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Re: Economy - Trade Revamp

In addition to the prior, Esei had an idea of being able to allow your shop to send a cut of what it sells to the designer.  Basically it would function like this:
1) Buying from the shopkeeper in a shop sends gold to bank accounts, not to the stockroom floor.
2) The shop owner can say like, "5%" or whatever of the cost goes to the designer of the designs they picked.
3) If so set, the gold is split as appropriate between the two accounts.
This would be another incentive to point people towards using shops, if you want to give recognition / payment to the person who actually put the creativity into the thing being purchased.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

I have NO idea Who(tm) was listening when I was online yesterday for a couple hours.

But that was the cutest thing ever, followed by the funniest thing ever.

Thank you <3

Re: Prayer to the Sword

a delectable meatball pouch. ((<-- ???? ))

Oh, yes, that. It was a gift.  ;)

Re: Economy - Trade Revamp

I'll respond more in the morning to things, but I need to head to bed now.

Re: The resolve of a quest and the start of another

I will say, after this and @Avaris log, I am thankful for the chance to express where Terentia is at right now, re: the Light. It is also a nice chance to think about how the pantheon of Celest differ from one another! :blush:

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Really not sure if it's a tweet or a rave but I'm super happy to have met @Alexandria and @Aevum who have been awesome, friendly and always approachable! It's really made a huge difference in my first couple of weeks in Hallifax! Between throwing myself and my ingame siblings into silly situations to try out different and new things, I wanted to say a big thank you for being welcoming!
Just now saw this, and am glad to have helped!

Re: Lusternia Mood Boards!

Here's Esei's pinterest board.

A preview:


Lusternia Mood Boards!

Mood boards, inspiration boards, aesthetic boards, whatever you call them - They're pretty great! Share them if you have them for your character, org, or anything Lusternia related!

I couldn't find an existing one of these, but if it does, feel free to remove this or shunt it where it needs to go!


Guidance, Of A Sort

A (very) long log this time! Avaris takes Eatti to Lantra's realm and gives her a little tour, and does his best to explain about Lantra's tenets, to the extent of his very limited knowledge! He also manages to unintentionally scare her multiple times ;-; But it worked out in the end! (Lantra if you read this I am so sorry, he tried his hardest, nobody else was awake)

Guidance, Of A Sort


CI (Continuous Integration) for building Mudlet packages

I have setup a GitHub action to facilitate setting up CI for Mudlet projects which make use of Muddler as a build tool. It is published to the action marketplace.
Blog post explaining the GitHub action:

Muddler is explained in its github project:
youtube demonstration of Muddler: