In which Rhalkyr tracks down the lovely
@Cheliyi for a harmless chat. Perfectly amiable. Yessir, he's a real sweetheart!
The Errant SeedlingI had a fantastic time with this, it was very satisfying, and Cheliyi is precious and should be protected at all costs.
From Rhalkyr, probablyEditing in updates as the happen!
Following the below-promised meeting with Gurashi (which can be read in
Treats, Trees, Tears ), Rhalkyr is chatting with Esei and having an adorably wholesome moment petting lil' Tsillah, (Which can be read in
Dark Father) when Cheliyi rudely interrupts. She is, to put it mildly, somewhat upset that Rhalkyr made her beloved parent cry. How terribly unexpected :3c
Spite Sprouts