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Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

Steingrim said:
Well, then this is a huge issue. Why are there these discussions taking place away from most of the player base?
You are actually just very openly trolling at this point aren't you?

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

First post here, so apparently this is what it took to break my "keep everything ingame" rule. Hooray. I'd like to note first that an ongoing and constant source of annoyance for me has been trying to keep n'Kylbar afloat while every other family member retires in protest of one thing or another. This Ascension was the first time I've thought "Oh, I get it now."

I'd like to bring the attention back to something Thalkros said that I don't think is getting enough consideration, which was:
Thalkros said:
...I just cannot fathom how the Staff event was allowed to proceed past the moment it was realized there was an issue of this magnitude. 

This is the big issue I'm having right now, because the prevailing sentiment seems to be that this was a legitimate outcome, it's time to move forward, and try again next year. In literally any other situation, it would be the opposite. If I spent six months studying for a big test, and it turned out the test forms had only been printed with every other word, I wouldn't have crossed my fingers and taken the test and considered the inevitably abysmal score correct. I would have expected they would have canceled it, reprinted the tests, and had everyone come back the next day. If game 7 of the Stanley Cup came around, and right before the game all the ice melted, they wouldn't have sent everyone out anyway and said "Wow, bummer. This still counts by the way, good luck."

This entire experience has left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth, and left me with more than a little doubt about the investment vs. outcome balance in continuing to play the game. Everyone (on both sides) worked incredibly hard for months to prep for Ascension, which is the keystone event in a game called AGE OF ASCENSIONFor the outcome of such an important event to be such an intolerable mess, and everyone just accepting it and moving forward is absurd to me. Why spend so much time working toward something when the end result is literally out of your control? I'm not even close to being one of the big combatants or one of the people who invested the most planning and work in preparing for this, and I still find the wasted time and effort utterly demoralizing. 

I'm going to step down off my soapbox now, but I have to say I think we should be spending much less time thinking "Gee, next year we should plan to use a strategy that takes advantage of the game being unplayable" and more time trying to figure out why we haven't heard Avechna yelling "Oh no, mortals! Just before being banished, Kethuru was able to corrupt the Seal of Time and wind time back to before the Ascension began! Now we'll have to do it over again when time is flowing properly!"


Daraius said:
What kind of High Supreme Justice just hands over an execution order without trial or anything?  :o
What kind of High Supreme Justice would require the chaos of a Trial in order to execute someone?

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

100% if not for all of us being on voice chat, this ascension would have made no sense. The game was 'Well my screen froze, that means the groups met. I guess I send my bomb command and hope something happens.'


Daraius said:
What kind of High Supreme Justice just hands over an execution order without trial or anything?  :o
The sort that are on a specific variety of payroll.

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

I think what most people are saying is, if not for lag they would have been able to counter the bombs. But with lag, any sort of set and forget powers that hit multiple people for massive damage from a distance that get through with people unable to react are going to be incredibly powerful, and bombs are a powerful less-than-10-second ability that can get through and hit multiple people at once while they helplessly stare at their screen, hoping the command they entered 5 minutes ago will send - let alone react in a timely manner. Logging out and restarting every 10 minutes shouldn't be necessary to hopefully have a few minutes where commands go through. Where's the real competition in that? Where is the victory?

People know how to counter the bombs/protect themselves/stay alive. They didn't lose to these powers by being poor players or less skilled or by making tactical mistakes, and that is what really stings. Being told to just get better for next year is a really big kick in the face. No one says the other side didn't also work hard and plan and try hard and spend credits (everyone did!), and it seems no matter the outcome, it was going to be unfair because ultimately lag won the day. Anyone who poured their heart into it would be (and a lot clearly are) upset with being unable to play and perhaps everyone saying prettily to get good or maybe you should have envoyed should consider how they would feel if the outcome wasn't in their favour.

Maybe if there had been no lag, Choros would still be triumphant, and I truly believe most (most, not all, most) would still be satisfied knowing they tried their utmost best and gave it their all and were just unfortunately outplayed, as opposed to what ultimately happened. I think we all need to look beyond 'they are just being sore losers'. 


What kind of High Supreme Justice just hands over an execution order without trial or anything?  :o

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.


Even Boulderblast was nerfed, I don't know how a skill like boulderblast could be allowed years later. You would think how many times it was abused by Val would prevent a skill from being introduced like that again.

Re: Lusternian AMA

Uzriel said:
Don't actually live in the forests so not really my org's roleplay (and I assume this is more a Serenwilde thing than a Glomdoring thing), but one lore thing that bothers me is that the fae generally seem to lean much more heavily on the silly whimsical side - at least from what I've seen.  I would love to see them a bit closer to the real life stories that have inspired them. Amoral while not not necessarily being malevolent, its just don't really care if their pranks happen to hurt people along the way, but with a love for deals and trickery.
Definitely agree there. It might seem like there's more obviously a place for trickery in Glomdoring, but we've got plenty of room for something a shade darker in Serenwilde as well imagery-wise, with how the moon is constantly shifting her face.

Re: Lusternian AMA

I love Magnagoran lore - the Demon Lords, the nobility, the embracing of this huge catastrophic event and holding their head high despite everyone else hating them is something I really enjoy. There's so many threads to tug and so many possibilities on what sort of character to be and evolve to become, all still fitting well into theme. 

I really love most of all the Elder Wars as far as histories go. Anything to do with the gods before returning is fascinating and awesome and I always love learning more.