Best Of

Re: Absence Thread

I am not entirely gone, but the end of the semester means grading, last minute administrative work, and other things! Hopefully things will settle soon!

Re: Avaris Doodles!

Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous! I love your take on the ampoule!

Re: Avaris Doodles!

A quick and rough little doodle of my interpretation of @Lantra 's order item, the ampoule! (Slapped it together as a visual reference for a commission, forgive the rush!)


Re: Announce Post #3134: May Auctions!

I was very excited because last time there was a Tully's Golden Broom up for auction, and you see I do not notice it this time... any chances it might get added to one of the later auctions? Please - there are rooms to sweep...! 

Re: Economy Changes Overview

Freja said:
Hey, Alarin, this means no more zombie gold drops >.> <3

Re: Getting Acquainted

It has been a busy day of learning more about Lantra - And Rhapsody! Amazingly exquisite material, as always, from Lantra's work. Definitely recommend doing the quests and whatever mechanical bits you can, because the lore of fantastic! Lots of love in every bit, and it's very apparent.

Rhapsody - Avaris, guided by Aeldra, summons the Voice of Rhapsody, and has many feelings about it.

Another Step Closer - After that, Aeldra takes him to experience more of Lantra's memories (Which are cruelly Rhapsody-centric, I swear the RNG did it on purpose) and discuss what insights he gleans from them! he also has. Intense feelings about these. Shockingly.


Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

I posted a couple comic pages to accompany a log. Maybe I should've posted them here... It features Olethea and Esei! 

But in the meantime have a really sweet and basic character thing. You can find the blank original here

Re: Getting Acquainted

Aeldra and Avaris have a little talk about his earlier encounter with Lantra, and he learns a little of the significance of Rhapsody. (Super looking forward to the quest!)



Re: Absence Thread

I had originally stepped down from CL to deal with real world stuff, and while there was a momentary lull there over the last few weeks I have now just finalised certain matters, and will have my attention more fully diverted for the next several weeks in kind. Might not be able to log in at all sporadically, but if you do need me drop a message.

Non-Binary Titles, Honorifics, and Terms

[Author's Note: I am very tired as I am writing this; sorry for typos and also admins if this is in the wrong spot feel free to move it.]

So, non-binary as a gender is new to Lusternia (not even two years old yet), and we don't really have honorifics for us IC. Certainly, we have titles of various types, ranging from Glomdoring's Shadow Warden to Hallifax's Comrade to even Friend, but what about things like Mister and Miss, or Lord and Lady? This is just a small collection of neutral-org titles one could theoretically use in Lusternia, for all people, God or Mortal. Please feel free to make up your own or search for more, since that's what we've done IRL this entire time; there is no shame in doing such a thing.

Another note: gendered honorifics (such as king, lady, etc) CAN be gender neutral if the individual in question is, in fact, gender neutral to one degree or another. Not everyone is comfortable using gendered pronouns or honorifics, so ask first when possible. Historically, English defaults to traditional male and masculine titles, though again not everyone is alright with that.

This is also NOT prescriptive. It is ONLY descriptive from personal research, and not meant to be taken as either a catchall OR exhaustive list.

  • Mx. - extended form is mixter, muxter, mixer, or muxer. You could theoretically put any vowel in place of the first i/u.
  • Misc. - pronounced as 'misc' - inspired by the Latin word miscellus or 'mixed'.
  • Mre. - pronounced as 'mystery' or 'mistre', extended form can be mistre, mystre, or another similar spelling.
  • Myr. - pronounced as 'mer' or 'mir' - may be extended as myren, which is also its plural.
  • Msr. and Mzr. - pronounced as 'misser' and 'mizzer' respectively. Note; 'misser' can sometimes be an accented form of 'mister'.

  • Mirdam - mix of 'sir' and 'madam' but sounds closer to 'madam'.
  • Mistdam - mix of 'mister' and 'madam'.
  • Sir'ram - mix of 'sir' and 'ma'am'.
  • Laddam - mix of 'lad' and 'madam'.

  • Laird - pronounced like 'lay-rd'; originates from Scotland and historically used for people of all genders.
  • Layde - pronounced like 'laid'. Generally sounds quite closer to 'lady' and may be taken as more feminine.
  • Potentate - a term for someone in power; more likely used for someone who is actually in power such as a CL, GL, family head, etc but up to the people in the game.

  • Monarch, Ruler, Sovereign - all gender-neutral terms for king and queen.
  • Caln - a monarch word based on the Q/K sound of queen and king.
  • Prin, prinxe, princet, princette, princev, princen, princus - neutral terms based on the prince/ss ending.
  • Heir - gender-neutral term for someone who will inherit something (not necessarily monarchy but is best suited here).
  • Your Highness, Your Majesty - gender-neutral terms to refer to heirs and monarchs respectively.

These ones do not strictly fall into one category.
  • Ser - generally neutral term for sir/ma'am, but generally slides towards Celest due to their historical use of 'Sir'.
  • Tiz - short for 'citizen'.
  • Honorable - a term for someone the speaker finds honorable.