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Re: tradeskills and high/lowmagic

I'm very big on divorcing tradeskills from magic altogether. I currently flex four classes with all of the relative trades, and having to sacrifice PK viability (note: I'm already pretty unviable already) or survivability for endzone just for the sake of doing some tradeskill work just irritates me. I've already spent the thousands of credits on class skills, artifacts and the trades themselves, I shouldn't have to shoot myself in the foot because I can't serpent and also enchant something in the same span of 12 hours.

tradeskills and high/lowmagic


I just thought  I'd bring this up once more as it is something that personally frustrates me somewhat. Aside of me feeling that highmagic is the short straw compared to lowmagic in some ways (which is an entire different topic in on itself), I wanted to bring up the lockout of trades, in particular (but not limited to) in regards to economy and earning money.

From  what I can discern, these are the current bindings of  trades to the respective classes/magic-flavour:

artisan, cooking, tailoring, bookbinding, jewellery: none
poisons, herbs, alchemy: lowmagic
alchemy/lorecraft: wiccans
alchemy/brewmeister: bards
enchantment: highmagic
enchantment/tinkering: bards
enchantment/cosmic: guardians
enchantment/elemental: mages
enchantment/brewmaster: bards
forging: warriors
tattoos: monks

class associations to high/low magic:

monks, warriors, bards: free choice
wiccans, druids: lowmagic
guardians, mages: highmagic

That should highlight an disparity: choosing lowmagic grants the non-class-specific user access to herbs and poisons, which both are well sought-after and generate a good deal of  money on top of the general trade skills, whereas a highmagic user, you gain nothing that lowmagic wouldn't gain as well (for someone who likes crafting, another discouragement from being highmagic if you don't have to).

In terms of pure 'money generation', I feel also that having access to alchemy is a a much better option then having access to enchantment. Sure sigils and enchantment recharges are a thing, but compared to having alchemy, poisons and herbs? I personally feel you lose out a lot by ending up locked in highmagic. So, from a pure crafting analysis, your best choice if you're a crafter in a city, is to be a bard with both high and lowmagic. The only thing you lose out on is forging and tattoos, which aren't that high-demand anyway.

Why am bringing this up? Well, I kind of feel that at least herbs and poisons shouldn't be locked upon lowmagic. I'll agree that there's some merit in not every person being able to make everything, however it feels a little odd to have to become a warrior, monk or bard to be able to pick some flowers off the ground.

I always had the feeling that needing enchantments especially the forests draw the short draw, as getting those enchantments are always a major hassle for them.

What is people's stance on this? Am I overrating this and it's fine how it is ? ( i mean, I realize it's a rather specific problem, as a good deal of people only have one or two trades at most ) or do people agree with me? How could a possible solution look like?

I'll add, if classflexing wouldn't lock me into that class for the day, it would a lot less of an issue for me generally too. But, as someone who  participates also in PK, if I switch to a class, I also need to be somewhat okay with using it in a PK situation or sit out PK for that day just because I decided to restock my shop on e. g. herbs.

Re: Returned player feeling like a fish out of water.

Merilwen said:
Thank you for the advice.

I heard that the learning curve for monks is a bit steep, especially for someone not used to Lusternia's generally more complex nature. With that in mind, would another archetype be more newbie-friendly while still being good for both bashing and influencing?

Monks learning curve really just applies when you're getting to PvP / PK. for PVE they're really just require reading through the abilities once and picking those that work best for bashing and influencing for you. I'm not sure about acrobatics and would suggest going psymet for bashing at least,  for the extra healing, the resistance to bone breaks and the bloodloss reduction. There may be org-dependent differences  too, but I feel for bashing and influencing, monk is a fairly versatile class.

For Celest, I think we've got a fairly welcoming community there, even though it can be a bit quiet, depending on which time you're playing. Shouldn't be hard to find people to RP with, though. As Eritheyl pointed out, there's certainly several options you have in terms of activity and for all, it does wary per time of day. If you are uncertain, could always go ahead and create a newbie to get a feel for a respective org before you decide to "settle" there.


Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

It’s fantastic. Just wish it were better documented in game.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

So, someone pointed me towards EMOVERRIDE, which is explained in changelog 1945. OMG I wanted this for so long. Being a tiny faeling, I always  felt some of the stock emotes were awkard for aeldra and now I can customize them and still get the associated poses... am having a field day here. Whoever added this, all the praises <3

Re: Announce Post #3102: Season of Giving

Selenity said:
These stockings vanish after use. Should be mentioned somewhere, so that people don't think these are the permanent stockings.
On the website, all of the stocking packages have descriptions that explain everything that comes within the packages - which makes it clear that they are 2015+ era stockings, not the ones that were released as a one-time thing in a login promotion prior to that. I understand it's confusing if you were present for those login promo stockings and then haven't seen the modern ones, but it should already be clear upon buying.

Re: General Dissatisfaction

Please people. Its hard enough to keep people motivated to participate in stuff. There's no need for your snide remarks or commentary. It's sad and unneeded and frankly, some days,  infuriating. If you're defeated, accept it with some dignity as having been bested. If you win, wear it with a smile. We play this game together, lets keep that in mind, hmm?

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

@Lantra OMG you are AMAZING!
The wedding stuff you had was gorgeous. Thank you so much for agreeing to it. I am running around with my hands in the air like a muppet. <3 HealerMom

Also because my brain is scattered, a thank you to @Aeldra @Alarin and @Faragan for joining. Sorry to those that couldn't make it. @Kali we missed you too!

Re: Random art to share

Art is art, Lusternia-theme or not! Share it, share it! (also, pretty fancy flower!)