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Re: Lusternian AMA

Lantra said:
Another day, another round of questions from a procrastinating Divine.

1. As a player, how do you like to celebrate in-game events to make them special?
2. When has Lusternia genuinely surprised you? Whether it's lore, or an event, or a player interaction that took a direction you didn't expect.
3. What is your favorite RP log you have and why?
4. Who was your character's first friend in Lusternia?
5. Any especially good Ironbeard gifts you'd like to brag about? Tis the Season!
1. I'm very weird when it comes to events. I love to hear about them and gather first-hand accounts after the fact, but being there for things gives me extreme performance anxiety. Should I say something? Is it proper to throw out an emote here? Do I look like I'm begging for attention when I just want to contribute? For the most part I prefer the backseat if only to keep my poor heart from crumbling under the pressure.

2. There was an old Mysrai event that radically changed my perception of how I as a player should be prepared to deal with godly influence over events, in a positive and character-building way. Long story short, Mysrai willed it that one of Their Order mobs ceased existing! Any mention of the name was met with godmotes of your brain getting foggy, of reality shuddering weirdly, effectively censoring whatever you were talking about - we had no choice but to accept this, at least until I found a clever way around it. The real surprise came when I wasn't punished for finding my way around it, but rather charged with keeping the secret for Them - it was so cool!

3. One particular log that's been lost to the ages, much to my chagrin, stands out. Before Mysrai's egregores were available as mounts, They pulled me into a super secret (and super "if you're here you're about to die") room, and the first one of them jumped out of my throat! Super spooky, super cool. It also set the tone for my role as Their Speaker of the Thousand Ways, which was a theme that continued for RL years beyond, up to the formation of my cult. Nothing has compared since!

4. As I've probably mentioned like fifteen times, @Xypher was Eri's first real friend, mentor and father figure. The two of them are still really tight even after all the centuries and life changes :)

5. Nope.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

@Lantra for responding to Gurashi's request ... @Afollia for my little spider fren at the quake ... @Kreon for that passing on of Words and a possible resolution.... 

Announce Post #3114: Livestream Postponed

Apologies for the last minute nature of this announcement but we have to postpone our livestream (originally scheduled for the 16th) due to an emergency. We will update you when we find a new date for the livestream.

We are saving all of your questions so keep them coming in the meantime.

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

is nice are so many fancy artifacts to let you try different shapes and sizes. v bendy friendly.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

@Gurashi Not going to go into details, but this person is squee. That is all.

Ashop information

So I scraped the ashop and made the information available as a pair of JSON files. One is the information from the ashop, with the ashop ID number as keys. The other is a simple lookup table for getting the ID of an artifact by its name/short description.

Handy for doing things like making an offline ashop browser, or cross-referencing your ARTIFACT LIST with the information from the ashop, things like that.

The files are more condensed, but here's an example formatted for humans
<div>"590": {</div><div>    "short_description": "a circlet of interlocking crystal",</div><div>    "artifact_description": "This is exactly the same as a Circlet of Lucidity:\n-Must be worn.\n-Your sanity will be partially protected while travelling the astral\nplanes (approximately 50%).",</div><div>    "cost": "600",</div><div>    "id": "590",</div><div>    "keywords": "astral",</div><div>    "cost_type": "credits",</div><div>    "extended_description": "A series of interlocking crystals forms the basic structure of this simple,\nfunctional circlet. Although the body of this headpiece is elaborately woven,\nas if it were made of a fine thread rather than such an inflexible material,\nthe simplicity of the design is its genius: each ripple in the pattern has been\nmeticulously crafted and then set together, forming a seamless circle. A cool\nenergy emanates from it and it is cold to the touch, providing the wearer with\na sense of sensory clarity.",</div><div>    "name": "a circlet of interlocking crystal",</div><div>    "category": "miscellaneous",</div><div>    "skins": [</div><div>      "588",</div><div>      "589",</div><div>      "591",</div><div>      "592",</div><div>      "593"</div><div>    ],</div><div>    "dropped_description": "A perfect circle of glimmering crystal lies here, forming a fragile-looking circlet that refracts the available light.",</div><div>    "base_skin": "4"</div><div>  }</div>

They're available at the URLs below, and I'll update them occasionally with fresh scrapes.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Aeldra said:
I also feel it neccessary to rave for my lovely e-family, those are some pretty great people:  @Alaula@Ferne, @Alarin, @Faragan... you lot are amazing. <3

And, also for all the lovely and active order members who're actively trying to be a part of things, @lorina, @aesic and those four above. :)
We try! And I'll admit, having you guys around really makes the game fun for me, along with a few others who engage in RP with us from time to time!

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Lendren said:
Well, that's why some beasts are "a baby whatever in a stasis field" instead!
I don't want baby huskies in a stasis field though

I want husky eggs! xD