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Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

@Parhelion don't retire.

This is one of the least "us vs. them" decisions/compromises that have ever been made, and it's a mentality I wish more people in the game would adopt.

We are a small community and it's really unfortunate that so many people have so much animosity towards the "other side" outside of legitimate roleplay.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

The only part of Ayisdra's post I agree with at the moment is that I don't like the idea of a 'special' aspect to it as in 'we're elevating this person to be in a category of their own that will never be replicated'. 

I actually totally am fine with Ixion being raised, but I think any event should be using the current seal, or that a discharge from the seal Ixion did win happens. 

On the other hand if this is setting that precedent that if something goes catastrophically wrong in the future, we do have the option of falling back on that same special aspect, then I have no problems. There should always be a backup plan and the history and culture of a game is constantly evolving. :) 

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

Some people are just petty.

Re: Simple Ideas

Silvanos said:
Hello! I had an idea for a small quest!

(In Tolborolla, perhaps?)

A way to get a (small amount of) honey.

A NPC has a beehive! And it has smokers around it! But they can't get to the smokers for (some reason), so they need you, the adventurer, to reach them! You need to turn all of them on, so the NPC can go get a jar of honey (for you and them, I guess)

I was thinking of it as a 'lights out' puzzle in which you are trying to get all the smokers to go on at the same time and naturally, they keep turning off when you turn others on, etc.

The smokers would turn back off (reset) after so much time.

Everyone always wants honey, so this is my contribution to the 'we need honey' ideas.

going to quickly ask whether you mean 'honey' or 'honecomb'?

Re: Simple Ideas

@Luce I think it's honeycomb that everyone is so much wanting, but basically the answer is "What honey comm is everyone trying to get more of? It's that one."

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

I can't believe how many people are pinning their enjoyment of the game to making Ixion lose.  :D

edit; Re: Synl, I think (and this is my personal interpretation) Choros thought that you guys did that because you genuinely wanted him to win, not that you just wanted Ixion to lose. If I were in his shoes and realized that people don't actually liked me, they just hated the other guy so much...I would similarly do what he's thinking of doing.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Choros don't retire. At least, wait a week, then revisit your decision. 💯 you are allowed to feel the way you do, but using language like 'dont be my friend anymore' to (some) of the same people who took time out of their day to raise you, wrote scripts for you, etc is loaded and surely you see that?

Re: supporting Choros vs Suppressing the other side. Why would Glom help Halifax icly? Part of the RP was to ensure an alliance, yes, but definitely part of the RP is to suppress the other side. This isn't a mark against the players being super spiteful or something, it's the legitimate RP. Unsure why that seems so ludicrous an idea.

For the admins, this is... Questionable management. You have made people happy temporarily, but rolling back decisions in this manner has opened you up to a lot of future losses. Essentially,any time you do not listen to players and roll back things in their favor, you are going to probably lose them. A company that shows weakness like this, well, good luck.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Orael said:

I know the decision made today has upset a lot of you. I really do feel that it is what's best for Lusternia moving forward, and I do hope that those of you who are upset will continue to stick around and trust that while you may not agree with all the decisions we make, that we are earnestly trying to do our best for -everyone- as a whole. We will continue to listen to your views and criticism and opinions.

This is something I'm having trouble with.  I saw the reason for the War decision; it basically describes exactly the same situation, where a game issue affected both teams and arguably changed the outcome.  Emails about game concerns have gone un-responded to for quite a while now.  When you just make decisions without even attempting to get (edit: more than 2) player('s) input, and when the decisions feel completely and entirely arbitrary / contradictory (which these do), it's incredibly hard to trust in the earnestness of it.  I want to, but every decision / lack of response (which is itself a decision) just makes it harder and harder to do so.
I feel like you could have made this a lot more of a community-accepted-as-a-whole instead of a half-and-half-divide with something like "We'll make Ixion the equivalent of a free VA," for example.  Another person floated giving him a medallion so he doesn't have to compete in any trials next year.  I'm sure that there would / could have been many other ideas put out that aren't just "hey you get a TA and you get a TA."  You could have done something that wasn't just undermining the concept of a competition.  Asked for input, said "Hey, we really feel like this was unfair, we want to take a break from past precedent and chart a new path, what would you all think about that and how can we go about it?"  Tried to make at least something approaching a consensus instead of just hammering home the division that exists in Lusternia.  Mute criticism by being actively transparent and involving people vs. what we got.
Personally though, I was on team "Certain players were pushing for delaying Ascension further before it even began."  I strongly feel that was the right call.  As you say, it's too late now, and that's too bad.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

It is clear that people view Ascension in different lights. Many of us see it as 'don't let the other side win'. Their playing to not let Ixion win isn't wrong. Just as playing to raise your Sealbearer isn't wrong either. It is a competition. That means 1 winner. Having there be 2 winners means that there is no point. That's not a competition. Should it be more about the RP and 'sealing away Ketheru'? Perhaps, but that's not why some people play. That's not what Ascension is to a lot of people in the combat sphere.

Doing this, even if you are changing the events for 2021 and onward, soils it and the trust in the admin. Why not just reward the first place prize in all contests to first and second then? This decision sets a precedent for all future competition (be it Seal, Ascension, or otherwise) that getting close enough in second place means you should get rewarded top prize as well. This decision was arrived at with consulting only 2 people. That's not the game. That's not even the major leaders on both sides. If more than just Choros and Ixion were consulted, that would be fair. Of course Ixion is going to say yes. And Choros is put in the tough spot of either being the person who says 'no sorry, you can't share this with me' or 'sorry team, I know most of you played to stopped Ixion, but we now share the win'. It is a lose-lose question. All this shows is that if you want to be rewarded for being on a losing end, just complain enough until the admin cave and give you want you want.

It has been said that Ixion will get TA and a special event to go along with it. This is just more salt to the wound. It will be even worse if he is claimed as a TA of Time like it seems like it will be. Even if there are no domoth powers to Time, having him be the first and only TA of Time would be an insult. Could I be wrong? Absolutely, but any sort of special TA-ness is just wrong and makes Ixion seem like the actually winner over Choros.

Would saying no one wins this year be better, that the Time Seal destroys Parhelion and leaves Choros back in his mortal body, and there is no TA this year? Perhaps, who can say with all the tensions as high as they are.

Re: Simple Ideas

This idea is beautiful and pure. There's already a beekeeper in Tolborolla, too. 

Vaboz Bumble? If that's right I need a medal.