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Re: Game Balance

Pushing back economy again:open_mouth:

Time to hoard all the city commodities out of reach of crafters.

Re: Lusternian picrews!

Can't stop won't stop. 

Human-ish Sapphira? 

Retro comic Sapphira?

And one more for good measure. Sneaky candid snap of @Uzriel without his mask. Caption likely to read, 
"Sapphira, put the camera awa-...... Ashtorath's Bells."

(found that one here - )

Re: Lusternian picrews!

I see many new picrews I am unfamiliar with and no links to any of thems. 

Re: 1001 things to do in Lusternia before you rage quit

208. Return after having left, being reduced to almost newbie level in skill and start learning it all again.

Re: What are you playing?

Everiine said:
Quixote said:
I'm back on Elder Scrolls Morrowind again.

Played using

At the moment, I'm playing through Neverwinter Nights 2. Had a few false starts at the beginning. And while the story hasn't caught me as well as the first one did, now that I'm not struggling with mooks, I'm kinda enjoying myself.
If you can get through to the Mask of the Betrayer expansion, I remember it in particular being amazing.

Re: Public Service Announcement

I don't think this is the time or place for this. I'm going to ask you guys to cool your heels and remind you that perhaps the worst place to begin flinging argumentative statements and point fingers is on a post where a prominent player is leaving. You're piling onto already sad and bitter feelings and making things worse for people are distraught or upset by what was said here.

I expect better of you.

Re: Public Service Announcement

Everiine said:
The butt-hurt Ascension folx are getting their wish. I hope it's worth it.

Maybe you should actually read the PSA?  None of the people on his side wished for him to leave, and certainly weren't targeting and murdering him as a priority.
Edit: Statements like yours are a big part of the problem in the game, actually.  I wished him well privately and I hope he saw it.  But using his farewell thread to just feed further into game divisions is pretty un-cool.


A cramped administrative office.
A bulky desk has been crammed into one corner of this small office, leaving little space for much
else. Uneven files have been haphazardly stacked on the surface of the desk, their corners bent and
blots of ink visible on some pages. The floor has been kept clear of paper though ink stains on the
wide wooden planks are common. Scraps of parchment and detailed sketches of mechanical equipment
have been adhered to the walls, giving the impression that the walls are made entirely of paper.
Plastered to the wall above the desk is a large poster of a manacled cat hanging in a dungeon with
the text, "Hang In There!" written in white beneath the picture.

That's so cute!

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

You open 'damned' to all members of D'Vanecu.
You spend 250 bound credits to open typecast 'damned' to all members of D'Vanecu.

Kind of wish I tried thrice-damned, but it probably wouldn't have been approved anyways. Either way, that damned family.

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

A couple just came in. Thank you to the folks who do these reviews!