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Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

My reaction when people tell me not to log back in again

Re: Announce Post #3065: August Artifact Adventure

Is there any chance we can have the discount applied to upgrade costs, too?

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

It was really great, but I'm afraid I left disappointed:

Binky Tailsnap sits comfortably on Aschwar's shoulder, his little feet dangling over their chest. A look of absolute contentment crosses Binky's face as he gingerly, gingerly, places a little hand on Aschwar's furry upper back. He nods at Aschwar, and then he looks forward at the stage, mouse-kin upon tae'dae, tail lifted high in the air in joy.

 You think to yourself: Those two better kiss before this play is over.

Re: Announce Post #3065: August Artifact Adventure

Is the goop "sticky", or not? Might affect purchase decisions and would be nice to know.

Re: Question for All Orgs: What are some professions/occupations?

On Magnagora you left out serf/laborer. There's lots of nameless cogs to keep the Engine running.

Re: What are you reading?

Coraline said:
Eritheyl said:
Coraline said:
Resurrecting this thread to say...

House of Leaves... Boy what a ride.

(Still got a bit over 100 pages left)
Bought that years ago, but I never had the courage to dive in past the first quarter or so. Everyone says great (and concerning) things, but to this day I just can't commit!
It was a bit daunting at the beginning for sure. I actually bought this on February/March and had left it at halfway during May when I had work stuff that made me busy. Only recently picked it back up, and the second half I found a much faster read (don't know if it's because it got easier to read or because I got used to the craziness, but a major part was that the plot gets super exciting at halfway!)
Coraline was sending me frantic updates via Discord DMs, since I've read the book ...3 times now? Definitely gets VERY. EXCITING. HALFWAY THROUGH. My favorite scary love story. Everyone should try reading it once. Heck when Cora finishes I might go give it a re-read myself...

Re: Question for All Orgs: What are some professions/occupations?

Esei said:
I would not say 'ritualist' is specific for communes. Several people in cities (more specifically Gaudiguch) have used the title that I'm aware of. Not sure about priest(ess), which is also used for high-ranked people or NPCs in certain Orders.

(Unless that's not what you mean, Saran, then feel free to disregard.)

A few others that came up after, when I was thinking about this thread, were librarian, scholar, archivist, bookbinder, (literally all the trades), guard, and possibly cartographer.
Hmm, yeah no I didn't mean anything was Serenwilde specific but more that there's a general role of "Someone whose role is as a religious/spiritual guide/connection to the Wilde/one of the Spirits of the Wilde" and what term is used is kinda based on the Spirit and the group?

So, inside Serenwilde, Priest/ess just feels specific to me cause it immediately translates to that role in connection to Moon as part of the Coven.

But other groups with a similar role, even connected to Moon, might call it something different. For example, someone with the same role in a tribe connected to Moon might be a Shaman, Witch Doctor, Conduit, or some kinda poetic title (I've seen Howler at the Moon). 

Ritualist is just the title/role that kinda comes to mind as more generic and encompassing for all those different permutations. 

Re: Question for All Orgs: What are some professions/occupations?

Tridemon said:
Lucidan polishers, Forren-statue dusters, water-lily waterers, fountain cleaners, rat chasers, koi feeders

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

insightful: "whoa"
agree: "yeah"
like: "haha"
heart: "awww"

you're welcome