So a few years ago warriors had a major ground-up redesigned. I was wondering what aspects of new warriors people felt were successful and what aspects they would have liked to keep from old warriors?
My personal opinion is that old warriors only really suffered fundamentally from the following:
- Hard to standardize because of large variability in rune investment and racial disparities (solved in overhaul)
- Miss rate (Solved in overhaul)
- Lots of useless unhelpful affs (Not really solved all that mich in the overhaul).
Just prior to the overhaul I felt like they were in a gokd place. Obviously needed further balancing but that would be facilitated by some of the changes above.
What I really liked and miss are:
- Universal head-based instakills
- Swing vs Strike mechanics
- Devastating affs once wounds pile on
- The ratio of wounds to health healing and timing
- I actually liked the RNG. It favoured upper tier warriors, but if we had equalizer everyone to be closer to upper tier warriors (as the overhaul ended up doing anyway) it would have been fine.
- Warrior lines - Very varied based on health, and affs had a very graphic and visceral feel.
- RIP cavalier heft

Now I'm sure a return to old Warriors would never happen but if there were elements you could add back, what would they be?