You can shoot me an ooc tell/message in game to set things up or a forums message. Thanks!Greetings Potential Spouse,
This letter is to inform you that I am currently available (and looking) to be married into your family. Listed below are reasons as to why this arrangement for you and your family may prove beneficial.
I am one who is consistently dedicated to the betterment of the Engine of Transformation, currently having served seven years as an aide to the office of the Chancellor (I have also earned my way to the rank of Marquessa almost entirely from carrying out tasks for the Chancellor). From the moment I had left the Portal of Fate I immediately took my life into my own hands and took up the study of necromancy so that I might better preserve myself in the harsh setting that is the Basin of Life. I am very studious when it comes to various scholarly subjects and would be delighted to expand my knowledge on the unique history of your house in particular. I am currently twenty five years of age as of writing this letter and wouldn't be opposed to variations in our ages as those blessed with undeath are all ageless. I am currently an orclach, and I am not looking to change my race to viscanti for the sake of marriage as race is a trivial matter as long as one serves the Engine.
Please reach out to me by letter if at all possible, if that proves to be an inconvenience then a message is also permissible.
Thank you for your consideration,
Auditor Toriah
I'll be the first to admit that it isn't easy when first trying it. I messed up so much when I initially started doing it with Thaldorn. It's much easier now and I've found ways to quickly cover up mistakes, as you and a few others have seen on occasion. xDFerne said:I have my hands full RP'ing myself, let alone a second character at the same time... I'm forever in awe at that skill lol