Terentia said:Since I can't go to sleep, time to revive this thread!
- What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game?
Giving food to eaf'whatsits, the mounts you can create in Xeeth Labs. #NoContext- For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
Parhelion joining your order was extremely unexpected. The following is a large amount of Parhelion RP I've developed that very few people actually know.
I literally started Choros because an older player was retiring and selling off a large amount of curios for cheap. I purchased them, and when I found out he had a sileni set, I jumped on it. I wanted to play a sort of rogueish, flamboyant character. Think Gambit from the X-Men, but without the accent. Unlike most characters I play, I actually plotted out his rp before rolling him, because I was also investing about 7-10k in retirement credits. Choros was going to be my main for some time.
Choros picked Hallifax because he felt it was the org least likely to attract Sileni. He was afraid to be around more of his race, because he didn't want to draw Zenos' attention any more than he had to. He was convinced that some day. somehow, he was going to be devoured by Zenos, and always looked over his shoulder for said soulless sending things after him. Because of this, he developed a strict code of what was important; in order, this was himself, then the family, then guild and city, then everyone else. Anyone who wanted to get close to Choros had to more or less prove that they were worth the time and effort; he wasn't vain, but he wasn't going to waste his short life trying to make friends who would let him down or betray him. You had to be special to get into Choros' circle of people he actually cared about. The one person who managed to get close to Choros was Eadei.
EDIT: I felt like I needed to expand on the above part because it makes Choros sound vaguely assholish. As a Sileni, Choros understands how fragile a link he has with Creation. If all of the Sileni die, there will be no more Sileni, ever. The things actually devoured by a Soulless don't come back, and the 'real' Sileni in existence are both spirits, and given the lack of other real sileni, cannot reincarnate. So if these two sileni are ever devoured, that's one more part of the Song of Creation that is nullified forever. Choros considers himself like bait to draw attention from these other two sileni. So he puts himself above almost everyone else, because he feels like he has a duty to remain alive and drawing attention away from the Sileni glade. Anything that takes his attention from that had better have a good reason for doing so.
When he started being played, he was interested in Czixi due to his unofficial mentor (Eadei) being one of hers, and his outlook on life ended up being kinda close to Hers, in that mortals needed to put off their fate for as long as possible. Then, Eadei suicided, and Choros blamed it on Czixi being unapproachable and damaged as a leader. He's been angry at Czixi for a long time, especially with Czixi's freaking out during Nelras' and Alexandria's wedding, not to mention how She reacted when Drocilla showed up. He's kind of looked down on Her since then, even if he plays nice. He developed a minor crush on Ruin, and subsequently has a thing for strong-willed women.
So when the Ascension thing started, and it looked like he was going to be pushed into the fray (IE, shoved right up close to Kethuru), I decided that maybe he needed some character growth. What I had in mind was chatting up Czixi, maybe getting snarky, getting zapped a handful of times, and hopefully getting a hand on his shoulder and being told, "You can do this", and eventually ending up in Czixi's order.
Czixi didn't respond to my prayer. Whether this was because she was OOCly busy with her new role, or just wasn't around at the time, or maybe didn't even feel like dealing with Choros, I don't know. All I do know is, my second thought was Terentia. Here's a goddess who is obviously going to support someone trying to keep Ixion from Ascension. My plan had been to hit up every single active anti-Taint god for their favor to pad my chances of winning, and I started with Terentia.
I didn't expect Terentia to just toss me a favor, but she made me work for it. I actually had to think about my answers, instead of nonchalantly bullshitting my way through our meeting. When I walked out of my meeting with her, my very next thought was "I think her belief in me may be enough." followed by "If I don't win this, my head is going to sit on Her shrine for a very long time". At no point did I ever ponder joining her order, and I didn't bother going to other gods.
Well, Ascension happens, and I win. My literal first thought once it ended was a proud, "I didn't disappoint Terentia. I kept my promise." followed by "...wait. Why do I even care about that?" in a sort of ic/ooc thought, because Choros had always been kind of a shifty, chaotic good sort of guy.
Short time later, I get a tell from someone I'd never heard of: One of Terentia's mobs, who had forged me a dagger as a sort of thanks from Terentia. I'm staring at it and thinking ...is this a threat? An invitation? After asking a few members of her order that I had made friendly with, I find out that the Dagger is what She called her cadre during the Elder Wars and before. Definitely an invitation, or at least a way of Her honoring Parhelion.
The rest is pretty basic. Parhelion has evolved from "We're all screwed, so do what you can until the Soulless devour us all" to "We're all screwed, but we're going to fight our asses off to put that off for as long as possible". Terentia's growing on Parhelion, and he loves to see under Her armor (metaphorically obviously) from time to time. Some of his outlooks have had to change, and once they did, he's found out that a majority of Her ways agree with him too, so it seems to work out.