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Would you like to help me collect information for my thesis by filling out a survey?

Hi there! I am new here, but I am currently writing a thesis titled " Identity Formation in Digital Spaces: A Nexus of Social, Sexual, and Character-Based Development and their Educational Potential" and I have been doing an analysis on avatar- and persona-based identity creation in digital spaces. Basically the title. I have posted this on a different site before, and I have had some help in distributing this, so you may have come across this recently. Either way, one of my chapters is focusing on Lusternia since it is text-based and since I also have a point of contact for additional questions and explanations. While they are helping me distribute this survey, I wanted to make sure it could be seen elsewhere so that I can get as many responses as possible. I would also like to note that I have completed all the necessary work with my university's IRB to get permission to do this.

Why am I writing this? Well, I am using this thesis as a justification for an online class done through avatars or personas. The research that I am collecting will help me best develop a space that is safe enough for all to feel comfortable with being their preferred self, while hopefully removing some of the anxieties surrounding in-class participation. (there's a little more to it, of course)

How long will it take? I expect it will take around 15–20 minutes to write down all responses if you flesh out your answers and fully read the consent form. Also, I need to mention that, as I am a broke student working on a Master's degree, I am not providing any compensation for filling out this survey (unfortunately). I can only thank you for your time. Just please do not forget to submit your survey once you are complete (there is a submit button on the "thank you for participating" page).

Will there be a follow-up interview? If you would like, but I'm nearing the end of my data-collection period, so just filling out the survey is good enough. Please do not provide any personally-identifying information. Also, you must be 18 years or older to participate since getting additional IRB approval for working with children is not something I wanted to go through.

Link is here:

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Mods, let me know if I need to post this elsewhere or something.

Pokemon, the Reckoning Mafia

Welcome to Pokemon: the Reckoning! It's taken a little while to get started but I finally have stable power and internet. Just as a basic note: The town wants to eliminate all scum players. The scum players want to eliminate other players until they have half of the votes. Phases alternate between day and night. Players can vote one player out of the game each day, or vote not to eliminate anyone. Players use powers are night, and those powers include the scum being able to eliminate somebody!

The Rules:
1. Votes MUST be in bold to count and are only counted if you CHOOSE them. (ex. I CHOOSE YOU Mysrai!)
2. Once a majority has been reached, the day ends. Anything that happens after a final vote will not happen, including unvotes to bring the target below the minimum threshold, unless a power explicitly allows this.
3. You are not allowed to post in the thread during the night phases.
4. You are not allowed to communicate with each other outside the thread unless your role specifically allows you to do this.
5. Once you are eliminated, you are not allowed to post in the thread during the day phase unless your role explicitly allows this.
6. You are not allowed to quote your role PM.
7. Do not discuss game details outside of the game.
8. If you go inactive, please let me know so I can find a replacement player. (Those interested in being a replacement player, please message me for a waitlist!)
9. You're not allowed to edit your posts. Doublepost instead if you want to clarify something.
10. You must be sportsmanlike. If you are rude or inflammatory to the point that the game ceases to be enjoyable for the rest of the players, I reserve the right to modvig you out of the game. Mafia may be a game about emotional manipulation and deceit, but it's still a game! Have fun with it. But most importantly, be respectful.
11. The game will end when either the town or the mafia have reached their victory condition.
12. Day phases will last no longer than 72 hours. If three days go by without a lynch, the Night phase will immediately begin.
13. Night phases will last no longer than 24 hours. If night actions are not delivered at the end of the night phase, it will be read as no action.
14. Resist the urge to tag people who are dead.


Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: Make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Jessie: Uhhh...Meowth? Did you forget your line?
James: Where's Meowth?

Re: Pokemon, the Reckoning Mafia

The Player List:


Re: Pokemon, the Reckoning Mafia

Traditional day 1 check in, where we don't have enough information to make a valid lynch and the choices don't matter!

With 6 players I'm guessing we're after Meowth, that sneaky cat. Otherwise we need to guess right day 1 or lose.

Announce Post #3123: Q&A Livestream

As mentioned in the newsletter, the postponed livestream returns this Saturday - February 20th at 8 pm GMT. Power outages and the snowpocalypse continue to rage on but we're cautiously optimistic neither will get in the way.

We'll be answering questions asked in the original forum thread and privately, but we might be able to answer extra questions as well. Leave your new queries on the forum version of this post or send them to Uilani!

Follow us at and watch our social media (HELP TWITTER) for updates when we go live.

Hope to see you there!

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

Help! There's a Goddess in my head.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

A lovely moment shared with @Cheliyi for her departure and a very special thank you to @viravain for an exceptional night.

....and very hungry spiders after ♥

Re: A Short Log Where I Log In And Viravain Spooks Me a Bit

You're all just little people-shaped tulips, and I, your humble gardener.  o:)

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Thank you to everyone I met along the way! Truly a group effort, with too many people to tag here that sent me tells for encouragement or threw random food at me.
I have to give an extra special shoutout to a few people though: @Steingrim for reviving me numerous times even though we are on opposite alliances, @Alarin for the classy figurine, @Zagreus for adding yet another demigod under his belt. @Nymaane, @Velcora, @Niavene for being awesome. @Eritheyl and @Lorina for getting the ball rolling today and helping me hunt even though I was on USB tether the whole time (pray for Texas! I've had no internet for 4 days now).


Re: A Short Log Where I Log In And Viravain Spooks Me a Bit

Her blessing looks like this!

The mortal threads of your being severed, you scream in agony as the Divine spark within you enfolds your body with scorching flames.
You died. :(

All around you, Her children draw near, their many eyes observing you, their many legs guiding you to the present. They stitch together your wounds with their silk, lovingly caring for you as if you were their own.

Her children leave, and you are left with thoughts: how will I better weave Her Web? How can I earn my place in Her Design? How will I honour the perfection of Her Wyrd?

Soon, the cold of Her Garden sets in, and you feel whole again. Your wounds have been tended to, your mind has been repaired, and your place as a seedling in Her Garden nears its end.

Like a rose blooming for the first time, your mind ignites with the glory of life, and in service to the Wyrd, to your Mistress, you are strengthened. You feel a hand caress your cheek, the nails -- like thorns -- digging into your flesh. "Be the Spider, never the Fly," Her voice whispers, as seedling becomes blossom and your tah'vrai continues.

Within the cold embrace of the Wyrd.
You are suspended in place by dense soil, the weight of it cold and constricting; tomb-like and all-encompassing; soothing and whole, like a mother's womb before birth. Tendrils of black roots writhe like snakes past you, each one moving with a rhythmic pulsing as if it were part of a great system of earthen veins being pumped full of blood. Black flames flicker like starlight in the spaces between your thoughts, raw and uncontained, and you know that this is the life of the Wyrd given form within this garden bed, and you, another of its seeds.
You see a single exit leading out.