Seren is kinda the same just not maxed yet. There's all these benefits but if it's not passive or related to getting more anomalies, kinda not open for use really. The potential to trade between orgs is neat but I guess also, right now it's a reason for Seren to maintain the status quo? (cause we'd max out faster by trading with people that are already maxed and then be able to more freely use the benefits)Silvanus said:Timequakes are fun and all, but they happen too frequently and take too long. I think there is a better idea than for 4 hrs in a 24hr time period, people will be stuck releasing an anomaly. That doesn't sound like fun conflict, even if the extra steps were taken to make it interesting, it isn't rewarding. For example, Magnagora has reached the peak of its research, the anomalies that we have left will just go to funding citizens archpower, but that basically meant most of us were not using archpower until we maxed out the entire research tree. So all those powers were mostly unused for months outside of timewind or immaculate control. That is just another conflict mechanic that was min/maxed and created a hostile environment for the losing side that snowballed into other areas.
I respectfully disagree with this. We made a decision that we felt was best for the game overall. You are free to disagree of course. As has been pointed out numerous times, either way, half the game's morale was going to be crushed, so we went for what we felt was the best choice of the game overall.Xenthos said:5) You also made decisions, knowing that they were going to crash the morale of half of your game, and did them anyways- and instead of trying to work with them to make the blow less hard, you just said "too bad we're doing this as is" and rammed it through.You chose to shatter the concept of Lusternia as a competitive conflict game, and those who were interested in it as a conflict game ended up moving on. Without them, well. You have this.