure out the answer. This in itself makes me feel that the game is unwelcoming. The fact that quests often involve Sudoku or logic puzzles discourages me further.
6) People have a tendency to refer me to the help files even after I've already told them that a) I don't understand the help files and b) half the time, I can't FIND the help files. This only leads to frustration on both sides, because to them, the help files are fine, whereas to me, they're a nightmare.
7) Pretty much every guild task at this point demands that I reject grace, which makes no sense at all, since you're a newbie until you're thirty. Why would I want to be vulnerable for three more levels than you have to?
8) I think I'm in the wrong guild, but I don't know how to quit it--or what guild would be the right one. (People telling me that I can be in any guild I want is not reassuring; the guild I'm in doesn't match my profession well.)
9) I'm having trouble understanding what power is for a person in Lusternia. I gather it's important and that you need it to do stuff, but if you try to look up "power", you'll run into help file after help file about city power.
10) I haven't figured out what happens when you die and you're no longer a newbie.
11) I also don't know what creatures exist where or what levels they are. Or, for that matter, what areas are deadly to a newbie but are fine for a demigod.
12) What kind of armor or clothes is a Tessenchi supposed to wear? Where do you buy such armor and clothes?
13) Also where are the food shops and the herbalists in each city? (Since food, herbs and potions seem to be important around here. The Aetherplex does not help as it seems to be all player shops. I would be far better off with an NPC herbalist who sold the herbs and cures that I needed and .who could tell me a little bit about what each one does.
14) Where do you rent rooms to sleep? (The taverns I have seen do not appear to have any rentable rooms, and sleep seems to be critical in this game.)
15) What the hell is up with begging from denizens? Why would I want to beg from them? I don't know them from a hole in the wall.
16) A lot of instructions seem to take a very long time to type. I am a slow typist. This will be deadly in combat. I don't know any way of fixing this.
I am completely lost. And I'm about ready to walk away, as it's not fun being lost.
I wish the help files actually helped me.