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Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Parhelion said:
I fully support this action. If you're on the side that helped me win, and this makes you want to retire or stop playing, you are no better than the other side that said the same thing, and you can consider our friendship in any capacity ended no matter how long we've known each other. End of story.

I am not going to refrain from being upset about this unfair cop out of a solution because you told me to. The two week I've known you does not overwhelm the work we've been putting into Ascension related activities since February, or the hundred plus hours of work we put into this collectively as the underdog.

Ascension now means nothing, and that's a really sad outcome. It was the pinnacle event in all of IRE, and now it no longer is. I will not accept anyone dictating my feelings to me.

Re: Simple Ideas

I know it's really easy to figure out what org someone is in (the character API comes to mind as the most straight forward) but there isn't a really straightforward mechanism in the game to do this (that I know of - so I'm sorry if I'm missing it). Since the info is already easily accessible, could it just be added to the game in a more obvious manner that doesn't require scripting? Either on the WHO list, a separate ORGWHO list (or something like that), on the HONOURS output, or maybe a new GMCP event that spits out the same data as the characters API that is emitted when you HONOURS someone (though this last one would still require scripting)?

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

I will comment on the lag post mortem. Thank you for the break down. I've seen some things are already migrating / being migrated (mostly due to some of my gmcp related scripting breaking and being fixed). Thanks for addressing the technical issues and giving us a breakdown on what they were and how they're going to be addressed.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

I love this! I wish I could recognize you guys because this is honestly such a cool thing. It's a very good way for the game to handle a lag issue like this.

What will Ixion's ascendant name be!

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

Nelras said:
In response to anyone questioning why Ascension was not postponed, please could I just mention that some people had to make RL arrangements in order to attend. While, "Just run it tomorrow or next week," sounds like a quick solution, it may not have been that easy. While the lag was bad for people on both sides, potentially in part due to the increased number of players, it has to be better than not having people turn up.
Completely disagree. I would have rather have logged out than continued, but didn't because of the commitment to finish. There will never be a good time for me in the next month or so(and Saturday messed up a lot of my rl plans, too), but better a bad time I had to work around than what we got.

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

As someone from the losing side who had to make RL arrangements, the way the Ascension played out was just a waste of time considering the game was unplayable, anyway. 

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

In response to anyone questioning why Ascension was not postponed, please could I just mention that some people had to make RL arrangements in order to attend. While, "Just run it tomorrow or next week," sounds like a quick solution, it may not have been that easy. While the lag was bad for people on both sides, potentially in part due to the increased number of players, it has to be better than not having people turn up.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

Can I just say: @Carakhan @Lantra and @Terentia - You are all utterly fabulous. Never before have I had such agonising indecision about which Order I'd want to persue.

Your care and passion for your roles all come through quite clearly in the interactions I've seen from all of you. Thank you all for making Celest a really lovely place for divine interactions right now. 

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

Yinuish said:
Can I just say: @Carakhan @Lantra and @Terentia - You are all utterly fabulous. Never before have I had such agonising indecision about which Order I'd want to persue.

Your care and passion for your roles all come through quite clearly in the interactions I've seen from all of you. Thank you all for making Celest a really lovely place for divine interactions right now. 

My eyes started leaking when Rhapsody started Her new song. I think they're still leaking. Pls send help. Such good lore :'(
My heart did a bit of a wibble wobble, not going to lie. I was very quiet though as I just peeked in on my lunch break and was trying to eat and not cry into my sandwich. :P