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Re: Bodoru Situation

Sapphira said:

I've been a bit slack lately about herbs and the like, it's a very time consuming trade with often minimal profit (looking at you any herb under 10gpu). 
^this. Harvesting is a chore. Yes, the grouping helped a little but I can’t hardly muster the effort to harvest and fill just my personal rifts. Much less have the extra time to harvest bulk for retail.

Re: Bodoru Situation

Colewort is also sought by chefs as well, as it is used in their PRESERVE skill, substantially increasing the decay timer of food products.


Does she like pets.

Bizirik, the leothin sniffs Terentia, trying to decipher just what that smell emanating from Her is.

 "That much shows," Terentia remarks, and as Bizirik gets close to sniff Her, She looks down at the creature. Bending down, the Goddess' hand alights just a hair above Bizirk's form. "This is not like anything I have seen, Gurashi. Does she like pets?"

Re: Bodoru Situation

I think a fix to this would be to simply move herbs and poisons(same issue) to a common skill. 

Edit: Grammar

Bodoru Situation

This thread is meant to review an emergent economic issue within Lusternia and to try to look at it in a disconnected fashion removed from player emotion and biases. It might not be fully successful to that end, but I think it is worth the time investment to try.

Root issue: bodoru is very scarce, though mindoru and suporu are both present and mostly still at the same prices they have always been. This might seem befuddling unless one takes a close look at all of the beastmastery skills and which are the most popular, and which require what reagent. Bodoru has a strong use bias compared to its sibling reagents.

Reagents have effectively flooded the market since times where Wheel Spins and presents yielded loads of extra riftables. We are finally entering a window where it seems like the majority of the excess bodoru that was flooded into the game as a result of that has been used up or locked away by inactivity.

The formula for bodoru is 10 chervil, 10 colewort, and 1 mistletoe per piece. This is being established so we can better consider our next point: herb prices. This is what pricing looks like in the aetherplex right now -

***********************[ Aether manses selling chervil ]***********************
Manse Name               Description                             Stock    Price
225   salt               chervil (shop rift)                         5     42gp
531   Salvia             chervil (shop rift)                      8000     59gp
622   Twisted            chervil (shop rift)                        50     56gp
1680  Strange            chervil (shop rift)                      2018 100000gp

**********************[ Aether manses selling colewort ]***********************
Manse Name               Description                             Stock    Price
225   salt               colewort (shop rift)                        2     21gp
245   darktower          colewort (shop rift)                     4693     20gp
531   Salvia             colewort (shop rift)                     6000     50gp
1143  present            colewort (shop rift)                       55      9gp
1527  seren_shop_3       colewort (shop rift)                     1500      5gp
1630  MAE                colewort (shop rift)                      336     15gp
1680  Strange            colewort (shop rift)                      173 100000gp
1733  Lace               colewort (shop rift)                     1059     35gp

This is relevant to consider if you're not in a position to try to make or sell bodoru by harvesting all your own herbs first. If you need to rely on other people to harvest for you, you might be up against this sort of price scheming by which to plot your purchases. This undeniably will result in the price of bodoru skyrocketing relative to the other reagents all on its own, before factoring in potential increases to ensure the alchemist isn't merely breaking even.

Herbs are one of the few "commodities" in the game that are really only limited by player time investment. Even if herbs are horribly mismanaged and picked to oblivion, we are now at a point where many players could arguably sacrifice loads of essence to reclaim herbs with Nature's Gift if absolutely necessary. There is no waiting on villages to produce significant quantities. In that regard, watching the bodoru situation as it unfolds and develops might provide a lot of insight on player behaviours and choice, and provide interesting reflections on what we might do or consider for the economic overhaul that is in demand. And while it might be more individually profitable to keep details to ourselves, I think it might be interesting to share our thoughts on herb prices relative to reagents and so forth as it develops - on what we really believe is worthwhile or of proper value, or what could or should otherwise be done to promote more market activity.

Or, if nothing else, it's just kind of nice to point out for the administration and let them know I think this is worth keeping an eye on.

Re: Boo lags

We lagged just as hard and did some fist-waving to not do that anymore. Holy lag balls.

Boo lags

Does everyone lag when this happens?

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

I learned last night from someone that some people consider entire huge groups of players ( e. g. alliances / cities ) toxic because of the deeds of a few individuals. You can sadly find those in all org units. Such behaviour is not okay and I don't condone it. I just want to say, we're all playing a game together, so let's not be at each others throats all the time ooc? You're all pretty great, after all <3 (I'll say those rumours did upset me a lot, being told that the entire orgunit your char belongs to is considered toxic by people stings).

Re: Simple questions?

Jatius, you want both a A Leprechaun's Medal of Profligate Inebriation, (3500 Aethergoop, 376 on ashop) and the Charm of the Clangoru (1200 Aethergoop, 443 on ashop).
The first stops you from losing alcohol tolerance when you don't drink it for a month/weave, and latter protects you from alcohol withdrawal when you aren't drunk. Something that normally occurs when you gain higher alcohol tolerance.

Re: I'm tired

I'm sorry that people are incapable of keeping things IC and have constantly blended rumour into fact and tried to push it in game. It's really awful to watch, especially when it's being used to bully people or push an agenda that's making things unhealthy for the game.