Partly inspired by my desire to rework my own bashing stuff, and also by running into people using some really archaic stuff like chade's basher, I decided to build a new one! Bigger! better! shinier than ever before.
Bashing features:
Alias and ID based targeting (Toggleable on a per-mob basis)
Aliases and clickable menus to add, remove, and edit mob entries.
Automatic beast detection and use.
Resistance and buff tracking to automatically choose between multiple attacks.
Built in aff-tracking to only attack when not-hindered!
Influencing features:
Automatic oil and scarecrow use
Aliases and clickable menus to add, remove, and edit entries.
This package also includes a genrunner, so it can automatically bash and influence full areas. I am not responsible if you use afk bash and get punished for it. What you do with my system is entirely on you.
I chose to include the runner in the release versions because I believe everyone should be on equal footing and have the tools that are needed to play efficiently and competitively, and there are already many players who have and use similar systems.
Bloom requires Mudlet 4.11+ to work.
It also requires mudlet mapper (mmp) to be installed.
You will need to restart mudlet after installing the package for everything to initialize properly.
Note: had to change it to .txt file to upload it on the forums, but should still be importable.