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Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

#: 31981 Item: Tattoo  Type: Gut  Org: Eternalink  Designer: Parhelion
Commodities: bluetint 75 whitetint 15 greentint 10
Mortal Reviews: Allowed
Tattoo Weight: 100
a seal of just ice
Great care has been taken to draw a loveable, oddly translucent harp
seal upon the gut. The entire form of the adolescent seal seems formed
from light blue ice, aside from the mint green eyes. Encircling the
navel, the seal gazes out at the world with an adorable mien.

Re: Absence Thread

I'm going to be a bit scarce for a week or two. Doesn't feel super fun to play in Glom right now, so I'm having a breather to let me re-engage with the things I enjoy on my return.

Will probably be around, just only briefly when I am.


Lord Akyaevin n'Lochli says, "The true torture of Grimkeep is the friends we brought in with us."

Re: Simple questions?

Jatius said:
So, recognizing players. I like to do so with those that I have rped with because they took time to do so, and RP is why I like to play as opposed to a hack and slash mud. Other games I've played in the past (mostly mushes, where advancement of your character only came through admin events and recognition from other players) had pretty black and white rules about frequency, etc. to curtail abuse. They'd also ask for logs if they thought you were gaming the system.

That all said, are there some better guidelines about acceptable use of recognize than the help file? I keep logs out of habit, so I can justify mine, but I've been asked a time or two to no longer recognize someone because they're afraid of administrators coming down on them. This irritates me, since someone is taking time they could use for daily credits harvesting and wasting it on me. If this has been answered before, I'd love to see it. Forums search functionality is bad.
Basically the policy of RECOGNIZE is common sense. Don't abuse HELP SECONDS. Don't use it to bypass snub. Don't harass people with it (it should be used for positive things only, even if that positive thing is a negative experience). Don't create a deal with somebody where you recognize them daily and they recognize you back.

We check the logs. We don't police it too hard. It should primarily be used for roleplay encounters, but I've seen a couple times where it's been used for a good fight. We aren't going to come down on that.

Our policy is not to answer "what if" questions. There are scenarios that I may not have covered because I can't forsee them. However, chances are if you're not breaking another rule with RECOGNIZE, there won't be an issue.

Re: Newbie Difficulties/Troubles/Concerns

Agreed on city landmarks. Drives me insane that there's no standardization. Magportals, magnexus, magshops(directory), magalchemy, etc. Apply it to all orgs. Because necrowarehouse,dark portals, magstables... Granted, a lot of stuff is necro something, so maybe I'm just a whiner. But (shortorgname) (standard name) for the things all orgs have would be great.

Re: Newbie Difficulties/Troubles/Concerns

Just to touch one a few things with a Magnagoran perspective:

- Beasts- If you're looking for something with a little more flavor than a standard pony, nightmares are easily accessible for Magnagorans, and you can probably chase down a geomancer willing to help you get your hands on a taint wyrm. There's also a pretty good chance folks are willing to sell you some other things within your price range if you ask around in the city or college channels. 

- As far as enchants and supplies, we try to keep stocked on most of the necessities but, if you can't find something you need, ask in city or college and it's pretty likely someone can either point you to it, find it for you, or will just send you one outright. 

- For population and conversation, Mag is pretty active these days, so if you're seeing tumbleweeds in the streets you might just be on a different schedule than most of us. It's also possible there are a bunch of people around you can't see, because aetherhunts have been popular lately and folks might be off-plane.

We do have a few clans- IHC is the alliance chat mostly used for combat coordination and various other things. We also have the Legion, which is the Magnagora specific clan for anything you need regarding combat. We do have an OOC chat channel, mostly for questions you can't phrase IC, but it hasn't seen much use in awhile. We won't automatically invite everyone right off the bat, to avoid overwhelming novices, but if you ask over the city chat, someone will get you invited to whichever you want ASAP. 

If you're just looking for socialization, try visiting the Megalith. It tends to be where most people congregate when they aren't off doing something else, and its a good place to strike up a conversation. 

Re: Newbie Difficulties/Troubles/Concerns

Having not played the game in maybe ten years, I’ve found people to be individually helpful but most of my early goals have been a little frustrated.

First, general stuff.  There’s no prompt by default because the new player experience is made for nexus or something.  Connecting through Mudlet, if I hadn’t remembered the config menu, that would have been pretty weird.

Second, beastmastery.  It seems as if the list of possible pets has not grown much in ten years and insofar as it has, most of the critters in the list cost 400ag (formerly dingbats, I think?) or hundreds of thousands of gold.  For newbies, we still have only the pony in Estelbar [sic].

Shouldn’t we have (probably not mountable, by default) dogs, cats, lizards, birds, priced at newbie levels and not only expensive things for established players, plus the Estelbar pony?

Third, accessibility of enchants and supplies.  Finding my way to the aethershop hub, which a new player would not know exists to begin with, there was no avaricehorn on sale to Magnagorans.  I feel as if someone or something should make all basic and quality of life things consistently available for newbies.  In Aetolia you automatically pick up corpses and gold, in Lusternia you need an enchant for that, then I find out that I can’t buy it.  Pretty convoluted and frustrating in comparison.  I decided to learn enchanting to help me avoid this problem but that just led me to other issues.

Relatedly, I had a plot to make newbie gold by using piper horn but it appears to be that 1% reserves = 1 rat which is not really worth the time even as a newbie.  It was kind of a waste of lessons, why not make everything useful?

Also related, I wanted to pokeball my planned beastmastery pony but I was told that the skill doesn’t work.  This is literally the very first skill in a generally available trade skillset and it doesn’t work.

Fourth, populations in some cities are small, alliance clans exist, but I’m not getting inducted into the clans on any of my characters, so there is no socializing happening.

Fifth, in Aetolia the landmarks system will take you to stuff specific to your city when you type in something like “path find shops”.  In Lusternia, you have to type in obscure city-specific names like “darkportals” and so-on.  I feel as if new people should be able to just go shops, which would take them to the main shops hub, from which everything should be available to new players.

In conclusion, I feel as if content is not set up well for new players.  It’s a shame since the great lore and interesting skills of Lusternia are all still there, it’s just that actually using them is another question.

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

For those who have played it, I absolutely headcanon Mysrai's "strangely echoing voice" as Chaos' voice from Supergiant's Hades.

Re: tradeskills and high/lowmagic

Saran said:
Sapphira said:
I assume the balance perspective is surrounding the trans skill more than access to the other abilities. Would it really break the game if everyone had access to every trade, regardless of their class or org? I know the flavour doesn't support this, but what would actually be the real downside? Is there one? Can it be fixed?

It's become easier and easier to have more trades over the years, yet the issues/complaints that it's difficult to get stuff has stuck around. Likely because, realistically, the more people that have any given trade the fewer customers there are for it and, in turn, the less worthwhile it is to bother stocking shops with the items from that trade. Which then leads to difficulties getting the stuff from that trade and people picking up the trade so they can craft it themselves continuing that cycle.
I'm not sure this mixes with my observation. A rather significant amount of the playerbase doesn't wish to go through the hassle of having multiple trades or the credit setup involved in learning them and just prefer to simply buy things. Heck sometimes, I will prefer to just go and buy something instead of flexing to the trade skill, if its cheap enough. Plus I think, it's more often then not that the ideal of 'interacting with others to get what you need' is met with the lack of people who are enough into crafting to supply what you need. I remember very much in my early Seren day hunting for OOC weeks for certain enchantments that required guardians, as those were few and far in between. Tattoos are another really nice example of this as Sapphira mentioned. I know more or less every time am monk, I get asked if I do tattoos because there's so few people with tattoos around.

I don't think that everyone having necessarily having every trade skill will be the best choice here, despite really wanting here, but I think the current solution is simply too lopsided, which is my main gripe with it. I feel it should be somewhat equal distributed amongst the classes with somewhat equal accessibility for each class and a somewhat equal chance to earn money with it.

edit: grammar fixes

Re: tradeskills and high/lowmagic

As a bard with a tam and all the trades available to me, I have to agree, and I am often reluctant to flex out of low magic just to tinker for 10 minutes. I also lament that lorecraft is only available in 2 orgs (at least cosmic/elemental enchantment is 4), though thankfully there are less 'vital' needs in it than before due to less cures being needed, or i lament how few tattooists exist (can we sell temporary tattoos in shops yet please?).

I assume the balance perspective is surrounding the trans skill more than access to the other abilities. Would it really break the game if everyone had access to every trade, regardless of their class or org? I know the flavour doesn't support this, but what would actually be the real downside? Is there one? Can it be fixed?