One thing I love about Lusternia is that argument for almost everything can be skewed. Taking a brush ooc and saying without a doubt that your IC view is the only correct and valid one is half the problem. 'impossibly arrogant and motivated by a desire for power rather than love' is actually not a black and white fact that anyone can claim or know outside of Li-varili Herself. It may be correct. But it also may not be because no one knows Her inner psyche. Maybe She liked to talk a big game but deep down all She wanted was something tangible, a child to love and cherish that would remind Her of Her lost love. Both sides can be argued! That's my main point. It's not 100% right or 100% wrong, and it's these things that make my love Lusternia lore. It's about perspectives. And players and characters can choose their position and argue them passionately IC, that's awesome. Your comment highlights my own bafflement in why there wasn't more uncertainty within more orgs. Making a choice and backing it is a super valid stance, expecting everyone to completely agree with it without question is what I have an issue with. Things went bad and She has serious issues doesn't equate to aligning with Her is wrong and anyone who did is bad, on a global, blanket level.Falaine said:I've really gotta disagree about the amount of grey area there was here. Li-v was running around the Basin betraying everyone, crapping on everyone, very clearly damaged and insane. It's okay to love her, that's fine. But there were so, so, so many flags of things that were very clearly anathema to the very core of various organizations' base beliefs and causes. As for asking questions IC? I know I did, and so did many, many others at the healing mound. And I was mocked for it, called names, etc. by the Coven members.
I feel like this is arguing that you should be free to do anything because you're having fun doing it- and you should be! But that doesn't free you from consequences. This is a terribly skewed argument, and.. man, if people are crapping on you OOC for your RP then that's messed up, but I've personally seen nothing but OOC support. but from what I've seen the reaction toward the Coven has actually trended toward too mild IC.
There might have been grey in waking Sea, even though it was impossibly arrogant and motivated by a desire for power rather than love. But less so in waking a healing patient prematurely, through slaughtering fae. And there is absolutely zero grey in sacrificing a child. Period. That's evil. You could have backed out there if you didn't want every org who would be against that sort of thing to condemn you for doing so. And then the 'Cursing the whole Basin' bit.
Let me be clear. There is absolutely nothing wrong with joining the Coven storyline and loving it. But I am utterly baffled by the shock over the (very clearly warned) consequences of doing so.
Sapphira said:
As someone who was ever teetering on the idea of supporting Li, what pushed me away completely was the chain of events with the Eye. IMO, I feel like that was a juncture where Li could have showed even a shred of empathy considering some of the mirroring in her pain against Maylea's relationship with her own sister mate, and instead all we got was... grotesque, absurd amounts of narcissism and selfishness on Li's side. This was the point where Jo stopped seeing reflections of some of the good people in her life in this goddess, and could only see a mirroring of all the worst people. If it didn't take so much work to accept her on the surface level (especially with the visible propensity to lie), this "grey" might have felt less murky. I can accept that there could have been more parts to the story to earn more sympathy, but it hurts Li's angle really severely if they're basically only for the coven's eyes.What I really loved, and feel like a large part of the player base missed, is how GREY it all was. It wasn't really cut and dry Li is bad, opposing Her is good.
(We have talked about making a godblog about this very subject! Stay Tuned.)Jolanthe said:I'm actually really curious about how the coven was coordinated and the mechanisms behind that too - event posts offer some glimpse, but it sounds like there was a lot of secrecy all over the place (even within the coven itself). Was pretty much everything coordinated through Li?
Thank you for that very detailed response. It makes things much more clear, at least for me. And it's really great to see implementation of players' concerns about their actions making a difference to the game overall.Lantra said:I'd like to take a moment to share how we approached the Bloodtide Coven from an event design perspective.
When coming up with the concept for the Li-varili arc, something we knew we wanted to have from the very beginning was a method for players to assist her if they wanted. We discussed internally ways of accomplishing this in a way that would be satisfying for players, and what we settled on was a series of escalating events. Each one was opt-in for the players involved, and as the events went on, the actions slid more into Li-varili's overall desire for revenge.
A player might be comfortable helping awaken Sister Sea, for example, but pause at breaking Li-varili out of Lantra's healing mound with Drocilla. Someone else might be comfortable doing the latter, but not be comfortable sacrificing an innocent taurian boy on the altar of Li-varili's anger, along with a beloved nereid priestess. And still more players would be comfortable doing all those things, but hesitate at imprisoning all the Elder Gods in thousands of years of torment -- or only do so once they realized it was every god, not just the ones in the awakening, that Li-v chose to betray.
We expected players to betray Li-varili throughout the Bloodtide arc, and left doors open for people to become turncoats along the way, and to reward that behavior. We also were open to players staying loyal to Li-varili the entire time and being part of her swan song, and for Li-varili to give them special attention in those final moments. We had plans in place for both situations.
You'll notice Magnagora had different reactions to Li-varili than the other orgs, and this was also by design. We knew orgs like Serenwilde and Celest were going to be more firmly against Li-varili's actions due to their inherent roleplay, but Magnagora through Drocilla's ties to Li gave us an opportunity to "condone" betrayal in a way that players didn't feel they had to go against the org per se. Even when they realized Drocilla had been ultimately betrayed, Bloodtide members could take part through the end and more or less have enjoyed the entire thoroughline of the Year Arc. In essence, Mag would be a "safe haven" if no other org was in the endgame.
Something players often sigh about in the aftermath of a Year Arc is the sense that their actions throughout the arc did not ultimately matter, and that the events would have unfolded exactly the same way if they had not participated. We worked hard this year to give a sense that every player's actions did matter, and the result was a lot of optional high stakes actions on the villain's side that -- understandably -- would invite some criticism by many orgs and players in the game. Because Li-varili's actions were always meant to culminate in the destruction of a Seal, and invite the judgment of the other Elders. Something on this level storywise would have to invite judgment from players, too. We did our best to make everything for the Bloodtide Coven consensual and clear from start to finish.
After Ascension we are likely to write a few godblogs to further expand on this topic, but there is a difference between IC actions receiving IC consequences and IC actions inviting OOC hatred. If you ever feel the latter is the case and you are being harassed to the point of being pushed to leave the game, we invite you to ISSUE yourself.
Lantra said:I'd like to take a moment to share how we approached the Bloodtide Coven from an event design perspective.
When coming up with the concept for the Li-varili arc, something we knew we wanted to have from the very beginning was a method for players to assist her if they wanted. We discussed internally ways of accomplishing this in a way that would be satisfying for players, and what we settled on was a series of escalating events. Each one was opt-in for the players involved, and as the events went on, the actions slid more into Li-varili's overall desire for revenge.
This design felt well communicated, observing as someone from the outside the coven. We did see characters that turned away at various points, or rebounded back to Bloodtide Coven. I could also see the draw of continuing to receive praise until the end.
Agreeing with Falaine above on IC consequence. There's still room to play a redemption arc if that's what's desired.