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Re: Make it Count

Terentia said:
I moved it for you! Also, can I just say, I really like how the practice of linking all these various logs into a single thread that signals a story arc. 
Ahhh, thank you! And yes, that was the intent! Hopefully it's readable, haha.

Re: Make it Count

I moved it for you! Also, can I just say, I really like how the practice of linking all these various logs into a single thread that signals a story arc. 

Make it Count

God, the past month or so has been an absolute wild ride, especially after the Festival of Greeving! Chel has had a lot of things to think on, and a lot of hurt to sort through. I've been sort of saving up the logs for this massive post, now that she's finally left the commune. It's been an absolute joy writing with you all in Glomdoring, and I'm looking forward to her future! Wherever that may be.

"Do you really not like home anymore?" ---> Sometimes you have to ask the hard questions, and Cheliyi just wants to know. @Gurashi finally gives some of their thoughts on the subject.

Tae'dads ---> Cheliyi's siblings have returned, and so has their fervor for Glomdoring ways. But, instead of relief, there only seems to be unease. Good thing she has two amazing tae'dads!

"Why do you think He would hurt me? Did... did He..?" ---> Of course, hugs can't fix everything, can they? The truth can hurt. Especially when it's about Someone you love.

You MUST learn to love yourself. ---> A few days after Cheliyi learns some hard truths real fast, a certain @Tikki and cloud-bounded Long give her a much needed pep talk.

"Is not cowardly to want to leave if are so unhappy." ---> A month or so passes with Chel simply listless and unresponsive, until the Dads finally speak up.

A farewell. ---> It's supposed to be goodbye, but it seems someone is tagging along for the trip nonetheless. I wonder why?

"One forest for another?" ---> As the word spreads that Cheliyi has cast her stone, friends come out of the woodwork. @Velcora had some lovely suggestions, but it may take a bit more than that.

Of course. ---> @Afollia sends an invitation to tea, and reactions are had. Some very unhappy reactions.

You think to yourself: But... I'm -leaving-. **a sudden uncertainty, should you...?**. ---> @Viravain scares the hell out of all of us, and gives us some of that sweet, sweet guilt.

Are you a porcelain mask, Mixter Velcora? ---> As Chel grows more and more bitter, her inhibitions start to slip. Come on by and meet the family, why don't you?

Make it count. ---> Cheliyi may have lost @Esei as a sibling, but in turn gained new purpose. I cried a lot.

"...Take my hand if you trust me." ---> The awaited tea party.

"Why did you decide you were unfit to serve?" ---> @Nocht finally replies to Cheliyi's prayer (which I lost on accident, but for context, Cheliyi left His Order.) A painful conversation ensues, and a promise is made.

"Though, I suspect you haven't been one for longer." ---> Local mugwump is bullied by an elfen (Esei) and trill (@Lillirallia), more news at 5!

Visiting a fountain ---> As Cheliyi leaves the shadows, @Tridemon takes her on a field trip to a very nice fountain.

Fond thoughts of your homeland, Glomdoring, fill your head as you leave it. ---> @Kreon finally gets her say, and the stage is set. 

Whew! That's all of them! Feels like less of a log dump and more of a log flood, but I wanted to dump them all at once for better effect! No longer wyrden, but simply a 'wump. Where will her webbed feet take her?

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

See? Memes.
(Tridemon and lucidian!Gurashi)

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

A big thank you to @Kalaneya and @Kistan for beautiful RP and congratulations on well-earned surprises.

Toil onwards, Auguries of the dark heart ♥


Reason #462 of why i love Kailanna:

Veldrin D'Cente says to Kailanna, "Lawrence."

Veldrin nods her head sagely.

With a nod, Warlady Kailanna n'Kylbar, Matriarch of Jackals says to Veldrin, "And a Lawrence to you as well."

Re: Portrait Gallery: show off character or lusternia related fanart you've commissioned or created!

Nepenthe said:
RatWednesday was doing a kind of promotional commission where they’d make your character a dragon, so Nep has become a dragon. :3


Re: Portrait Gallery: show off character or lusternia related fanart you've commissioned or created!

RatWednesday was doing a kind of promotional commission where they’d make your character a dragon, so Nep has become a dragon. :3

Re: Lusternian picrews!

The closest I could get to trill hair!