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Re: What do you see as more important right now: Economy Fix or Defense Overhaul?

I could be in the minority here, but I haven't fielded a single complaint about defenses in my time. What are the issues with them, exactly?

Also, the specific issues with the economy are not just "older players make more money". This is and will be an understood truth no matter what comes of overhauling it, because that's just The Way Things Work, and that's fine to an extent. Our economy may not be Aetolia levels of broken (assuming it hasn't been fixed since I've visited last), but it will be if left unaddressed. I for one don't want to see herbs selling for 1gp per, or potions selling for less than it costs to make them.

Re: What do you see as more important right now: Economy Fix or Defense Overhaul?

Defence upkeep and stancing/parrying would be nice, sure. But right now, the state of the economy is bad. I know there are some people who have hoarded millions of gold and can earn millions of gold a day and can sell things for super cheap who disagree that the economy is bad -- this is likely because those people don't remember what it's like to be a newbie or midbie, struggling to earn gold.

Is earning gold hard? Not especially, if you spend your entire day doing it, but who wants to do that?

Further, there are so many things you just cannot find enough of in the Aetherplex, or in city shops. City shops? Not even that useful anymore. You can't earn a profit in those, because of people who undercut so badly. People who can aethertrade (i.e., have Tailoring, Jewellery or Cooking, the power to do it, the commodities to do it, the time to do it, etc) earn extra gold that way, which further inflates the gold issue and makes some items grossly undervalued that should be more and others exorbitantly valuable that should be less by limiting the tradeskills people have (unless they're lucky and choose to have multiple ones; as a demigod who also values combat powers, I can't take SecondTradeskill, so I have to pick between aethertrading and a useful tradeskill).

We've had this argument before in the Discord, and the response was usually "Well, just do X." but as a newbie or midbie, sometimes you cannot 'just do X'. The economy needs to be fixed for non-demigods/non-aethertraders who want to make a profit in their shops to afford things like credits so they can improve themselves.

AC functions fine right now. The upkeep/stancing/parrying can come later.

Re: Simple Ideas

Can there just be a way to toggle huge ASCII things like fireworks off, without turning all of screenreader mode on?

Re: General Dissatisfaction

PEOPLE. @Arix, @Parhelion, that's not the public posts she was talking about!

...But sure Parhelion, you can have my vote.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

A huge rave to all the Magnagorans who submitted articles to me for the compendium. Lets make this a yearly thing!

Re: Lusternian AMA

Eve said:
Terentia said:
I am the Questionmaster.

1.  A lot of people. Early on there was a lot of influence from Druken, Xenthos, Synl, Eliron, Calesta, Xiel, and Liam.
              How did I almost forget Hyrtakos?

Who can forget Lord Tacos!

Re: Lusternian AMA

Terentia said:
I am the Questionmaster.

  1. Who has been a lasting influence on your character, player-wise? 
  2. Do you have any OOC direct inspirations (characters from literature, games, etc.) for your character? If so, who or what are they? If not, where do you draw inspiration for how you think about your character?
  3. What is one current denizen that you would like to know more about? 
  4. For those of you who are leaders (either of guilds or cities/communes), how do you stay motivated to continue doing the work that you do?
  5. When you are not in-game, do you ever get ideas for designing, roleplay, etc.? Where or how do you keep them? In your head? A notepad beside your computer? Other places?
  6. Show me your favorite design from another player (or at least, not designed by you)!
1 - @Janalon 1000%, she basically kept me in the game and cultivated my interest in lore. Also @Rancoura because #rpgoals
2 - basically Master Iroh
3 - Cle Lenaue, also the Papaxian Woman.
4 - A desire to have everything in its right place for other players so people can enjoy themselves the way they want, especially clear structures in organizations (Afollia and Rancoura will attest to this). IRL I'm basically ride-or-die for Zvoltz.
5 - I have a huge folder of notepad files.
6 - I have a soft spot for custom pets. I'm a Bizirik fan, love Nivn'falsia (by Rancoura) and have newly discovered @Azula's flippin' awesome mist whale.

Re: Lusternian AMA

Sapphira said:
1) Uzriel from the start as her mentor, then friend and husband, and Kailanna as someone who Sapphira very much wants to emulate and admires. Such poise, so fabulous, such wits! Also people like Ixion and more recently Akyaevin who helped newb-Sapphira feel useful in conflict and have that never say die attitude. Definitely something Sapphira has caught too.

How did I forget Ixion. He was a huge influence on game mechanics like pk, quests, and in general. Also Mag was doing a little quiz looong ago before ascension events even started and Uzriel won, Ixion making a joke about the next knowledge seal winner that have proven prophetic.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

@Lysandus, @Drastrath, @Dys, @Afrit, @Mboagn, @Vyell and others - combat raves! For years and years it's been so much easier to just say "lol I'm a non-com" than to really commit to putting the work into learning, but I'm having a blast with the back and forth of trying out new things, even as I work on rebuilding my knowledge base of the easy stuff. My deaths will still be plentiful and likely embarrassing, but I'm having such a good time of it now as opposed to just throwing my hands up!

Re: General Dissatisfaction

The latest public posts in game leave me with a really bad taste in my mouth. I feel like they crossed a line but I don't have a personal stake in it and I'm pretty sure I'm missing something that makes it worse.
Sounds like a lot of assumptions about what you think the intention was, and that you think the people involved should take the fairly arbitrary opinions of others about their rp-relationship as a personal attack. I suppose that's always an option, but so is... not doing that. In the worst case imagining of what the public posts could mean(whatever that might be), I still don't understand how it could be offensive outside of the game.