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Re: Descriptions: From Divines to Mortals, and Beasts, and Items, and Mobs, and Places!

Tantus got all spiffied up for a certain wedding, and I just love him so:

Fur as white as powdered sugar covers the burly form of this tae'dae in a sleek and shiny coat that
positively tempts with its softness. Obviously well-fed, Tantus is immediately characterised by both
his tall, broad-shouldered frame and his rather prominent, rotund stomach. His eyes, bright blue,
gleam with a perpetual sense of mirth and mischief, the smooth planes of his broad muzzle pulled
upward into a ready smile. A sharply-tailored suit has been coerced to fit his ponderous frame; the
neatly-creased shoulders of his jacket are a vividly royal blue, fading slowly down his sleeves and
torso into a rich navy. His trousers continue the ombre shading from navy into perfectly sable black
at their hems before terminating in a pair of enormous, shining black dress shoes. His jacket is
left unbuttoned over a crisp black shirt and vest, straining against his rounded gut, while a
cheerily rainbow-hued tie is knotted somewhat askew at his throat. A pocket square of the same vivid
hues peeks out at his breast, astride which a faintly-scented rose of immaculate white fondant has
been carefully affixed to his lapel.

Re: Simple questions?

Alright! I asked on the Discord and it was a big mystery (not a player/deceased player, can't find any mentions of name in help files or library)
ASHOP 640  A worn cameo of the ancients         
Carved from marble that is yellowed from age and striated with veins of green, blue and black, this cameo has the silhouette of an ancient figure hidden beneath a thick cowl and long robes. As the cameo is turned in the light, the figure flickers and turns along with the movement, revealing a glimpse beneath the cowl of different races. Each time the cameo is turned, a different race appears. Beneath the figure in flowing script are the words, "In Memory of Khaphetu".
WHOMST. Is Khaphetu? It seems like super interesting lore there, considering all the other cameos (sans basic-one) are org-linked and this one is clearly not. 


(The Myeran Community): Jolanthe (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Can't influence a fox either."

(The Myeran Community): Jolanthe (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Apparently I don't know what the fox says."

Re: Interactive Timeline for All Orgs

This is a fantastic idea, but it's unfortunately not something we would be able to maintain and support.

We do have timelines on the back end - I'm pretty sure we've talked about that elsewhere! The main reason we don't release them publicly is that we are constantly adding to them, sometimes revising them (where it makes sense), and generally maintaining them. We have separate timelines for separate areas of history and they are, in many cases, huge. But we don't have timelines for 100% of everything lore wise. In some instances, the information is scattered - and often an admin will undertake a project to unify some of this together. That's how several of our existing timelines were formed, by people wanting to work in an area and finding it necessary to bring that information together to do it more easily.

It's really valuable to us to have that flexibility. If there is a public timeline, it gives less room for us to add those things or modify it. We lose the ability to give depth to history in the future, because it would be wrong to go "this timeline is public and canon but also we might change it when needed". It would reduce our storytelling ability and thus the depth of the lore we can bring to you.

This is not to say that you won't gain anything from working on a timeline of history yourself. You might find it super interesting to hunt out all the dates you can get, and it would make a really cool scholarly book! But I'm afraid we won't be producing an 'official' one.

Re: Races Across The Basin: Fixing Nouns

As part of our ongoing inclusivity project, one of the things we've looked at is the diversity of our races that have skin. To do this, one of our wonderful volunteers has gone through and audited every single mobile in Lusternia that has skin. Yes, they are an absolute hero.

When they got to humans, they identified 179 human aliased mobiles in Lusternia. However, there are nearly 900 that are in the situation you describe - labelled just (wo)man/villager/similar. Adding an alias is a relatively simple process, but it is one that only some admin have (it's tied into higher level building permissions) so the number of people who can do it is limited. On top of the volume, that means this is actually a pretty daunting project to undertake. It's actually very easy for us to identify the 'problem mobs', the work is just in actually changing them all over. 

However, this absolutely isn't meant as a discouragement. With projects like this we sometimes choose to do them piecemeal/as they're brought to us, or we do it all in one go. We're currently managing a lot of big projects across the team, so the latter is a little unlikely right now (unless someone decides they are really keen to procrastinate some other work...). Which means posting here may still help, as it might inspire individual admin to fix little bits here and there!

You are also welcome to bug it in-game if a human is missing the human alias - suggestions as Xenthos is making would be more like an idea. The distinction of 'this creature should have this alias' vs 'I'd like it if this creature had this alias'.

Hope that helps!

Re: Races Across The Basin: Fixing Nouns

Creatures in Muud (parasites, symbiotes, necrotrophs, cystodes, nematodes, trematodes, globules) should all respond to "muudbeast" too, to be consistent with "astralbeast."

Races Across The Basin: Fixing Nouns

It was brought to attention that it can be hard to find humans that respond to the noun 'human' - and I'm sure this is found in other races as well, though because humans don't have a central village outside of Stewartsville and Delport, it becomes more of an issue. So! This thread is hoping to find discrepancies across the board to have these NPCs updated to include the proper noun of their race for easy influence/hunting/crafting.

Duum - The unnamed humans in Duum, and potentially the named ones, are not listed as 'human' when probed. You have to refer to them as man, woman, or villager. This makes bashing Duum somewhat difficult with a gnomeweapon, or if you don't have something that automatically changes your target.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

To be honest, because I had only seen Gurashi once or twice beforehand I didn't even know for sure if I'd not noticed he didn't speak and didn't want to bring it up and make myself look dumb. >.> 

Re: More General RP Skillsets

I'm Necroing this thread because I still think Floristry and Archaeology would be fun to have