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Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

I love your stuff and it's very inspirational.  <3

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

I am amused by the implication that Gurashi steals your coffee.

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

"Pet the puppy!"
'Do NOT pet the puppy.'

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

Not enough Heart buttons

Re: What are you listening to at the moment?

Ah, I assumed it wasn't working because it used to show the video in the edit box. So weird.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

Sapphira said:
Order RP, looooooove it. 
I was going to wait before posting, but yeeees. RP, delicious new lore, and puzzles! Plus its been a good opportunity to teach too.

Re: Announce Post #3065: August Artifact Adventure

To upgrade a (insert org stereotype) cameo to a changeling intaglio will cost 600 credits.

Yesssssss. <3 Orael, Aonia, and everyone else.